A Friday Prayer for our Nation
Lord, on a day when others gather to lift up their god before our nation, we lift You up as the one true God, creator of all things, who reigns and rules forever and ever and there is no end to Your kingdom. We exalt You today Lord as the author of life, and redeemer of our souls. You are holy and just, and there is no one else like You. Your name is worthy to be praised forever and ever, and at the sound of Your name all heaven bows down to worship.
On a day when others call on their god, we call on You Lord, the One God who hears and answers, the One who judges all nations, and extends mercy to all who call upon Him. The One who stands unchallenged in the heavens, who knows all the secrets of the universe, and the smallest thought in our heart. To the One who is high and lifted up above every other name that can ever be named, we call on You Lord today.
And As those who have been redeemed by the death and resurrection of Jesus, we ask that You would forgive us for not holding You in the place of honor that You deserve in our lives, our families, and our nation. Forgive us Lord for every time we have stepped back from standing up for You, every time we have yielded to popular opinion and denied that still small voice through which You guide us. Forgive us Lord for not being the moral compass that those around us so desperately need. Forgive us Lord for not keeping this nation, that You have so richly blessed, as One Nation Under You. We are deeply sorry.
Lord, You have promised that You would give grace to the humble. As I humble myself before You now I ask for the grace I need to be different. To step out of the crowd and stand unafraid for Your name's sake. To reject the empty values pushed upon me by the media, and live out the divine destiny You have for me. Lord help me to be the One Person Under God that You have called me to be.
I also ask Lord that You would extend Your septer of mercy over our nation, forgive us Lord for the many wrongs we have done, for corruption and greed, immorality and squandering Your blesses. We need a transformation Lord, and I'm asking that You would pour down upon our nation mercy and forgiveness. Break down the principalities and powers that stand against Your desires for our nation. We need Your help Lord, and there is no other God like You who rides across the heavens to come to our aid. Ride Lord, Ride, for we need You like never before. We need You in our families, our businesses, our churches, our government. We need You Lord, and nothing else will do.
Let the sound of Your redeeming love and power blow across our land. Call back to life, those things we have let die, and restore to us Lord that which we have lost. Bless our nation once again Lord that we might be a place where Your name is lifted up higher than any other name. Where Your blessings flow to us, and through us, and Your Good News goes forth to all people. In Jesus name, Amen.
"Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." -Acts 4:12