
King of The Broken
We your children pray Lord
Humbly seek your face
We turn from our sin Lord
You hear us as we pray
Healing King of nations
Let your kingdom come
Purify your church Lord
Your glory over us
Heal us, forgive us
Restore our hearts again
Fill us, breathe upon us
Jesus, Jesus
Healer of nations, hope of salvation, (hope of the world)
Jesus, Jesus
King of our hearts,
King of the broken
Lover of the wounded
Defender of the weak
Friend of the forgotten
You wipe away our tears
© 2008 GloWorks Limited for CompassionArt (Registered with the UK Charityty Commission number 1124708)

COMPASSION ART: Paul Baloche, Steven Curtis Chapman, Stuart Garrard, Israel Houghton, Tim Hughes, Graham Kendrick, Andy Park, Matt Redman, Martin Smith, Michael W. Smith, Chris Tomlin, Darlene Zschech
Lord, We humbly come before You and seek Your face. Turning from our sin, Lord... we come with repentant hearts. Purify us. Search us, Lord...reveal anything in us that You desire gone.
Let You Kingdom come. Heal us. Forgive us. Restore our hearts. Deliver us from evil...keep us from harm. Fill us. Breathe on us. Set us on fire with a desire to be broken before Your Most Holy Cross. Thank You sweet Jesus for Your great sacrifice and endless mercy. Thank You for the Victory over sin and death! Thank You for the gift of eternal life! Thank You for the chains that are broken and removing our sin as far as the east is from the west! We are free in You!
Free from our past! Free from any fears! Free from sickness in the Name of Jesus!
Defend us when we are weak. Give us strength, Healer. Bring our hearts Your Comfort. We come with complete Trust in You, complete Hope of salvation. We wait for Your Glory complete in us.
Thank You, King of our hearts! Thank You, King of the broken! Thank You friend of the forgotten! Your Word says that You will never leave us, nor forsake us. Thank You for Your Faithfulness & Your Righteousness. Great are You, O Mighty Father! Blessed is Your Name!
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Are you weary? Are you burdened?
Are you broken?
Do you need rest?
Do you need healing?
Lay it all down.
Leave it at the Cross.
Come in prayer and give it all to Him!
If you are not any of those, then give Him Praise & Thanks
for the Victory is won by Him.
Just click on where it says "Prayers Lifted to the Throne of God"
and share what's on your heart.
He's listening!