Saturday, March 28, 2009


Like the water's roar
Is Your voice, O Lord
There is none before
And none beside

You are set apart
You alone are God
Your glory reaches far
From sky to sky

Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
Early in the morning we will sing
Holy, Holy, we bow down before Thee
All Your children love to sing Your name
God Almighty

You're the breath of life
You're the God on high
Your song shall rise
And never pass away

O, Your Majesty
Evermore shall be
The earth, the skies, the sea
Shall bring You praise

And I hide my eyes
With my face to the ground
In the presence of Your Majesty
And I clap my hands
And I lay my crowns
In the presence of Your Majesty

In Stormie Omartian's book "The Prayer that Changes Everything", each chapter in the first half is a "Reason to Praise God" for WHO HE IS! 

Previously, we shared about praise God as our Creator and the focus in Chris Tomlin's song is on GOD ALMIGHTY...GOD ALL POWERFUL! EL SHADDAI!!!

Stormie shares a quote from Jack Hayford in this chapter ... 
"Worship transcends our weakness to the time that recognizes the power of God." 
(that's my translation from my Spanish text of her book) 

then she adds in her words before closing as she does each chapter  ...
"Worship (adoration) is surrendering yourself, your life 
to God so that He can be powerful in your life 
and show His power through you".

Here are the verses that Stormie shares on God Almighty ~ All Powerful: Matthew 19:262 Chronicles 16:9, 2 Corinthians 13:41 Corinthians 2:5, Jeremiah 32:27.

These are the verse that she uses in her Prayer of Praise: Psalm 147:5, Psalm 89:13, Psalm 65:6Isaiah 64:8, Job 9:4, Psalm 62:11, 1 Chronicles 29:111 Corinthians 6:14, Revelation 11:17, Psalm 21:13, Judas 1:25, Matthew 6:13.

LORD, I praise Your Holy Name! You are God Almighty! You are God All Powerful! You are omnipotent and all powerful over the heavens and earth as clearly shown in this video of the galaxies even. I marvel at the awesome power of all Your Creation. Nothing is too difficult for You! There is nothing that You cannot do. You are Great LORD and greatly to be praised! I surender my life to Your hands. I know that through the power of Your Holy Spirit all things are possible! Thank You! Thank You that it's not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit! I give You the highest praise and exalt You Almighty God! I thank You that You are All Powerful! Glory, honor & power are Yours! I bow to Your Majesty and Power over all!

Let us offer up our PRAISES to GOD ALMIGHTY as we come before Him with our prayers to His Throne! 

You may like to choose one of the verses above and use it in a prayer to God Almighty! ¡DIOS TODOPODEROSO!

Is there a situation in Your life right now that you know would not be possible without a miraculous intervention by God Almighty? Why not put that in a prayer to Him, asking Him to move in His power through you to accomplish this. Or share with us your need so we can stand with you in prayer.

Read Isaiah 40: 28-31 and allow God's Word to inspire you through these verses with a HOPE of the power He can give you in your life that you may need.

Friday, March 27, 2009


"WORSHIP is Celebrating Him as Our Creator and THANKing Him for ALL HE has created!"

~Stormie Omartian, "The Prayer that Changes Everything"

Let's write PRAYERS of PRAISE to God, as the CREATOR of ALL! Adoring Him as Your Creator and thanking Him for His Creation!


CLICK HERE for the

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Since "Called To Be Free to PRAY for one another" is the focus for my Daily Bible reading plan with the American Bible Society, I definitely am spending time in prayer and worship, getting closer to Our Lord, allowing Him to speak through His WORD & other's teachings on this focus.

Do you ever notice how it seems like God arranges topics of your interest or focus to seemingly all surface, wherever you turn and read? So I won't say coincidentally, because I don't believe that when it comes to God that anything is, but all is on purpose and in His plan, to weave things together for our good. Last week I encountered two and have chosen to share the one from Charles Stanley here entitled "When God is Silent" [you can click on the title to read it]

If you have ever felt "abandoned by God", Dr. Stanley says that you'll relate well to Psalm 22. By reading this Psalm, you will learn how to respond: in the midst of your "storm", your adversity, your sense of being abandoned, to Our Heavenly Father's seemingly silent response to you. Dr. Stanley walks you through the 31 verses of Psalm 22 showing us that King David & Jesus asked "why" in their difficulties and so can we in ours.

My point in sharing this, even if you don't read his Bible Study, is that perhaps you, like I, have prayed for the same thing for a long time or many times and sense the Lord is silent. I'm not to sure that we always clearly hear a "yes", "no" or "maybe, just wait".

God has perfect timing and it's not the same as our time frame. 

We live in a society that everything needs to be in an instant from food (fast food & microwave) to mail (electronic). Sad to say, I'm one of those persons that has asked God for patience and then quickly add, can You hurry that one up now?

Please don't stop praying if you are thinking God is being silent. Even praise Him in the midst of your struggle, and then watch for His Provision. Keep pressing in!

God has reasons for His silence and it is important how we respond. I must admit that my response has tended to be one or more of these rather than what it should be: anger, doubt, disappointment, discouragement, confusion, guilt (or false guilt), fear (some Christians feel deserted by God or worry they have lost their salvation). I need to work on my response & persevere but that's what I'm learning how to sit quietly in His Presence. 

God could be trying to get our attention. Often I have found myself asking for His discernment because I need to learn to distinguish His voice from other voices. Maybe you need to learn to trust that God is working even when you can't see it. Perhaps His answer is postponed because we aren't ready to listen. It is certain that God wants to encourage us to persevere until we experience a breakthrough. God sometimes may want to make us aware of unconfessed sin so that we confess it and move forward.

Remember that God's silence does not mean He is inactive!

How should we respond to God's silence?

This is what Dr. Stanley suggests:
  1. Ask the Lord why. Jesus questioned the Father (Matt. 27:46; Mark 15:34).
  2. Trust Him. In His silence, He works for good in your life (Ps. 46:10; 138:8).
  3. Anticipate a more intimate relationship with Him.
  4. Respect God’s right to be silent. Deliberately set aside time to be quiet before Him.
  5. Read the Bible, and tell the Lord you are available to listen.
  6. Keep praying. Eventually, you will have a breakthrough.
  7. plus the reminder I shared above in BOLD red.
From the examples of God's silence, I can understand with Mary & Martha & their sick brother Lazurus (John 11) somewhat for a greater purpose but probably not, if I did not know the ending
:) and then there's the silence in Heaven of Revelations 8:1!!! A half hour...awe...glory...complete reverence to Our King ~ I'm sure.

But what I can't even fathom is the silence of 400 years between the Old and the New Testaments. It certainly helps me to get a better perspective of the time I have waited without answers for people that I have prayed for their salvation or return to the Lord. The time that has past for many prayers seems like so long but that is nothing in comparison to this gap of 400 years or ETERNITY for those that I am praying!

Truthfully, I don't know how anyone lives without the saving grace & mercies of Jesus Christ & an on-going relationship & being in His Word. What a SILENCE they must experience! It's up to us to be sure to break that silence so it is NOT for an eternity...step out in faith. 

Keep on praying & believing for God's answer!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Pray for MeEvery Wednesday consider participating with
Check out their blog to add your prayer request. 

Join a community of friends who care about you , and hope you will care about them there or here. Riggs have started a new blog on March 25th that you can check out @

This is our hope, here at the Lighthouse of Prayer also that people will come here, share their prayer need and pray for others that you read about that need prayer also. 

There are many people in need of prayer support ... join them each Wednesday over at "Pray for me, Pray for Others" or come here any day, any time and lift a prayer to the throne with LIGHTHOUSE of PRAYER!
Prayers for Stellan
March 25th ~ Miracle baby Stellan ... Stellan is MckMama's youngest baby, and he is dealing with a dangerously high heart rate that the doctors are having trouble stabilizing. It is a very serious situation. They've been in the hospital a couple of days trying to figure it out. This morning Stellan, just went into prolonged V-Tach. They're giving Lidocaine now to try to break him out. PLEASE PRAY!!! For updates, leaving prayers & encouragement, please go to MyCharmingKids! MckMama has Twitter updates on the left sidebar if she has not posted any news...
MIRACLE 19 minutes agoHe popped OUT of v-tach [praise GOD] into some heart block though but that's NOT as bad; still no word on the iv ... keep on praying!!!


March 6th: If you do not know about Abby, please click on their name or button and find out how you can help. Currently, Abby is back in the hospital, having a very difficult time. She is in pain, so pray for her comfort. Then remember to uphold the Rigg's family and pray for their strength also!

URGENT UPDATE: Abby is having emergency surgery MONDAY, Mar. 16th which is very precarious since she has no white blood cells, please read her update here & PRAY, pray, pray...

3/18: Abby is still in the hospital. They need her white blood cells count to recover so her body will heal. Please pray for her blood counts to improve, and for the next surgery she needs to be quick and successful. Please pray for their strength and health (Brent & Michelle) so they can care for their entire family. They are routinely very tired. (paraphased from their own words). March 21st: Beginning of PRAISE report ~ please go and read here:

ABBY'S Update March 23~Mon. Abby is discharged from the hospital. After three weeks and 2 days, they are going home! Thank you so much for praying for Abby. PRAISE GOD but keep Abby in your prayers & check on her at Riggs Family blog.

Our intent at "The Lighthouse of Prayer" is that you actually come here and say a prayer in the comments, but if you'd like to just leave a request, we'll be happy to pray for you! Come back later and see prayers for you or your prayer request!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



For years now, the Names of God have drawn me closer to knowing Our LORD and I've searched many times for books and information on the Names of Jesus. I receive daily a wonderful devotional on "Praying the Names of God" by Ann Spangler. Each week, we focus on one of those Names. Then just this week, I came across a beautiful series from John Barnett, "Living Hope for the End of Days" on Revelation and the very first one was "Worship the Christ of Revelation"!

What is WORSHIP?

John Barnett defines WORSHIP in this way..."Worship is the submission of all our nature to God." Then Chapter by Chapter he shows us how Jesus reveals Himself to us in Revelation
through His Divine names. It is such a treasure to find Our Lord unveiling His Deity through the 22 chapters of Revelation. Then he challenges us to search:

"For a wonderful worship experience in Revelation, search for all the names and titles of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Over the next few weeks, begin your search by looking, chapter by chapter, for the names and titles of Christ in Revelation.(more than 67 times). As you mark each one, ask yourself the “So what?” question:
So what does Jesus as the ____ ______ (fill in a name or title) mean in my life for today?"


HE IS...

Chapter 1...faithful witness, Alpha & Omega, Beginning & the End, Ruler over the kings of the earth, the Almighty, the First & the Last, the firstborn from the dead, the Son of Man, the Living One
Chapter 2...Administrator of the church
Chapter 3...the Faithful and True witness
Chapter 4...the One who sits on the Throne
Chapter 5...Lion of the tribe of Judah
Chapter 6...Wrathful Lamb
Chapter 7...Redeeming Lamb and Providing Lamb
Chapter 8...patient collector of our prayers
Chapter 9...holds back the monsters from the abyss
Chapter 10...Creator of heaven and earth and sea
Chapter 11...Christ, the Lord God Almighty
Chapter 12...the Christ, the Lamb, Jesus
Chapter 13...the Lamb, whose is the Book of Life
Chapter 14...the Son of Man, the Lamb on Mount Zion
Chapter 15...the King of Saints
Chapter 16...the One who was and is and is to be
Chapter 17...Lord of lords, and King of kings
Chapter 18...Lord God
Chapter 19...Word of God
Chapter 20...Jesus, the Christ
Chapter 21...Alpha & Omega, the Lord God Almighty
Chapter 22...the Lamb, the Lord God, the Bright and Morning Star...

...these are just some of the wonderful Names & Attributes of God to get us started...

Come Let us Worship Him, Adore Him and Praise His Name Forever & Ever!!!

Learn to practice noticing God's Presence during each day, making worship a daily habit. As you cultivate a life of worship, you become an instrument of worship more & more and you will reap the fruits of worship. Then you will serve Christ & worship Christ through your service. We can serve Christ in any place, at any time, in any way, and make a choice to live in HOPE, no matter how we are...serve Christ.

For more inspiration, see another song here @ The Power of Love!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Each one of us must know at least one person that does not yet know the Lord Jesus Christ or has not accepted Him as their Lord & Savior! Or some of us may have family members, raised in the faith but not walking with the Lord. Maybe even you yourself have fallen from your 1st love: Jesus Christ

Maybe you don't understand what I'm talking about and so this is for you also. If you don't know Jesus Christ & believe in Him, or KNOW for certain where you will spend eternity (life after you die) or maybe you don't believe in eternity, do you want to take that chance that it doesn't exist? If you don't believe or know the Steps to PEACE please visit here or even through here.Of course, we would be honored to pray with you, the email is above & in the sidebar for a personal response rather than posting it publicly.

In case, you have not noticed the blue button on the left hand side bar, from jcdisciple @ One Sacrifice at a Time, she has a new blog 1,000 Souls, just for this purpose, to lift those people to the Lord, by just their initials to protect their identity or yours! After all, Our Lord knows who they are! Please click on the button to be linked to her BLOG.

I'd like as many as possible to join with this both by lifting a PRAYER here for at least one person that you know and please respect their privacy by doing the same as 1,000 Souls ask, list them by their initials ONLY in your prayer or prayer request. 

The new blog of jcdisciple 1,000 Souls has 3 purposes for existing:

1.Make known the Most High God: Yahweh, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and Display His POWER  

2. Demonstrate how PRAYER when prayed according to His will availeth MUCH!

3. PURPOSE to see souls delivered from utter darkness and destruction through the POWER OF PRAYER

So after you pray here, would you please go there and add that person to her list of 1,000 souls. Be faithful to join her in prayer for the salvation of those souls represented by the list to the left of the blog. These are not merely initials, they are real people, with real souls, in danger of a real Hell!! Join her & us in the privilege we have to further the Kingdom of God for His Glory through consistent prayer!

If you have a different prayer, could you please add that after any other post, where it says
"Prayers Lifted to the Throne of God" and only list prayers for SALVATION here or PRODIGALS!

Monday, March 2, 2009


"...casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." 

"Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully." 1 Peter 5:7 (Amplified)

When you've prayed every prayer that you know how to pray.
Just remember the Lord will hear and the answer is on it's way.

Our God is able.
He is mighty.
He is faithful.

And He never sleeps, He never slumbers.
He never tires of hearing our prayer.
When we are weak He becomes stronger.
So rest in His love and cast all of your cares on Him.

Do you feel that the Lord has forgotten your need.
Just remember that God is always working in ways you cannot see.

Our God is able.
He is mighty.
He is faithful.

It's Time to Pray


PRAYER for Our Nation

This was shared in an email from the Presidential Prayer Team:

Declaration of Independence Signer

Samuel Chase
George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States

"Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --

This prayer of George Washington appears in St. Paul's Chapel in New York City.

To read MORE go here with Presidential Prayer Team

Our Nation

thumbnail image
575 Prayers
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." - Psalm 33:12
On our National Day of Prayer, then, we join together…to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing.
-President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)