Thursday, April 18, 2013


Get READY! Be READY! JOIN OUR NATION IN PRAYER!!! Just in case, you were not aware of this major event, I am sharing this exactly as it's written from the National Day of Prayer Org. Pastor Greg Laurie and the task force have made the special PRAYER to be read at noon, available in English and Spanish! Get involved! Get your church and community involved! Get yourself involved! You are the church, we depend on YOU to "humble yourself and pray." I will repost this on the 2nd (maybe with the prayer so there's no excuse not to pray)!

"The upcoming 62nd annual National Day of Prayer, May 2, 2013, will have profound significance for our country.  We have an unprecedented opportunity to see the Lord’s healing and renewing power made manifest as we call on citizens to humbly come before His throne.  To echo the words of Mary Washington, mother of our nation’s first president, we believe it is time to “Remember that God is our only sure trust.”

Our theme for 2013 is Pray for America, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men.  To further highlight our theme, we’ve chosen Matthew 12:21 as our Scripture for this year:  In His name the nations will put their hope.

For the May 2nd observances, Pastor Greg Laurie, the 2013 Honorary Chairman, has written a special prayer to be simultaneously read throughout the nation at noon (EDT).  This recitation will create a huge wave of prayer, flowing from one coast to the other, illustrating the unity of God’s people and acknowledging His dominion over the circumstances facing us.  Millions of people gathered, last year, to pray at thousands of events facilitated by our volunteer coordinators and people just like you!  We hope you’ll join with our staff again this year as we seek to bring more communities than ever before together in prayer.  As a way of assisting you, we have assembled a variety of resources that describe how to organize and publicize citywide prayer breakfasts, worship services, and rallies.  These materials also present creative ideas geared toward helping individuals and families to establish meaningful devotional times.  If you have any questions after reviewing these items, please don’t hesitate to contact our NDP staff at (800) 444-8828.  We would count it a privilege to lend a hand in whatever manner we are able.

At this crucial time for our nation, we can do nothing more important than pray.  Thank you in advance for making this spiritual discipline a personal priority and for standing with us as we encourage others to incorporate prayer in their lives.  The Lord has graciously anointed our efforts, empowering them to touch and change many hearts and lives.  We look forward to seeing His hand move across our land in exciting ways this May in response to our petitions!  In closing, we ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a volunteer in your church or community to lead a National Day of Prayer gathering. May the Lord’s peace fill your heart as you rest in Him throughout the days ahead."~ written by Articles,Featured Post,The Front LineJanuary 29, 2013

Quick Links:
and so much more available to promote and share this day of PRAYER!!!
Engage in prayer for our nation, equip and encourage yourself and others to take the challenge to Pray for America, and encounter the power of God through prayer! 

Engage (e1)

The definition of engage, is to occupy a person’s attention and efforts. Having our minds, hearts, and actions engaged in the activity of prayer… MORE

Equip (e2)

When we’re equipped, we have all of the tools we need to accomplish the task before us. If we have the Spirit of God, we have been made ready… MORE>>

Encourage (e3)

When we pray, we pray by faith. The Word of God encourages us by telling us that “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV). When we’re sure and certain in prayer, we’re encouraged… MORE>>

Encounter (e4)

As we Pray for America, who’s pledge of allegiance recounts that we are “one nation under God”, and whose currency states that it is “in God we trust”, we want American’s to encounter the God who rules over their country… MORE>>


by Casting Crown

Let's GET the WORD OUT

Share this on your sites, 
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everywhere and anywhere you can

in the comments here
I prefer you go to NDOP and pray
for our nation
Commit to praying
May 2nd
every day

Sunday, April 14, 2013


"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. 
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"      
Ecclesiastes 4:12  

This is meant to be an interactive blog based on comment and response system. That's where YOU come in, we need YOU to help the Lighthouse of Prayer work effectively by joining us in sharing your prayer requests or other's you encounter AND then by leaving a prayer for them, let them know that you are lifting them in prayer with us here.


This blog ONLY works if WE all JOIN together 
in prayer and sharing.

We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the Comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers hopefully, written as a response to your petition there. We'd like this to be a community of prayer, praying for one another.

We encourage you ALL to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer also. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.

This blog post is only for 

Please use other posts to write other prayers 
Your PRAYERS are always welcome here!

When you leave a prayer request, 
please come back to read the prayer(s) for you.

Hopefully you will find them right under your 
made possible with the new feature of 

If you are praying for that prayer request
please use the REPLY right under that prayer request.

When you add a PRAYER REQUEST in comments, 
write PRAYER REQUEST first

Thank you in the name of Jesus
let us pray


Oh yeah ... "Prayer in the Bible", and "Praying God's Word", my favorite topics around here.

Once again, I apologize for being so absent from sharing, writing out my prayers here and keeping us alert as to PRAYER sources here at the Lighthouse of Prayer, in this time of much need for PRAYER for each of us and our nation. [Note:I moved this back to April 14th from today, so our Prayer Requests would not get moved back.] Now what the following have done is what I should be doing here, but if it's already done out there in blog land, I just think I should point you to it ... so I am (even if I'm late). There is always time to PRAY and learn/study God's Word. Make this a priority in your day: prayer and reading God's Word.

I recently became aware that SHE READS TRUTH(a site I've shared here before) and the National Day of Prayer have been preparing us to PRAY and have various readings, teachings and small group guides/study plans on PRAYER.


SHE READS TRUTH is almost over (day 17 of 21 days) however, the entire PRAYER plan devotional of the full 21 days is always available at YouVersion and their site. It started with Day 1 on April 1, 2013. I just started this week with Day 1 in my email box. It's better when you can participate with the great community but you can always comment and read the previous ones. They offer so much personal insight. SHE READS TRUTH is a wonderful community of sisters sharing God's Word together. Today, on Day 18, Raechel sums up so far what we have studied up until today and the upcoming finish:
"Until now, we have learned and studied examples of prayers of praise, confession, petition, intercession, and Kingdom advancement. We could call these the What’s of prayer. But for these final three days, let’s look together at what God’s word says about the Who, Where, and When of praying."
Facebook Cover - Right Click & Select SAVE AS.

I am not completely too late for this, just in the weeks of preparation, pray and fasting, etc. and the various prayer guides that were from 4 weeks ago. However, we still have time to sign up and maybe even do some of the small group guides.

One for Youth, is for 3 weeks (almost enough time). It's called:
"Freedom to Praise, Pray, & Proclaim"

Another one is "TEACH us to PRAY"

An ideal resource for preparing your church for the annual National Day of Prayer. This booklet includes a Children’s Study (Kidz 6-11), Youth Study (Youth 12-17), and an Adult Study (Adults 18 and Up) focusing on the acryonym P.R.A.Y.

  • Praise – Thank God for what He has already accomplished through Jesus.
  • Repent – Confess your sins and shortcomings. Repent personally and on behalf of our nation. The Lord is quick to forgive when we come to Him.
  • Ask – Ask God to reveal truth, turn our hearts back toward Him, and bring healing.
  • Yield– Yield to the Lord and recognize that He has heard our prayers and will answer according to His will.  He is waiting to provide guidance and direction.
I really like that ACRONYM for P.R.A.Y. but it does not translate for me to use in Spanish for here in Mexico. Yet every nation needs to be PRAYING for their nation, their communities, and our world at large, God's Kingdom. Just as SHE READS TRUTH has been sharing:"practicing Kingdom praying", corporate prayer not just on our own personal prayers. Kingdom Praying starts on Day 15 with SHE READS TRUTH, Prayer in the Bible series (see below).

Also the NDOP, has another great one but it's for 4 weeks plus the intro (making it 5 weeks for a small group) ... but we can always make use of it.

A "Fresh Encounter" is a 28 Day Devotional written by Henry Blackaby (Author of "Experiencing God") and Claude King. Intro
pdf, Week 1 Spiritual Awakening, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4

"Designed to help you understand from Scripture and history how God works to revive His people and use them to change their world. Study it individually and in small groups or churchwide to understand and respond to God’s requirements for genuine revival. Suggestions for 4 small-group sessions are included. 
God is on mission to redeem a lost world, but when His people depart from Him, that work is hindered. Fresh Encounter is designed for use in churches in the 4 weeks leading up to the National Day of Prayer (observed in May) and for other times of prayer emphasis."

There are still 2 weeks until the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER on May 2nd, 2013. So we could start in week 3 but week 4 is Day 22 "The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength"and it seems that many of us could use some JOY right about now to lift us up and encourage us to PRESS ON: press on in our individual and corporate race as a nation into the arms of the God in whom we trust! Lean on Him!

Here are the LINKS to each Day of SHE READS TRUTH on PRAYER in the BIBLE. However, if you start at Day 1, at the bottom after the comments, you can click to the next day for each one.

Day 1                                  
Day 2                                   
Day 3                          
Day 4 Prayers of Confession + Repentance

*[a time to breathe in God's Word and memorize it]


Day 16 | Kingdom Praying in Scripture

Day 19 } yet to come so not linked yet.
Day 20
Day 21


It's Time to Pray


PRAYER for Our Nation

This was shared in an email from the Presidential Prayer Team:

Declaration of Independence Signer

Samuel Chase
George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States

"Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --

This prayer of George Washington appears in St. Paul's Chapel in New York City.

To read MORE go here with Presidential Prayer Team

Our Nation

thumbnail image
575 Prayers
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." - Psalm 33:12
On our National Day of Prayer, then, we join together…to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing.
-President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)