"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"
Ecclesiastes 4:12

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them."
Matthew 18:20
This is meant to be an interactive blog based on a comment and response system.
PLEASE WRITE YOUR PRAYER, PRAYER REQUEST, PRAISE, THANKS in the place that would normally read comments after the most recent post, here it will read
We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers, written as a response to your petition there.
We are encouraging you all to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.
1st PETITION LIST for ending of 2010 and beginning of 2011(now closed but the #2 list is below the post to add your prayer or petition or connect to another blog that needs):
- RON (CAT scan on Monday)headache side effects of Avastin - Visit
- VICKY (Denise's sister) biopsy - Visit
- Aunt Gloria and family (Alleluiabelle)passing of her husband on Christmas day - Visit
- ELAINE - Visit
- STACY - Visit
- Billy McCotter's family:Jill, Michelle, Chris, Bobby, Danny, Ken, and the many family and friends who now have a huge void in their lives. Billy's walking with Jesus Flying High and Fighting Hard Blog - Visit
- Cindy and family (hubby went home on Christmas Eve) -Visit
- EDIE & family (total loss of home and belongings in a fire) Edie's blog is not accepting comments so you can go to The Nesting Place www.thenester.com/2010/12/life-in-grace.html There's prayerbloghop - Visit
- Alice's husband's sister (breast cancer surgery on Jan. 4th)
- Alice (numbness in toes and feet) neurosurgeon appt. in Jan. and x-ray on her back surgery from 2007, for God's healing and touch, wisdom and clearness. - Visit
- Angie (wonderful opportunity with Mission of Mercy) provision and God opening up the gates if heaven for her and XXXXXcountry - Visit
- MICEY (Uganda opportunity and commitment) God's provision and care - Visit
- Joanne Heim, The Simple Wife, fighting for her life... read updates at her blog and on Twitter - Visit
- Deborah's mother France (and then Deborah and her father as well) because her mom is making her final departure plans to go home, they are bringing her home from the hospital after battle with cancer - Visit
- Precious Elaine (last chemo treatment) - Visit
- ARIZONA; the victims, the victim's family, community, the shooter's family, healing, recovery, protection, wisdom... however God leads you - Visit
- AUSTRALIA flood victims
- Jared Loughner's mother and father - Visit
- Christina-Taylor-Green's family, friends and Tucson community (9 yr.old victim of this tragedy) - Visit
- Susana (little girl on the left here) MIBG scan today, fighting a battle, has fever, fatigue and the cancer is concern - Visit
- Fearless Friday - Visit
THIRD WEEK of January
- Joanne Heim (The Simple Wife) major stroke at 38, list is above - Visit
- Young girl soccer player(Miss C) - Visit
- Susanna (her tumors are back and worse) her family; medical decisions, etc. - Visit
- Joan (and her husband John) loss of job for him after surviving cancer and more; provision as they wait and trust God for their future - Visit
- Alleluiabelle's husband - Visit
- Spiritual Sunday's prayer list - Visit
- Fearless Friday - Visit
- Susanne's Mother in law (massive stroke) - Visit
- Debbie (had surgery for uterine cancer Jan.11th) - Visit
- Amy Wyatt's step dad Nathan (tumor found on lung) and her mom as they go through this trial - Visit
SPECIFIC REQUESTS FOR JOANNE HEIM #1 above (from Toben, her husband)
Prayer requests:
1. That in God's time Joanne would wake up. It will be impossible to tell the extent of her brain damage until she comes to. I can't tell you how I desire to look into her brown eyes again!
2. Audrey and Emma will be returning to Denver Christian school on Wednesday after having spent the last year and a half in home school. They are understandably nervous but I have the utmost confidence that they will be received lovingly. I can't think of a better environment for them.
3. Audrey and Emma are going to have to process through all of this. At this point they aren’t asking many questions or wanting to talk much at all about what is going on. They know mom's brain is hurt, that she is asleep, and that she won't get better for a long, long time. My prayer is that when they are ready to talk about it that they will feel safe and supported.
~ Toben [there are new updates and prayer requests all the time at THE SIMPLE WIFE]
CURRENT PRAYER LIST follows for you to add requests (but don't forget ALL the others above)
Thank you for lifting one another in prayer. God bless you as you pray. May His Holy Spirit fill you as you stand in the gap. You may add REQUESTS on Linky (if there is one working) or in the comments if not... but remember NO COMMENTS ~ ONLY PRAYERS please.
[Sorry but currently our Lighthouse is not being tended well daily by anyone,
yet the Almighty sees and hears each one of you as you come here to pray for someone or ask for prayer... HE IS HERE, HE IS WITH US... HE IS WITH YOU... GOD BE WITH YOU and HEAR YOUR PETITION, PRAYER, or voiceless need today ... ALL THE ABOVE ...
yet the Almighty sees and hears each one of you as you come here to pray for someone or ask for prayer... HE IS HERE, HE IS WITH US... HE IS WITH YOU... GOD BE WITH YOU and HEAR YOUR PETITION, PRAYER, or voiceless need today ... ALL THE ABOVE ...
Dear God, I know You want me to have a complete picture of the situations I face each day and to know what actions I must take to fulfill Your will for my life. Please bring intercessors and leaders into my life to hold me up in prayer and help me along the way. Likewise, help me be an intercessory prayer warrior, praying and interceding on the behalf of others around me who need prayer for special needs and daily struggles. Bless me, Lord, and enlarge my territory. Be with me and keep me from evil, that I may be a blessing to You and to those around me. In the name of my Lord and Savior I pray, Amen.
Oh Father, I don't even have the strength to pray on such days but I can feel your compassion so intensely. Oh dear Father, I ask that You embrace Billy's family with Your precious love and peace. You are our Comforter, comfort them at such a time of need. Dear Lord, thank You for giving them one more Thanksgiving, which they had prayed for, and one more Christmas with their beloved Billy. I know their hearts are aching because I don't know Billy personally and yet I cannot stop the tears. Your compassion for them is so evident in me today. The weight is almost unbearable so I take it to You. I rest in You. Too many questions unanswered but I know that we only see in part. One day we will know fully. I trust that You love Billy even more than his family loved him. I trust that You love Billy's family even more then those who prayed for them. Everything You do is rooted in love and even in this which our limited minds cannot comprehend fully, I see Your love. When my own father passed away years ago even after much faith and many prayers and promises, You revealed how much life there was in his physical death. There was more life then what I had been asking for. We fall short of all the goodness You want to bestow upon Your children. You loved my daddy more than I loved him. The healing I had in mind was not as perfect as the one You had for Him. The precious gifts that my mom and I acquired through that pain were worth it. We gained compassion, mercy, trust, patience, kindness, goodness for others who would need all that in abundance down the road we traveled and because of that today I can literally feel for Billy's loved ones. You work details too complex for us to understand. I praise You my King. I praise You. When all is said and done and when certain days bring much pain, praising You is the key. I praise You.
I ask that You use this not only for Billy's family but for all the staff and visitors and friends in that hospital who witnessed this family and their journey. Touch their lives, transform their hearts. Draw them to You. May the very peace that You bring to Billy's loved ones stir the hearts that don't know You to question Who is this that lives in them. Reveal Yourself to them. I know You will do mighty and great things among this family. I know You will use this experience for Your glory--You already do.
Thank You for Your Holy Spirit. Oh, what would we do without our Comforter at such times. Comfort these precious souls Holy Spirit. Comfort them.
Oh that mama, how I hurt for that mama. Oh Father, You see her. Quiet her. Calm her. Ease her pain supernaturally as only You can. Use her to reach other hurting mamas.
Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Holy is Your name. Thank You, Jesus.
Anonymous, God called my attention to your request. He is sending you the intercessors you requested. You reap what you sow. When you intercede for others, God already has others interceding for you and sometimes you don't even know. Today, He happens to have caught the attention of this intercessor and I am praying for you. Know that He loves you, He is well pleased in you, He has a plan for you and all of His ways are good and perfect. There is nothing to fear, nothing to doubt. He has gone ahead of you and straightened all that is crooked. You need not ask which way to turn. Just walk and the way is made clear to you by either opened or closed doors. He goes before you. Don't try to figure the day out. Just walk in trust knowing that as you walk your Father is holding your hand and He is the way. In Him all questions and needs vanish.
I pray this helps you. Thank You, Jesus.
Dear Father, bless my dear sister Peggy, let her feel my daily prayers for her. Let her know she is never forgotten, or alone. She is Your precious daughter, she is safe in the palm of Your hand. Continue to watch over her. We love You Father. Amen
Please join us in prayer for issues in:
Cote d’Ivoire (West Africa)
Presidential Elections in Cote d’Ivoire lead to dispute and violence.
Sudan (Horn of Africa)
As the January 9, 2011 referendum vote approaches, tensions are running high in Sudan. (Window International Network)
Muslims in the North are vowing to attack if the South secedes. Christians in the South - and those from the South who are living and working in the North - fear a genocidal massacre.
Pakistan (South Asia)
Christian Freedom International (CFI) request urgent prayer for Pakistan
The governor of Pakistan’s Punjab’s province was murdered today by his own security guard, angered by the governor’s support of a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy. According to CFI co-workers in Pakistan, “Governor Salman Taseer was murdered because of the blasphemy law as he tried to support Asia Bibi’s case. The guard surrendered himself and said that he only murdered Taseer because he was trying to favour Asia Bibi.”
CFI co-workers in Pakistan plead for urgent prayer. “There is a great havoc in the whole country and the condition here is so worse now for Christians. Please keep praying for Christians in Pakistan.”
Global Day of Prayer Newsletter
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You on behalf of all these precious ones. Please meet them where their needs are, help them through these hard times as only You can. We love You Dear Father. Amen
Father, I ask you for a miracle of forgiveness and reconciliation in our family. I thank You that You love my kids and grandkids even more that I do. May Your will be done and Your name glorified.
Father God, You state that if we need wisdom, if we ant to know what You want us to do, we are to ask You and You will gladly tell us. James 1:5. I thank You for Your Word that does not return to You void but accomplishes what it has been set out to do. Thank You for going on before us to make the crooked places straight and the rough patches smooth in our lives. Thank You for not leaving us destitute, but being our Help, our Salvation. Thank You Jesus for setting us free, free to be all that God has called us to be. Thank You Holy Spirit for never leaving us nor forsaking us. Thank You Holy Spirit for being our Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby and teaching us all things.
amen amen amen
Ohhh Heavenly Father, Thank You for each one of my sisters and Christ that come here and leave their heart and pieces in a prayer to You!
I stand in unity with each one! I came here yesterday and wrote a prayer but I see that the enemy took it and it never printed so once again I come before You.
I join Karen lifting up her family and all of our families but in particular for now, Karen's for forgiveness and reconciliation. You are the Greatest Reconciliator and You have forgiven us much. So we ask that that forgiveness flow through our families. We come to You for forgiveness so that nothing can block Your great benefits from coming to Karen's children and their children. We ask that forgiveness opens up their hearts, bringing repentance and forgiveness. We are in agreement Father that we must forgive to be forgiven. So in the Name of Jesus, we want You to release that Spirit of forgiveness now over them. Break through any hardness and soften hearts to receive.
Lord, You have taught us how to pray and so we come praying that way desiring to walk in forgiveness as You ordered it. Forgive us when we fail to walk in forgiveness. It is our desire to forgive others as You have forgiven us. We thank You for this!
By our act of faith, we now forgive whoever created the problems in the family, we are not looking for whom to blame but we want them to be free of any condemnation. We pray for them now and ask You to set them at liberty, free them from any bondage caused by lack of forgiveness.
Lord, even when one may suffer wrongfully, help them to be forgiving. For this is thankworthy!
Thank You for calling us to suffer in behalf of Christ but may we not walk with our heads cast down but lifted up rejoicing in the freedom that comes from each suffering to bring You glory. All who live godly in You will suffer persecution. But Lord, You suffered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow in Your steps. Teach us Your way in all things, especially in forgiveness.
Lord, when Karen's family or any of us do not forgive someone who has hurt us, we harbor hatred in our hearts or resentment begins. This is not Your way. May we always be aware lest any root of bitterness spring up within us that defiles us and others, for we do not want to defile that which You have cleansed and purified through Your precious blood and Your Word.
Thank You for loving Karen, her kids and grandkids as she proclaims! Hallelujah!
Thank You that You love Denise and Angela and me along with our families also more than we can imagine! So we thank You and give You all the glory, honor and praise for what You are doing in our families because You want to complete the good that You have begun in each of us! We release Your Holy Spirit to meet us today and flow with such an anointing to break through all the walls, strongholds and obstacles which might be blocking Your rich benefits. And we ask all this in the beloved Name of Jesus and give You the thanks, praise and glory for the work You are completing.
We love You! We thank You! We exalt You! We glorify You and await Your answer and grace over us and our families...
now and forever and ever, be glorified in our homes!!!
Dear heavenly Father, I come here this morning with a very heavy heart. Where are the prayer warriors? We need to pray without ceasing for one another. The needs are so great, but the prayers are so few. Please bless my dear sister Peggy, she daily prayers for the needs of so many, hear, and answer her prayers. I stand side by side with her, we will never quit praying. Thank You for loving us, and listening to us Father. Amen
Dear heavenly Father, I come to You today on behalf of all those having health problems. So many are not well, and need You to intervene on their behalf. Please lay Your healing touch upon all of them, restore their health to them Father. May they feel better than they ever imagined, bless them Father. I love You beyond measure, and thank You for being our healer. Amen
Dear heavenly Father, I lift up to you marriages today. So many couples are dealing with some hard issues, and marriages are at risk. I place these marriages in Your precious hands for safe keeping. I love You Father. Amen
Dear heavenly Father, I pray for those lost souls all over the world. May they feel a special nudge from the Holy Spirit, and fall upon their knees, and cry out to You. May they be saved from eternal damnation. Save them Father, please save them. I love You. Amen
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