JOIN OUR NATION IN PRAYER!!! Just in case, you were not aware of this major event, I shared all the
info back here exactly as it's written from the
National Day of Prayer Org. LIVE FEED on God TV.
Pastor Greg Laurie and the task force have written the following
special PRAYER to be read at noon by everyone praying, available in English and Spanish! Get involved! Get your church and community involved! Get yourself involved! You are the church, we depend on YOU to "
humble yourself and pray." I will repost this on the 2nd (
maybe with the prayer so there's no excuse not to pray)!
ather, we come to You to pray for our nation, the United States of America.
How You have blessed us through the years, Lord! We rightly sing, “America, America, God shed His grace on thee.” Yet we see trouble in our culture today. We see the breakdown of the family, crippling addictions, and random acts of horrific violence.
Lord, we need Your help in America. In recent days, we have done our best to remove Your Word and Your counsel from our courtrooms, classrooms and culture. It seems, as President Lincoln once said, that we have “forgotten God.” But Lord, You have not forgotten us! You can bless and help and revive our country again.
Scripture tells us that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34
). Lord, in Your mercy, we ask that You would exalt our country again. We have had a number of great awakenings in America. We have experienced times of refreshing, and revivals that changed not only the spiritual but also the moral landscape. As the psalmist said, “Will You not revive us again, so that Your people may rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:6
That is our prayer for America today, Lord. Send a mighty spiritual awakening that will turn the hearts of men and women, boys and girls back to you. You have told us if we will humble ourselves and pray, and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, that You will forgive our sins and heal our land. (2 Chronicles7:14
Forgive us today, Lord, and heal this troubled land that we love so much.
We ask all of this in the name of Jesus Christ."
adre Celestial, Toda buena dádiva y todo don perfecto proviene de Ti. Tú eres un Dios fiel y Tu misericordia es eterna.
Tú has prometido bendecir la nación que en Ti confía. Nuestra moneda proclama “En Dios Confiamos”, pero en nuestra cultura estamos muy lejos de Ti.
En las palabras del profeta Daniel: “Hemos pecado, hemos cometido iniquidad, hemos actuado impíamente, nos hemos rebelado, y nos hemos apartado de Tus mandamientos y Tus ordenanzas”.
Venimos ante Ti, una vez más, en busca de Tu perdón y misericordia. Tú, oh Dios, eres nuestra única esperanza… Escucha nuestra oración y, por el amor a Tu nombre, que brille Tu rostro sobre esta nación.
Da a nuestros líderes el deseo de buscar la sabiduría y la valentía de seguir Tu guía… y vela por los hombres y mujeres de nuestras fuerzas armadas, ya que ellos se sacrifican por causa de la libertad.
Te damos las gracias por todo lo que has hecho por nosotros, y sinceramente oramos para que nos ayudes a ser, una vez más, una nación cuyo Dios es el Señor.
En el nombre de Tu Hijo y nuestro Salvador, hacemos esta oración. Amén
Presidential Prayer team
prayer for today
Today’s Prayer - From the Prayer Wall
Cover our President, and all positions of authority with a banner of correction, spiritual sensitivity, and an understanding of Your wrath. Show them that without You there is no positive leadership only destruction. Guard the hearts of Your people on this earth that they not fall prey to so much tantalizing, ambiguous evil promises. Be a sheltering and guiding force to our military. Holy Spirit, open the eyes and hearts of the innocent, the children, the fence sitters and our fragmented families that they can see God and bask in the light of His glory; have new life, eternal life.