Like the water's roar
Is Your voice, O Lord
There is none before
And none beside
You are set apart
You alone are God
Your glory reaches far
From sky to sky
Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
Early in the morning we will sing
Holy, Holy, we bow down before Thee
All Your children love to sing Your name
God Almighty
You're the breath of life
You're the God on high
Your song shall rise
And never pass away
O, Your Majesty
Evermore shall be
The earth, the skies, the sea
Shall bring You praise
And I hide my eyes
With my face to the ground
In the presence of Your Majesty
And I clap my hands
And I lay my crowns
In the presence of Your Majesty
In Stormie Omartian's book "The Prayer that Changes Everything", each chapter in the first half is a "Reason to Praise God" for WHO HE IS!
Previously, we shared about praise God as our Creator and the focus in Chris Tomlin's song is on GOD ALMIGHTY...GOD ALL POWERFUL! EL SHADDAI!!!
Stormie shares a quote from Jack Hayford in this chapter ...
"Worship transcends our weakness to the time that recognizes the power of God."
(that's my translation from my Spanish text of her book)
then she adds in her words before closing as she does each chapter ...
"Worship (adoration) is surrendering yourself, your life
to God so that He can be powerful in your life
and show His power through you".
Here are the verses that Stormie shares on God Almighty ~ All Powerful: Matthew 19:26
, 2 Chronicles 16:9
, 2 Corinthians 13:4
, 1 Corinthians 2:5
, Jeremiah 32:27

These are the verse that she uses in her Prayer of Praise: Psalm 147:5
, Psalm 89:13
, Psalm 65:6
, Isaiah 64:8
, Job 9:4
, Psalm 62:11
, 1 Chronicles 29:11
, 1 Corinthians 6:14
, Revelation 11:17
, Psalm 21:13
, Judas 1:25, Matthew 6:13

LORD, I praise Your Holy Name! You are God Almighty! You are God All Powerful! You are omnipotent and all powerful over the heavens and earth as clearly shown in this video of the galaxies even. I marvel at the awesome power of all Your Creation. Nothing is too difficult for You! There is nothing that You cannot do. You are Great LORD and greatly to be praised! I surender my life to Your hands. I know that through the power of Your Holy Spirit all things are possible! Thank You! Thank You that it's not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit! I give You the highest praise and exalt You Almighty God! I thank You that You are All Powerful! Glory, honor & power are Yours! I bow to Your Majesty and Power over all!
Let us offer up our PRAISES to GOD ALMIGHTY as we come before Him with our prayers to His Throne!
You may like to choose one of the verses above and use it in a prayer to God Almighty! ¡DIOS TODOPODEROSO!
Is there a situation in Your life right now that you know would not be possible without a miraculous intervention by God Almighty? Why not put that in a prayer to Him, asking Him to move in His power through you to accomplish this. Or share with us your need so we can stand with you in prayer.
Read Isaiah 40: 28-31 and allow God's Word to inspire you through these verses with a HOPE of the power He can give you in your life that you may need.