If you've already visited and read the introduction, the prayer requests, praises and responses. please scroll down to January 24, 2009.
First, I want to share with you a little, so bear with me:
When I see a lighthouse, I think of God--standing tall, firm, faithful, always there, never failing in His love for us. He is a never wavering fortress in our lives--the good times when the seas are calm and also when the storms coming beating down upon us.
He is guiding the light for us to follow, even through the fog and mist when we cannot see or hear Him clearly.
How do we communicate with our God? Through prayer.
How many times do we say to others, "I'll keep you in my prayers".
Do you have people in your life who are actively praying for you--for your needs, for your requests to God, rejoicing with you in your praises to God?
Jesus came to this earth not only to show us how to lead and conduct our lives, to sacrifice Himself so that we could have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with Him, but to bridge the gap between man and God. He intercedes for us with God. His ministry on this earth lasted only 3 short years, but He is still interceding for us some 2000+ years later!!
Praying is our means of talking with God-- just like we talk with our friends--telling them what is going on in our life--what we're joyful about, what we're sorrowful about, what's happening with our friend that we're concerned about.
God is the source of change in our lives--only He has the power, might and strength to change the future. He is the sole history maker. But, we can be an active part of this history change through prayer to God. He hears us. He is just waiting for us to come to Him, to talk to Him.
This is going to be an interactive prayer request-comment conversation with God.
All you need to do is post a comment with a prayer request--something that is pressing in your life, whatever has been imprinted upon your heart that you feel the need or want others to pray along with you, a praise of whatever has made you joyful that you would like to share so that others can rejoice with you, an answer from God for something that you have been praying about.
Now, here's the really important part--those who stop by and read your prayer request will leave a PRAYER for you--not a comment--the specific PRAYER that they have said for you. And you have the opportunity to leave a comment as a PRAYER for others.
Jesus intercedes for us, and we will be interceding for others!!
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited about this!!
January 24, 2009
I received a gift yesterday in the mail--one that I didn't see until this morning because I forgot to pick up the mail. This was sitting on my dining room table when I awoke this morning. This is a deck of Scripture playing cards that was gifted to me through a friend by someone I don't even know.
I randomly picked a card this morning, and here is the verse displayed on the jack of diamonds:

I have to ask myself, what better way is there to show our love for God and for others than through prayer? Please continue to leave your prayer requests, praises and responses in the form of a prayer. Let's lift up our praises to God and intercede for others!
As I begin my day, I lift up my praises to You--You are my King, my all. I worship You for being who You are, the great I AM. I realize that I can do nothing, be nothing in this life on earth without You by my side, guiding and directing me. Help me to always hear Your voice clearly so that I may know and follow Your will and plans for me this day.
I again lift up my children to You asking that You bring them to You so that they may know the full extent of Your love, Your sacrifice for us and accept You as their Savior. I ask this with full confidence that this is Your will for them, trusting and knowing that You will use others in their lives to plant the seeds of life in them. Help me to always be a living example of You to them by my daily words and actions.
I thank you for the opportunity this afternoon to gather with two close friends for conversation, lunch and laughter. How much we need laughter in our lives!! Thank you, God, for laughter and placing this emotion into us during our creation.
Thank you for my tears of joy, tears that I could not cry for so many years. Now they flow freely, not in sadness but in my joy of knowing You, knowing of Your love for me and Your great sacrifice for me. Am I deserving of this sacrifice? Are any of us? We are still sinners, Lord, still in our sinful ways . And yet You still urge us to come to You, to seek forgiveness.
I come to you this morning asking forgiveness of my sins--some that I have committed knowingly and others that I have committed unknowingly. Please forgive me of gossiping. How easy it is to get caught up in the talking about others when we are more than likely doing the same thing. Help me to stand tall and walk away from conversations that are degrading to others, Abba, and instead seek Your attitude in loving them.
Show me how to love the "unlovable".
I thank you, Lord, for all you have provided for me on a daily basis. I have my job while others have none. I have food while others have none. I have a place to live while others are homeless.
You have given me a mission, Abba, a mission to help others who have less than me. Please guide and direct me and the others involved in this mission so that we may bring Your mission to fulfillment to help those in need.
All of this I bring to You in the Name of Your Son, my Savior--Jesus Christ.
Dear heavenly Father, thank You for a brand new day full of promise. I love You so very much, more each day. Please bless my friend Beth today as she spends some time with two friends. I pray that she will be blessed, and be a blessing. Please watch over her children, lead their footsteps. Thank You. Amen
Dear gracious Heavenly Father, I thank you for your grace, mercy and love. I ask heavenly Father that you grant unto my sister, Marsha, strenght, peace, rest, and good health as she ministers to our mom and stepfather during the last days of his life. May she be able to line up all the necessary home health and transportation needs for them at this time. May she be able to meet with our cousin so she can have a few hours of fun, and not think about all the things that still need to be done before leaves to go back to her home and family. I thank you Lord, that she was able to go to their home and help them during their time of need. I give you all the praise and glory... In Jesus Pecious Name, Amen
My Father,
I join Michele in her prayers for her sister, Marsha. Please help and guide Marsha with Your strength and love during this time with her mother and stepfather. Allow her the time to rest and enjoy herself with her cousin, a time to relieve her stress and anxieties and to refresh her strength in You.
I ask You, Father, to ease the burden placed upon Marsha by helping to guide all the necessary home health care situations smoothly into place.
I thank you for the safe travel you granted to Marsha from her home to her mother and stepfather's home. Help her to be a source of comfort to both of them, as I know she is. Place peace upon her and her mother's heart during this very difficult time.
I, also pray for Michele, far away and wanting to be with her mother and stepfather, too. Please help Michele to be aware of Your presence, to feel Your arms embracing her, every moment of this day. Bring Michele Your peace as she goes through this day.
In Jesus' precious Name,
I come to You this morning with praise in my heart. I've just listened to "I Know My Redeemer Lives", and I am so grateful that You have led me back to You! I thank You for speaking to me through music. You know that about me--the fact that I love music and You use this to draw me closer and closer to You.
I know that Jesus died and now lives, My Redeemer, My Savior, My Comforter, My Friend. But, there are so many who do not.
The name my mother gave me at my birth--Beth--Hebrew--means promise from God. Help me to fulfill Your promises in me. Give me the vision and the strength to follow You wherever you lead me. My promise to You, God--I will follow and I will go--just lead me, direct me, let me hear Your voice clearly.
I ask that you use me THIS DAY to show just one other person of Your love, Your hope, Your salvation--just one.
Show me who that person is, Lord, and do not let me hesitate to share Your Good News with them.
I continue to pray for all those who have left prayers here, and I pray for your continued blessings upon this venture that you set me upon.
Let those who need prayer for whatever reason seek their peace in You.
I love and praise Your Holy name!!
In Jesus' most precious Name,
AmenJanuary 25, 2009 4:52 AM