Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I'm sure that there are many prayer needs this week but here are some very important ones brought to my prayerful attention just tonight:

Let's take them to the Cross
15 year old from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in surgery tonight for stomach cancer (Amber) a precious girl to a dear friend of mine, Helen... pray that it has not spread and that God, who is greater than cancer, will heal and stop this, in Jesus Name...

Also for Emma, Especially Heather's daughter... it's best to read from Heather's blog or Twitter:
Update please go read and leave an encouraging word or prayer.
What to pray for today (4/3) from Heather:
  • That the left side of her brain would heal (This is the biggest one!)
  • There would continue to be no seizures when we wean her from the medications.
  • That she when she wakes up she is the same old Emma
  • For Mark, I and the rest of our family- This has been a very long and trying 2 months for us.
  • For my heart to be still and know that He is in total control.
  • That we would be okay with whatever the Lord wants, even if it is not what we desire.
Update Praise report that it is not cystic fibrosis added to the rest...
Abby's lungs are a mess, she has super thick mucus like kids with CF and her immune system is being kept low on purpose (her cancer mimics white blood cells).
Please see Abby's button in the sidebar and read about her at their family blog. Go HERE for Abby's story. Briefly:

"Abby is four years old. We adopted her from Guatemala when she was six months old.

In July 2008, three years old, she was diagnosed with a high risk, aggressive form of Leukemia. Over the months, her prognosis has worsened as other complications and conditions became know."

~ from the Rigg's family blog

We are called to join together and pray for one another.

"[We] do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long suffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son..."

Colossian 1:9-13

"He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor...." Isaiah 59:16

“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land...." Ezekiel 22:30

"Brethren, pray for us." 1 Thessalonian 5:25


"It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us." Romans 8:34

"...we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God." Romans 8:26-27

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Teach us, oh Lord, what it really means
To rend our hearts instead of outer things
Teach us, oh God, what we do not see
About our hearts and of our ways
And Father, deal with our carnal desires
To move in Your power but not live the life
And to love our neighbor with all that we have
And keep our tongues from saying things we have not seen

Oh, break our hearts with the things that break Yours
If we sow in tears, we will reap in joy
That we might pass through Your refining fire
Where brokeness awaits on the other side (2x)

Raise up an army like Joel saw,
Your church that is stronger that ever before
They do not break ranks,
When they plunge through defenses
But the fear of the Lord will be their wisdom

That they might weep as Jesus wept
A fountain of tears for the wounded and lost
Who ever heard of an army of God
That conquered the earth
By weeping and mourning and brokeness?

But there will be a day when the nations will bow
And our Lord will be King over all the earth
And He will be the only one,
And also his name will be the only one
~ Vineyard Lyrics

I was looking for a new song, "Break Our Hearts" and I came across the above lyrics and the song below, which do not go together. I was hoping to put the words of this song here so you could read them but I could not find them... nor the new song, but I believe in these words, so please listen as Delena sings and then share a prayer to Our LORD in the comments and join others in prayer.

Break our hearts O God, break our hearts (repeat)
For the sin in our lives, break our hearts,
For the sin in our land, break our hearts.

We cry out, we need Your Hand,
Come back to our land
We confess, we've lived in sin,
Please show Your power once again

For the sin in our lives, break our hearts...

in prayer...


for many in need, but first
to repent for our sin and the sin of our land

with Angela @ Free Spirit Haven!

We are praying for one another and want you to see the
Power of PRAYER!
We all need prayer & one another.

But in order for God to hear our prayers,


My reading from today was from Nehemiah 9: After hearing the Law read aloud, the people respond with worship, prayer and confession. The beautiful prayer in this passage is a summary of God's dealings with Israel. These include creation, the promise to Abraham, the exodus from Egypt, and their experiences in the desert. The fact that I found interesting is when the people offered their prayer of confession, they wore sackcloth. Sackcloth was a rough, coarse fabric that was often worn in times of trouble or sorrow. They also threw dirt or ashes on their heads to express sorrow and grief. That is part of the intent of LENT beginning with "ash Wednesday".
What are outward signs of sorrow and grief for us today? How can physical expressions become a part of your prayer life?

On the same day I received this from the Presidential Prayer Team for the weekly update and the people for prayer focus, also with a reminder of their PRAYER WALL ... well, that is what THE LIGHTHOUSE of PRAYER is and also FEARLESS FRIDAY and PRAYERS GO UP, BLESSING COME DOWN

"Today’s political climate seems to be in such turmoil and distrust. Our government and our country are facing deep conflicts over healthcare, wars, debt and unemployment. For those without faith, there would seem to be little hope and no end to the turmoil.

It’s in these difficult times though, that God’s people can shine the brightest and have the greatest impact. We know that the night is always at its darkest and coldest just before sunrise. Each morning the sun rises as a symbol of God's unending faithfulness. Just when things appear to be at their worst, God shows us his handiwork. In these dark times, we must continue in prayer and faithfulness that God is at work and that the morning is just around the corner.

It is our firm belief that God hears our prayers and comforts us in the darkest times, reminding us of His promises and assuring us of the coming light. Through prayer, God can encourage us and enable us to be a blessing to others. It is our hope that you will join us in prayer and expectation as we lift up our leaders, our nation and our military to the One through whom all things are possible."

Off to pray... a full day of intercession and more is what we need... and it's coming soon!!!


May 23rd, 2010


(is there one?)

Yes, Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010


reposted today from March 9th to March 13th because of the Celebration of Layla's Life

Please continue to keep the Marsh Family in your prayers. Celebration of Layla's life March 13th... Beautiful messages are shared on KRBE Radio Show (click to listen)

Please remember Melanie *Bella Mella also and her family, as Andrew went on to heaven 3 weeks ago from March 9th.

Also Shelby's husband passed into eternity March 8th and laid to rest March 12th. (She needs us and the rest of the family).

Layla Grace Marsh
Rest in peace
and thank you
the hearts you touched
blessed while you were here.
original post started here with her photos, entitled URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED

LAYLA GRACE... Just look at this precious FACE! And then PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!

I learned about this precious child by visiting Nicole at "
As My World Turns..." She daily has been sharing updates and information but this is not her child, she just has taken the burden and has a heart for this precious little one and her parents, holding them up in prayer. You can visit her initial blog post about this with much information:

Precious little Layla Grace is a two year old who is, what they have been told, in her last days of battling stage 4 neuroblastoma. She is a sweet, caring, loving little girl who can no longer hold her head up and cries in pain if she even tries. Barring a miracle, her parents and sisters only have a few days left with her, if even that. She is, inexplicably, holding on with everything she has. They were told three weeks ago that she would die within the week. She is still here... to CONTINUE READING and also the consecutive updates each day, current one from Layla's mother, Shanna...but to view the beauty of this child, visit Nicole's Word Filled Wednesday

Please continue to pray for little Layla Grace's comfort and healing. She is an exceptional little girl. You can follow her story at the link in her name or via Layla Grace's Twitter. Go there and give her family some prayer support as well for strength, comfort, wisdom,....how ever God leads you.

The sad thing is there are many needs like this and we need to stand together and uplift these precious ones for Jesus' healing and touch, for comfort for the families, and on and on... after all God love the little children, they need not suffer so...

Friday, March 12, 2010


moved from the beginning of the week of March 8th to here

Praying the Names of Jesus: A Daily Guide

Though Jill is currently doing a study on "Praying the Names of God" over at Forever n Ever n Ever, Crosswalk.com is currently sharing devotionals from Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of Jesus" (Ann's words will be in blue).

I receive these daily in my email and so can you, too at Crosswalk.com on the left hand side is their sign-up at their site.

The study "Praying the Names of Jesus" is in its 11th week, and the Name of Jesus for this week is:

The Key Scripture, of course, is from John 1:14. On Monday, Ann shares "Understanding the Name" and how "His Name is Revealed" as the WORD (logos) ending with these words we can pray:

Jesus, You are the One and Only Word made flesh, speaking Your love and Your light into the world's thick darkness. Reshape my life through Your message of mercy. Give me ears to hear and a heart to do Your will. Make me eager and able to proclaim Your Word in season and out, confident in Your life-giving power and in Your enduring love.

On Tues., Weds., & Thurs., in both studies, we put into practice "praying the Name". This is the format that Ann uses to guide us in PRAYER as we:

Reflect On: John 5:24 - 26.

Praise God: For opening your ears to his Word.

Offer Thanks: For all the ways God has spoken through Jesus.

Confess: Any heedlessness of God's Word.

Ask God: To help you hide His Word in your heart.

Ann challenges us to memorize His WORD in John 5:24-26

This assurance is given to us by Jesus, the last, most perfect Word of God, who tells us that if you hear His Word and believe in the Father who sent Him, there is nothing you cannot survive — no tragedy, financial crisis, emotional problem, illness, betrayal, disappointment, or accident. Nothing can ever tear you away from Christ. Even death, the most final of all calamities, cannot destroy your hope, because Jesus, the all-powerful Word of God, assures you that he will call you out of your grave. His is the voice that spoke the world into being, that healed the sick and delivered those in torment. And His is the voice that you will certainly hear on the very last day calling your name.

We generally end our official prayers...in Jesus Name... so it only seems right to share this study as well with you to help us all "Praying in the Names of Jesus"


PRAISE YOU Lord, for opening my ears to Your WORD! You are the One and Only Word made flesh. In the beginning was the Word and You are the WORD! Praise You Jesus! Thank You Holy Spirit for making the Word of Jesus alive to me.

I confess any time that I was thoughtless of Your Word; inconsiderate of the value and truth it holds for my life. Forgive me Lord, for not always obeying Your Word. Forgive me for not living Your Word daily and sharing with others.

Thank You God for all the ways that You have spoken to us through Jesus. Thank You for speaking Your love and Your Light into the darkness of this world. Thank You Jesus that nothing can ever tear us away from You. Not even death can destroy our hope in You.

Help me to guard Your Word in my heart so I have Your Word ready to share when I need the sword of Truth; Your Word, You.

Continue to reshape my life through Your message of mercy. Give me ears to hear and a heart to do Your will.

I ask this in the precious Name of Jesus...

We all know Amy Grant's song "Thy WORD is a lamp unto my feet" so I thought I'd share another one new & a bit more upbeat. (but the link is to Amy & Michael W. Smith)

May HIS WORD be a lamp unto your feet and light your path! Pray in Jesus' Name.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


"How does a nation like the United States lose its right position before God to the degree of losing out on God's approval? The History of this nation has been rewritten but that still does not change the fact that Bible believing people birthed this country; no other philosophy or ideology is going to get us back on track with God's design for us as a people to carry out our mission."

I wish I had written this but I'm just sharing here what I found at One Place.com ministries, (please click on OnePlace to link there to view and read).

I came across this series via an email I receive from One Voice / One Place.com ministries, where you can listen to this information. I think that they share so much you need to hear and weigh that you may or may not agree with or be interested in, but you should read or listen then decide. Perhaps many of you already have listened or read this...I felt compelled to share. We all must agree that OUR NATION NEEDS OUR PRAYERS!

[THIS IS NOT CULTURAL LEGACY HERE just a link to them ]

Cultural Legacy Program Information

"No sane person in America will deny that this nation is at a dangerous crossroad. It is only too obvious that this country’s foundation is crumbling all around us while the vast majority of its citizens are mere onlookers and observers. The morals and ethics of biblical Christianity, which made America the most powerful and prosperous nation in all of human history, are being severely attacked and bashed into oblivion. To the shame of America, God is being chased out of the public square and American culture. History books have been rewritten and skeletonized of all vestige of Christianity in our Founding Fathers and early patriots to avoid having to pass on that heritage to present and future generations. The religion of secular humanism and relativism has taken center stage and its promoters are relentless at reshaping America to something unrecognizable. However, America has been greatly blessed by God and He will ultimately hold us accountable for all those abundant blessings he shed upon us by His grace."

"In spite it all; be encouraged, there is hope! True, bold and committed Christians can make the difference. The hope we have lies within each Christian’s willingness and commitment to learn and apply God’s principles to all areas of life. What people believe and the ideas they embrace do have consequences not only on a personal level but also in science, technology, humanities, commerce and education."

"The Future of America’s mission is to make God’s Word known by example as well as by preaching, teaching informing and motivating Christians and the American public to become pro-active in defending and fighting for the soul of this nation and doing spiritual warfare for it. Nothing short of a reformation [going back to basics] and implementing the biblical Christian principles upon which this nation was founded will do. If every citizen commits to do something, we can change the nation!" ~ shared by Cultural Legacy, Ramon Arias, at OnePlace.com

Not only is Cultural Legacy working feverishly to aid in restoring these godly building blocks back into American society using biblical principles through education, publishing, radio broadcasts, conferences, lobbying with Congressmen and key people in public service and those in Christian work but they have also expanded their outreach to our neighbors to the north (Canada) and our neighbors to the south (Mexico). Shouldn't we be sharing this?

When a Nation Loses God's Protection Part 5 - 3/10/2010
How does a nation like the United States lose its right position before God to the degree of losing out on God's approval? The History of this nation has been rewritten but that still does not change the fact that Bible believing people birthed this country; no other philosophy or ideology is going to get us back on track with God's design for us as a people to carry out our mission

"If we ever forget that we are a nation under God, we will be a nation gone under." --Ronald Reagan. Has America forgotten how to be a nation under God?

It has become popular to say that a public service candidate's private life and beliefs do not matter and should be kept personal. But history and the Bible have always shown that character does matter. So when we see corruption in government and in society it is because ignorance and rebellion to God's established order has set in and therefore cannot have the blessings desired. God's protection will not be in effect with such a people.

When a Nation Loses God's Protection Part 2 - 3/4/2010

We cannot honestly say that the U.S. is self sufficient any longer. We depend too much on foreign nations to survive and be provided for. Summed up to that is all the filth, corruption and shedding of innocent blood in the mother's womb through abortion; our sins are many. Needless to say, God is not pleased with us and we are no longer enjoying the measure of His protection like we once did. We saw this very thing happen to Israel of old time and time again. What can we learn from their experience to save our beloved nation from total collapse?

There were many problems with this page that is why I needed to continue on another post, the enemy does not want you to read this I guess, but if you like this and want to read it, please go to the links at the top either with OnePlace or Cultural Legacy ... Sorry if the column is still drifting to the right, it looks alright from here and I can't correct it ...

Also please remember no comments written only PRAYERS to the Throne of God or prayer requests...thank you.
Continued below in next post.....


CONTINUATION of TIME TO PRAY ("When a Nation Looses God's Protection" series)

As we approach the end of Lent, and upcoming National Day of Prayer, (since I just missed the March 5th World Day of Prayer in Cameroon), and then the GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER in 72 days


You might say that you have not done any of this, or caused this or that, but this isn't about blame; this is about coming together as One Nation under God, (nay) one Kingdom under God's authority in corporate prayer, seeking His face, His forgiveness, His mercy as WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE united under Godly principles.





Every Friday is FEARLESS FRIDAY so please
join us in prayer...

for many in need,
with Angela @ Free Spirit Haven!

We are praying for one another and want you to see the
Power of PRAYER here in a personal way with our virtual friends!

We all need prayer & one another.

There are more prayer requests shared HERE and at Fearless Friday
also in the comments "Prayers Lifted to the Throne of God"
for that's where we share them here.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Starting TODAY March 1, 2010

FOREVER N EVER N ALWAYS with Jill, will begin "Praying the Names of God" study.

You can visit JILL every Monday and if you'd like go to Crosswalk.com and subscribe to a daily email devotional or view it there by Ann Spangler, PRAYING THE NAMES OF GOD! But they are not synced to begin with this one which is WEEK ONE. The e-votional is in week 10 of "Praying the Names of Jesus" ... but you could go back in the archives to here (hope it works)

JOIN JILL and learn how to PRAY the Names of God. Click on Jill's blog, visit her & grab this button & get ready to PRAY, LEARN & GROW!

I have received these devotionals for the past two years in my emails from Crosswalk and begin my day with PRAYER and this devotional.

You can also purchase the book through ANN SPANGLER's website or HERE with Amazon.com,you can look inside the book at Amazon.

Ann also has a blog here.

is the NAME of GOD

for this week!

Monday's Questions from the above book:

Studying the Name

  1. "Genesis" is a word that can mean "birth," "history of origin," or "genealogy." What can you observe about who God is from this passage about beginnings? (GENESIS 1)
  2. What can you observe about the world He has made?
  3. What do you think it means to be created in "the image of God"? How would your life change if you lived with the constant awareness that He created you to bear His image?
  4. God seems delighted by what He has made, proclaiming it good and even very good. How does God's assessment of creation shape your own attitude toward the world? Toward yourself?

Remember this is a place for your PRAYERS, so we ask that the comments be PRAYERS or PRAYER REQUESTS ONLY. Though I did not ask Jill's permission, I shared her prayer from today for an example to help us PRAY IN THE NAME OF ELOHIM in the comments: Prayers Lifted to The Throne of God...

If you'd like to respond to the questions, please do so on your own blog, link up with JILL'S... FOREVER N EVER N ALWAYS and be sure to visit her!

It's Time to Pray


PRAYER for Our Nation

This was shared in an email from the Presidential Prayer Team:

Declaration of Independence Signer

Samuel Chase
George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States

"Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --

This prayer of George Washington appears in St. Paul's Chapel in New York City.

To read MORE go here with Presidential Prayer Team

Our Nation

thumbnail image
575 Prayers
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." - Psalm 33:12
On our National Day of Prayer, then, we join together…to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing.
-President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)