"How does a nation like the United States lose its right position before God to the degree of losing out on God's approval? The History of this nation has been rewritten but that still does not change the fact that Bible believing people birthed this country; no other philosophy or ideology is going to get us back on track with God's design for us as a people to carry out our mission."
I wish I had written this but I'm just sharing here what I found at One Place.com ministries, (please click on OnePlace to link there to view and read).
I came across this series via an email I receive from One Voice / One Place.com ministries, where you can listen to this information. I think that they share so much you need to hear and weigh that you may or may not agree with or be interested in, but you should read or listen then decide. Perhaps many of you already have listened or read this...I felt compelled to share. We all must agree that OUR NATION NEEDS OUR PRAYERS!
Cultural Legacy Program Information
"No sane person in America will deny that this nation is at a dangerous crossroad. It is only too obvious that this country’s foundation is crumbling all around us while the vast majority of its citizens are mere onlookers and observers. The morals and ethics of biblical Christianity, which made America the most powerful and prosperous nation in all of human history, are being severely attacked and bashed into oblivion. To the shame of America, God is being chased out of the public square and American culture. History books have been rewritten and skeletonized of all vestige of Christianity in our Founding Fathers and early patriots to avoid having to pass on that heritage to present and future generations. The religion of secular humanism and relativism has taken center stage and its promoters are relentless at reshaping America to something unrecognizable. However, America has been greatly blessed by God and He will ultimately hold us accountable for all those abundant blessings he shed upon us by His grace."
"In spite it all; be encouraged, there is hope! True, bold and committed Christians can make the difference. The hope we have lies within each Christian’s willingness and commitment to learn and apply God’s principles to all areas of life. What people believe and the ideas they embrace do have consequences not only on a personal level but also in science, technology, humanities, commerce and education."
"The Future of America’s mission is to make God’s Word known by example as well as by preaching, teaching informing and motivating Christians and the American public to become pro-active in defending and fighting for the soul of this nation and doing spiritual warfare for it. Nothing short of a reformation [going back to basics] and implementing the biblical Christian principles upon which this nation was founded will do. If every citizen commits to do something, we can change the nation!" ~ shared by Cultural Legacy, Ramon Arias, at OnePlace.com
Not only is Cultural Legacy working feverishly to aid in restoring these godly building blocks back into American society using biblical principles through education, publishing, radio broadcasts, conferences, lobbying with Congressmen and key people in public service and those in Christian work but they have also expanded their outreach to our neighbors to the north (Canada) and our neighbors to the south (Mexico). Shouldn't we be sharing this?
When a Nation Loses God's Protection Part 5 - 3/10/2010
How does a nation like the United States lose its right position before God to the degree of losing out on God's approval? The History of this nation has been rewritten but that still does not change the fact that Bible believing people birthed this country; no other philosophy or ideology is going to get us back on track with God's design for us as a people to carry out our mission
How does a nation like the United States lose its right position before God to the degree of losing out on God's approval? The History of this nation has been rewritten but that still does not change the fact that Bible believing people birthed this country; no other philosophy or ideology is going to get us back on track with God's design for us as a people to carry out our mission
"If we ever forget that we are a nation under God, we will be a nation gone under." --Ronald Reagan. Has America forgotten how to be a nation under God?
When a Nation Loses God's Protection Part 3 - 3/8/2010
It has become popular to say that a public service candidate's private life and beliefs do not matter and should be kept personal. But history and the Bible have always shown that character does matter. So when we see corruption in government and in society it is because ignorance and rebellion to God's established order has set in and therefore cannot have the blessings desired. God's protection will not be in effect with such a people.
When a Nation Loses God's Protection Part 2 - 3/4/2010
We cannot honestly say that the U.S. is self sufficient any longer. We depend too much on foreign nations to survive and be provided for. Summed up to that is all the filth, corruption and shedding of innocent blood in the mother's womb through abortion; our sins are many. Needless to say, God is not pleased with us and we are no longer enjoying the measure of His protection like we once did. We saw this very thing happen to Israel of old time and time again. What can we learn from their experience to save our beloved nation from total collapse?
We cannot honestly say that the U.S. is self sufficient any longer. We depend too much on foreign nations to survive and be provided for. Summed up to that is all the filth, corruption and shedding of innocent blood in the mother's womb through abortion; our sins are many. Needless to say, God is not pleased with us and we are no longer enjoying the measure of His protection like we once did. We saw this very thing happen to Israel of old time and time again. What can we learn from their experience to save our beloved nation from total collapse?
There were many problems with this page that is why I needed to continue on another post, the enemy does not want you to read this I guess, but if you like this and want to read it, please go to the links at the top either with OnePlace or Cultural Legacy ... Sorry if the column is still drifting to the right, it looks alright from here and I can't correct it ...
Also please remember no comments written only PRAYERS to the Throne of God or prayer requests...thank you.
Continued below in next post.....
Dear Father God, I lift our nation up to Your throne today.There are so many problems facing our nation, so much wrong being done. Please show mercy and kindness to us. Help us to make the wrongs right, before it is to late. Amen
Ohh Father, I grieve and have such a heavy spirit as I listen and read all that is happening in our nation. I weep to think of You removing Your hand of protection or mercy from our nation. So I lift our entire western hemisphere to You and stand with my sister Denise's prayer. Return the us a O Lord to "one nation under God" and take control. We lift up our leaders before You that they would bow to Your authority. continue to sift out the evil and hidden corruptions, for nothing is hidden from Your eyes, el Roi. We will not tolerate anymore destruction of Your Godly principles and reign.
You reign over all nations, reign in our lives. Awaken Your Spirit in the church and in us as individuals! God bless America!
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