While traveling around blogland yesterday and today, Peggy and I came upon two separate blogs requesting prayer regarding the same person--Mrs. Jackie.
I read about this at A Pair of Bartletts, and I'm posting this prayer request on behalf of Jen. Mrs. Jackie was an employee with Jen, and she went home to be with Jesus a few days ago after being hospitalized with a mysterious illness. She lost the battle with the illness, but she won her victory in the Lord!
Jen is requesting prayer for Mrs. Jackie's seven children and all of her grandchildren for strength as they go through their grieving and mourning process.
In addition, Jen has shared regarding her father-in-law. He has been hospitalized with a serious heart condition complicated with other health issues. Jen's husband, Rob, and his father have just been reunited after 36 years of separation. Unfortunately, they are 14 hours apart in travel time and cannot be with Rob's father during this time of illness. I have just received word from Jen that Rob's father was released from the hospital today.
Please join me in prayer for both of these families:
I lift up to You Mrs. Jackie's children and grandchildren as they lean on You during their mourning and grieving of the loss of their mother and grandmother. May they rest in the blessed assurance that she is now resting peacefully in your arms. What a comfort to be able to say this!! Knowing that she is with You! Help each of her children and grandchildren to feel Your presence during this time, comforting them through Your Word, feeling Your embrace around each one of them. I ask for prayer and comfort for all who were touched by Mrs. Jackie's life in whatever capacity. Let them celebrate Mrs. Jackie's life in You, Lord!
I also pray for Jen and Rob during this time of Rob's father's illness. I pray that You bring healing to Rob's Dad. How difficult this must be for Jen and Rob--to finally be reunited with his family and then to be so far away during a time of illness. Give Jen and Rob Your comfort, Lord, Your peace, knowing that Rob's Dad rests in You, has total faith in You. I ask for continued healing for Rob's Dad as he has returned home from the hospital.
Help this family to stay united even with all the miles apart. Keep them in close contact with one another so that they may grow even closer together in You.
We praise You and bless Your Holy Name!!
In Your Son's most precious name, I pray,
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PRAYER for Our Nation
This was shared in an email from the Presidential Prayer Team:
Declaration of Independence Signer
George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States
"Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --
This prayer of George Washington appears in St. Paul's Chapel in New York City.
Our Nation


On our National Day of Prayer, then, we join together…to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing.
-President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)
-President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)
Father, I join Beth in lifting up
the family & friends that Mrs Jackie touched while they grieve.
I thank You for her life & her homecoming!
Thank You for Kristi & her husband as they sang today, that Your Presence & message was ministering to everyone there through the song of "Legacy" and "When I Get Where I'm Going". Surely there is rejoicing as she honored You with her life. Help all who are mourning. Turn their sadness into good memories of her life, her smile & generous heart. Erase their tears & bring them Your joy & comfort! I hope that Rachel was well enough to be able to attend the funeral with her family.
LORD, I place Rachel in Your hands, just as Kristi does as they cling to You placing their hope & trust in You! Give Rachel release from these excruciating headaches. If at all possible, move her appointment date from March 12th to a date that's sooner for the Pediatric
Neurologist! We know that all of this is in Your control and hands!
We thank You that nothing is too difficult for You! We ask for You to ease the pain & give the family wisdom as they seek medical treatment for Rachel. You are her Great Physician! The medicine for Rachel's pain was making her nauseous and I pray that she now has adjusted.Thank You Lord that Rachel is in Your capable hands!
Nothing is too difficult or impossible for You! Great & Mighty are You to save! Your Grace & Unfailing Love is amazing!
I praise You, Lord for all that You will do in Jesus' Name!
Lord Jesus,
I come before You again for Denise's husband, Eddie! I ask for a speedy recovery for him! I thank You that Denise is able to be there for him as he is there for her.
Thank You for her dad understanding and agreeing to go to church this coming Sunday! I ask Lord that You would make this happen. This is the 3rd attempt for this reunion at church between Denise & her dad!
Ease Denise Lord as much as possible to be comfortable.
Take away all anxieties from her.
Cover Denise with Your protection & love as she once more prepares herself for this day!
Thank You for healing for both her & Lovebug! In Jesus Precious Name!
Thank You Lord for Denise's faithful prayers! Thank You for her heart seeking You & restoration that You are making available to her & her dad! Bless Your Holy Name! Jehovah-Rophe! The Lord that
Lord, please bring much comfort to the family of Mrs. Jackie. Let her beautiful legacy live on. I ask for relief from the pain that dear Rachel has been having with the headaches. Please let her be able to get a quick appointment with the neurologist. Continue to watch over Peggy and Beth. Heal my husband from his illness. I love You Lord.
Blessed Lord,
I thank You for Beth & her heart for You! I ask You to continue to bring healing to her & wisdom in taking care of this illness! Thank You for the rest You have provided
for her. Restore her completing!
Give her strength & power to work!
Keep her safe as she travels to her work. Allow her understanding and patience at her work with patients and co-workers. Make them willing to carry their load & be responsible. Continue to protect Beth and keep her away from engaging in any talk not of you!
Close her ears to what they say!
Holy Lord...I lift Jen & Rob to You! Thank You for being with Rob's father during his hospital stay and bringing him safely home. Please continue to keep them close though
their physical distance is far apart. Bring Your Comfort and peace to Jen & Rob! Thank You for continual healing for his father.
All glory, honor & praise is Yours!
My Father,
I thank you that I am feeling well today after the illness with strep throat. Thank you for the wisdom and guidance of my doctor.
I am still feeling fatigued, and I ask You for the energy to work a full day of work today. You know I am training yet another new person in our office. Please grant me patience in this!
I thank You for Peggy who encourages and supports me through prayer, and I pray that I may be an encouragement and support to her also. Please continue to ease her financial burden
as she does Your work in Mexico.
I continue to lift Jen and Rob to You, Lord, and the continued healing of Rob's father. May they remain in close contact with one another after years of separation.
I pray for comfort for Mrs. Jackie's family and all those she touched throughout her time here on earth, especially her children and grandchildren. May they feel Your comforting presence with them on this day.
I continue to pray for Denise in her reuniting with her father. Ease her anxieties and fears over this, Lord. Let this be a joyful occasion for all.
I pray that Eddie continues to heal in his illness and is able to return to work quickly. Please continue to provide financially for them as You have in the past.
And, Lord, I ask that You place Your healing hands upon Denise, my sister in Your Son. Grant her relief from her health problems. Guide her doctors and all that care for her with Your wisdom, Lord.
Please lead and guide me through this day, Lord and help me to see others as You see them.
In Jesus' Name I pray,
I copied this from Jennifer's blog
Urgent Prayer Request!
One of our local family physicians is in extremely critical condition this morning at The Med, our trauma center in Memphis, TN where he was airlifted.
Around 8 AM, he was going to his car...they don't know if he was at the car, opening the door of the car or had gotten in the car and started it when the car exploded. This happended in his driveway at his home.
He drives a Lexus hybrid. It is unknown at this time if it was a car bomb or something to do with the hybrid car itself. The local police are "hoping" it had something to do with the engine of this hybrid.
The ATF and FBI have been brought in to investigate the explosion.
This man is a wonderful, caring physician, Christian who is always doing things for his community.
Please pray for God's hand to be upon him and his precious family...wife and 2 children.
Heavenly Father, So much senseless tragedies in this world but You are
in control. Change the outcome of this to glorify You and send Miracles with Your Might for this physician in TN. You know the circumstances and the condition! We
cry out to You, to wrap Your loving arms around his precious family, his wife and children. Bring Your Grace & Mercies to that hospital for this Christian physician. You, oh Lord are His Healer! You are the
Miracle worker for this man who has
given years of his life to healing in Your Name, please do this for him & his family. Give wisdom and the best medical care! Send Your healing powers to the hands of his care. Take care of his family! Bring comfort & ease their fears.
We lift this physician to Your Loving Healing hands that Your unfailing love will bring triumph from this tragedy and he will not suffer. Lord, we place every aspect in Your Loving hands and trust in You for the outcome!Send healing on the wings of Your Spirit now to the trauma center & rescue this father, this man, this physician as You draw close to him & his family! Your grace is sufficient! Guard each & every heart & home in Jesus' Name I pray!
Dear Lord, thank You for ministering to Peggy today and helping her to understand that You are to be in control and she is to rest in You. For giving her peace that surpasses all understanding as she let's go and hold's on.
Oh Father we lift up this Christian DR and this tragedy he has been dealt. Oh Dear Lord, please see that he is not in great pain with the injuries he has suffered. Give the medical team Your wisdom to heal this man that loves you. Thank You Lord that his wife and young children were not also in or near the car, but help them to trust and believe in YOU and your mercy. Give the FBI and the authorities to find out the exact cause of this explosion and if it's vehicle related we lift up all the hybrids out there now and ask that You place a hedge of pratection around them until a recall can be issued and the problem fixed.
We can not even begin to understand why things happen in this world, and to good people that love YOU, but we can hold onto the fact that NOTHING takes You by surprise, You see the beginning and the end and You will ALWAYS take care of Your children in whatever way YOU KNOW is best for us.
Thank You, in the name of Jesus, who suffered, died and rose again that we might have HOPE eternal and everlasting LIFE. AMEN
My Heavenly Father,
My son has just seen on CNN that Dr Pierce's car exploded as a result of a terrorist attack.
My God, I pray that whatever prompted this bombing be brought to a halt in Your Name.
A prayer vigil is being held for Dr. Pierce this evening, and it is being said that it will be a miracle if he survives. Lord, You are the maker of miracles, and I pray that You guide the doctors and all who are caring for Dr. Pierce with Your wisdom, giving them the knowledge that they need to treat him. Lead them through the surgeries that are required to mend Dr. Pierce's broken body. You are the Great Healer and maker of miracles, and we're praying for a miracle for this physician now.
I pray that he is spared a lot of pain during this ordeal. Protect his wife and children and fill them with Your peace, Your comfort. Let their spirits not be broken by this tragedy, but fill them with Your hope and love.
We know, Lord, that You know all, see all, and we cannot even begin to understand such senseless acts such as this. Lead us, Lord, lead us. For even though Dr. Pierce and his family are suffering through this terrible tragedy, You would have us forgive the ones who performed this act.
Help us to hold in our hearts that justice will be brought by You.
We know You are a loving God, but that You also seek justice.
I pray for Dr. Pierce's healing, a miracle, Lord.
I lift this prayer to You, My Father, in the Name of Your Son, who came to live on this earth and died for us so that we may have hope and eternal life.
Dear Lord, please bring a miracle to Dr. Pierce, heal his body. Bring peace and comfort to his family, stay close by their side. I pray that justice will be done in this tragedy, that those who did this terrible thing, will fall upon their knees, and seek You. Amen
February 5, 2009 12:00 AM
UPDATE from Jennifer's

Through the Storm
~Another Update on Dr. Pierce~
The latest update as of the 10 o'clock news tonight is that he is stable. The family spokesperson said tonight that the news has gotten better with each report throughout the day. He is expected to survive, which is much better than anyone expected this morning.
He suffered severe burns to his face and the sight in his left eye is in jeopardy. His right eye sight is in tact and appears to be okay at this time. As a loved and amazing physician, his eyesight is very important and vital to continue doing what he loved, which is taking care of others. Most reports also state that he received severe burns to his hands and feet, as well as, shrapnel to the abdomen that had to be surgically removed.
The reports tonight state that there was a spare tire laying under the front driver's side bumper and the bomb was underneath it. When he bent over to lift it to move it, the bomb exploded. It is clear that this man was targeted but the motive is not clear. He is the chairman of the Arkansas State Medical Board and it is assumed that it has something to do with decision that Dr. Pierce made as chairman of the Medical Board that licenses and disciplines physicians in Arkansas.
Everyone who knows Dr. Pierce...loves him. He is a very kind, gentle and devoted physician, husband, father and friend. It is beyond any one's comprehension as to who or why someone would want to harm or kill Dr. Pierce.
As you can only imagine the long road head for him and his family...it will be painful and grueling to say the least. I personally think about the feeling of being threatened, your world turned upside down, your peace of mind destroyed and life as you knew it will never be the same.
However, as bad as this is...it didn't catch God by surprise and His hand has been on Dr. Pierce and his family throughout this entire day. God is in control. We serve an awesome, mighty, peace restoring, strength renewing and healing God!
Please continue to pray for healing for Dr. Pierce, his sight to be fully restored, pray against infection and that he will feel God's presence with his bringing him peace. Please pray for his wife for strength, peace and comfort during the days, weeks and months ahead.
Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Thank you to each and everyone of you who are praying for this precious family who is loved by so many in our community.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
Dear Lord, please restore Dr. Pierces sight to him, and keep him safe from infection. I ask that you bring healing to his body, and mind. Give his wife sweet peace, she is so worried and stressed over all of this. Lord, I thank You in advance, for what I know You can, and will do. Amen.
My Father,
I lift up to You Dr. Pierce and his family. I thank you for guiding the physicians treating him with Your wisdom and knowledge.
He has survived the night--a miracle!! Thank you for this miracle, Lord!! Even in these times of turmoil, use this situation to lead others to You. May everyone who has been touched by this tragedy see Your hand in the healing of Dr. Pierce and give all the glory to You.
I pray for Your comfort, Your strength for the family--Dr. Pierce's wife and children--in the long days ahead in his healing process.
I ask that he feel as little pain as possible during this healing process and that his sight be restored.
I also uplift Jennifer and all those in the vicinity of this tragedy. She is understandably shaken by this occurrence as are so many others. Help Jennifer and all of us to feel Your Peace within us during this time.
We don't understand, Lord, how things like this can occur. But, let us rest in the full knowledge that You are and always will be in full control of each and every situation that is brought into our lives.
Thank you for Your Son, Jesus, who came to this earth so that we may having a closer relationship with You, coming to You with our prayers through Him.
In HIS Name I pray,
Lord, I continue to bring Dr. Pierce and his family before Your throne. Please be very close to them through this time. I also ask that You bless over dear Jennifer, she has such a heart for the needs of others. Amen
Dear Lord, Thank You for the answers to our prayers! Thank You for burdening us to keep him & his family in prayer. Thank You for each of my sister's prayers! I kneel in agreement with them. Thank You for Jennifer's heart and calling this to our attention & keeping us alert & updated! Protect everyone in Jesus' Name.
Please continue to do MIRACLES with Dr. Pierce! Be with him and his family throughout this ordeal with peace, comfort, reassurance, strength, forgiveness, restoration, complete healing, protection and anything that they will need to recover from this horrific, senseless victimization! Find the person responsible and bring justice & help for this person!
Thank You Lord for my sisters standing together in prayer for Dr. Pierce & one another!
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