Saturday, April 4, 2009



Who is He...Creation trembles at His call
Who is He...The lowly sacrifice, who paid a victims price
His name is Jesus

Jesus...From the Father's own right hand
Jesus...Son of God and son of man
Jesus...Who died and rose again
Jesus...He's the Lion and the Lamb

Who is He...With the power none can tame
Who is He...That every foe would fear his name
Who is he...Who was humbly led away, to suffer that dark day
His name is Jesus


He's the lion and the lamb

He's the Lamb that was slain
He's the Lion that reigns
My Savior and King both the same

Who is He...With the eyes that burn like fire
Who is He...Oh the wonder He inspires
Who is He...Who bore the guilt and shame
For those who've gone astray
His name is Jesus


YouTube video 

ISAIAH 11(click to read the entire chapter in context) and Revelation 5:5-6
I have selected verses 1-2 & 6-10 from Isaiah for focus & prayer!

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; 
       from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.

 2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— 
       the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, 
       the Spirit of counsel and of power, 
       the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD -...

6 The wolf will live with the lamb, 
       the leopard will lie down with the goat, 
       the calf and the lion and the yearling together; 
       and a little child will lead them.

 7 The cow will feed with the bear, 
       their young will lie down together, 
       and the lion will eat straw like the ox.

 8 The infant will play near the hole of the cobra, 
       and the young child put his hand into the viper's nest.

 9 They will neither harm nor destroy 
       on all my holy mountain, 
       for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD 
       as the waters cover the sea.

 10 In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his place of rest will be glorious. 


Let's PRAISE God for sending His Son Jesus, given as our sacrificial Lamb to atone for our sins, and for revealing Himself in Jesus.

Let's offer our THANKS for the Lord's lionlike care and protection! Then let's THANK the LORD for the gentleness of the Lamb, that soothingly forgives our sins as He tenderly gives us words of comfort & encouragement.

Ann Spangler, in her devotional "Praying the Names of God" shares these words from William Watley:

"Jesus as Lion and Lamb means that he has more than one way of approaching us and addressing our situation. When we have sinned and fallen short of God's glory, we don't need a lion of condemnation and judgment attacking us and ravaging our spirit. When we are already feeling like a nobody, we don't need a stern lion beating us up and making us feel worse. We need a gentle word from the Lord. We need a word of comfort and encouragement. We need the Lamb to speak tenderly and tell us, "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). Justice says that we deserve a lion to slay us, but mercy says, "I'm going to send a lamb and let you know that you have another chance."

Today as you seek God's face, Praise Him for His strength and ask Him to reveal His lion like love and His fierce, protecting care. Then Confess any divideness in your heart toward doing God's will. Then remember to Thank Him for His care and protection. Ask the LORD to help you lean on His strength and protection, as you lean on the Lamb of God for His Comfort & any burdens that you need to lay at His feet today!



Denise said...

Dear Lord, I praise You for being the mighty roaring Lion in my life, as well as the gentle and compassionate Lamb. You are my everything, and You meet my every need. I love You. Amen.

Peggy said...

I love this PRAYER from my Bible Reading today of Isaiah 52:1-12 and just wanted to share this from American Bible Society!

God of Freedom, You empower Your people to release fears rooted in the past and encourage them with hope for a peaceful future. Help us grasp Your vision for peace and justice this day and every day, that all people may be liberated from fear and oppression. Amen.

sailorcross said...

My Father,

I come to You this morning in praise--thanking You that You are the lion in my life--a great roaring lion that can conquer any and all that will threaten or try to harm me in any way.

And yet, You are the lamb who calls me to come to You when I am tired and need comfort.

I thank You for all You are, that You are ALWAYS there for me.

I have been given many crosses to bear in my life here on earth, and each of these have helped me to learn and grow and lean on You more and more.

Yet none of my crosses compare to the cross that You have already carried for me--the weight of our sinful world upon Your shoulders.

I fall to my knees in front of Your Cross, overwhelmed that You could love me this much to take upon the burden of my sin.

I beg You, Father, to forgive me of all that I have done against You--both knowingly and unknowingly. Help me to see my sin and bring it to You for forgiveness.

Again, I left up my own children and all that do not know Your love, Your great mercy for us, the debt that You paid that we can never repay for the cost is too great--bring them to You, Lord.

I pray that all who do not know You will be brought to You. That is Your hope, Abba, that each and every person come to You and be saved.

I thank You that I believe and my faith in You is increased every day, moment by moment. You are working in my life and the life of those around me.

Use me to show others Your love and mercy, Lord. Use me, call to me. I will say, "Yes, Lord".

In Jesus' Name,


Angela said...

Father God, I praise Your Holy Name. You are deserving of all praise, honor and glory. Today is Palm Sunday, Hosanna in the Highest.

I do not come here to ask for prayer requests. I come here to praise You, worship You and thank You for Your passionately love displayed toward mankind through Christ Jesus.

I am humbled, brought to my knees in adoration. That You would call my family Your children. That You would never leave us nor forsake us makes me cry,,,glory glory glory to the King of kings and the Lord of Lords.

You are our God. We are Your children. Father God, Your will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven.
amen amen amen

Aunt Kathy said...

Usually I am praying for the requests and not making one. But I am in despair. I am so sad, so hurt, so angry, not at God, but at my husband, soon to NOT be my husband. We will have been married 29 years in September. I have been with him since I was 17. I have known no other adult life except this one. Last summer he had an affair with a friend of mine. I found out about it and he at first said he didn't love me and wanted out. But changed his mind, so I prayed I forgave I tried to re-build a relationship. But I discovered he never really severed ties with her. They are still seeing and emailing each other behind my back. He looked me in the face and lied. I confronted him with proof, and he was mad that I was snooping around. I told him I couldn't forgive him anymore and wanted him to leave and I wanted a divorce. He stopped coming to church around the same time this friend stopped coming to church. I want prayer for him, because I Can't/Won't pray for him, my flesh wants both of them to die, my spirit tells me vengence is the Lords. Pray for me too that I will not hold on to this anger and I will clearly hear what and where God tells me to go and do.

Thanks, AK

Peggy said...

LORD, Be with Kathy every moment right now and take away this raging anger, because she knows it's not of You and the feelings of vengeance & hate & despair pent up & wanting to raise its nasty head, but they feel justifiable for the wrongs she is feeling, the great overwhelming sense of loss. Pick her up in Your Loving, Unfailing arms and let her hear Your voice.

Bring calm in the midst of the chaos. Bring peace instead of the anger. Bring direction & guidance instead of not hearing or discerning, both Your will & Your Voice. Help Kathy to let go of this anger and channel a place for her to find refuge as the walls seem to be crashing in on her. Allow her a way of escape.

I will lift up her husband later, LORD...right now I bring Kathy to Your Throne Room and I ask You, Lord to RESCUE Kathy from her feelings! Show her how to cope!
Pour Your Almighty Grace over her and give her the peace that passes
trying to understand this. There is no understanding but a great need for FORGIVENESS inspite of her pain so that bitterness cannot go down and take root. I cut off the bitter feeling, I cut off the confusion, I cut off all that is coming at her from the evil and I command it to leave Kathy and stop harassing her in the power of Christ's authority.

Satan, you cannot harm Kathy or hurt her anymore, you have done enough and she is the Child of the Living King & she receives only from her Heavenly Father, not from you, nor principalities, nor forces of evil. Kathy is the daughter of the Most High. You have no place tormenting her or her life or her home any longer.

LORD, You are more powerful than any circumstance coming at Kathy right now. You are the One who can protect and keep her on Solid ground. Surround her with armies of angels to keep her safe & give her refuge. You are a God of justice!
Speak mercy into Kathy. Speak forgiveness into her. Speak Your truths into her spirit so that she can hear from You! Guard her & give her steps as to where & how she should go. Lead her down paths of Righteousness. Cast out her cares
upon Your Rugged Cross, because You DO care for Kathy. Though in the flesh, she is hurting, or even numb, she can still sense Your Presence! Fill her with Your Power of Your Holy Spirit...hear the cries of her brokenness & attend unto her inner being. Restore a right Spirit within Kathy. Give her your strength in the midst of this terrible battle. Hold up her defense & her arms so she will not grow weary! Give her eyes to see & open doors that You lay before her.
Keep her ears attuned to You. may Kathy seek You first in each step.

I thank You & praise You that You are touching Kathy even as she reads or prays or cries. You are there! I ask ALL this in Jesus' Name.

Send in prayer warriors to surround her & ones that can pray for her husband as she has asked. Deliver him from evil. Bring repentance & sorrow to him. Forgive him & draw him back in to right relationship with You.

Anonymous said...

Lord I lift up Kathy and pray for your perfect peace to surround her. Help her to know that nothing can stop your plan for her life not even this painful circumstance. Help her to know that you have a way to take her through this and that you won't fail her. I pray that she knows that though her husband failed her, you never will. Lord we live in a time when the enemy is working overtime to kill, steal and destroy our lives. We know that his first order of business is to destroy the family. But we know, Lord, that you have said that though we may be hard-pressed on all sides, we cannot be crushed. And though we may be struck down, we can NEVER be destroyed. Help Kathy to understand that our joy is only in you. This battle is not for her to fight for you have already gone ahead of her to strike down the enemy that comes against her. I pray that you open the eyes of the man who made a vow before you to take her as his wife. I pray that you will bring him to the end of himself and to his knees. Although Kathy is in too much pain to take this to your throne, hear, O God, my prayer for her! Provide for her needs, dear Jesus, and make straight the path she is to take. Guide her and help her to keep her eyes on your in this powerful storm. I pray for forgiveness to begin its work in Kathy that she not be harmed by the root of bitterness. I pray that you will surround her with your people who will join with her in this fight that she may know that she is never alone!
I pray that you open the eyes of the other woman who is heading on the path of destruction. Give her no peace until she falls to her knees repenting for coming against that which you have joined.
Lord, most of all, help Kathy to know that nothing is beyond your help. No situation is impossible for you. You are sovereign ove all things and you can make a way when there is none. Please be with Kathy in a very real way. Help her to feel your strength welling up in her body. Give her rest at night and joy in the morning. Help her to know that you can cause even this to be used for her good and your glory. In Jesus name we believe that the enemy is under our feet. Amen


I know what you are going through. I will be lifting you up each night. God will never let you drown in your tears. He has a way even though you don't see it.
You are loved and many are praying for you. Stay strong and get ready for God to show his power in your life.

Marianne Lordi

Denise said...

Dear Lord, I lift Kathy up to Your throne. She is hurting deeply right now, and she is filled with anger. Please help her to release that anger, fill her with overflowing love. Wrap Your loving arms around her, give her sweet peace and much comfort. I pray for her husband also, please help him to see his sins clearly, and may he run to You seeking forgiveness. Amen.

sailorcross said...

Abba, Abba.....I cry out to You for Your child, Kathy. She is hurting, confused and feeling betrayed.

We know those feelings are NOT from You, Lord, but from the enemy, for this situation is not in Your plan. The enemy is striking, Father, and Kathy needs to be surrounded by YOUR hedge of protection. Keep the enemy from her and let her feel Your presence in her life--working in her and through her.

I pray for Kathy today, lifting her up to feel Your embrace--holding her tightly to Your chest, crying on Your shoulder, Lord--the only shoulders that are broad and strong enough to carry the weight of all of this.

I pray that Kathy seek Your comfort in all of this. I love her, my Father, but I could not love her nearly as much as You do. Let her feel Your love flowing through her, raising her from her sense of hopelessness and despair.

Place this thought in her mind:


For You are the only ONE, the ONLY ONE--who loves us unconditionally, without reservation, and YOU will see her through this time of her life to bring her to YOUR greater plans and purposes for her.

I pray for anger and bitterness to be taken from Kathy so that she will be able to seek forgiveness. Place the thought in her mind that forgiveness is freeing for herself, ridding herself of any anger and bitterness she may have or resentment that will fester and inhibit Your good works in her.

I pray for Kathy's husband--that You open his heart, his mind, his eyes so that he may see the wrong, the sin, Lord--yes, the sin, and he seek Your face in his life and Your forgiveness.

I know, Lord, that You have greater plans and purposes for Kathy. Right now, take her in Your arms and comfort her through this time. Then guide, lead and direct her in Your ways so that she may move on to fulfill what YOUR desires are for her.

I love her, Lord, and my heart cries out to You for comfort, rest, peace for Kathy and for her to always remember that You love her more than anyone on this earth possibly could just because.

She doesn't need to prove herself to You or to do anything to win Your love--it's right there--right there for her to hold on to. Help her to reach out and grab Your hand this morning, Lord.

I ask You to carry Kathy through this time--a lot of change to come--and I know that sometimes she will feel how can I go on? I ask that You carry her, Lord--carry her through--for only Your strength, Your might, Your power, Your love will endure forever.

In Jesus' most precious and everlasting Name I pray all of this and what is in my heart--I lift it all to You, Lord--give it to You to carry,


It's Time to Pray


PRAYER for Our Nation

This was shared in an email from the Presidential Prayer Team:

Declaration of Independence Signer

Samuel Chase
George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States

"Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --

This prayer of George Washington appears in St. Paul's Chapel in New York City.

To read MORE go here with Presidential Prayer Team

Our Nation

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576 Prayers
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." - Psalm 33:12
On our National Day of Prayer, then, we join together…to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing.
-President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)