Associated Press reported earlier today that evangelist Franklin Graham's invitation to speak at a Pentagon prayer service on the National Day of Prayer May 6 has been rescinded by the U.S. Army because of comments he made years ago about Islam.Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, in 2001 described Islam as "evil." More recently, he has said he finds Islam offensive and wants Muslims to know that Jesus Christ died for their sins. The Associated Press report quoted Army spokesman Col. Tom Collins as saying Graham's remarks were "not appropriate."
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation had raised the objection to Graham's appearance. The invitation for Graham to attend the National Day of Prayer event at the Pentagon wasn't from the military, the report said, but from the Colorado-based National Day of Prayer Task Force, which works with the Pentagon chaplain's office on the prayer event. Since Graham's invitation was rescinded, the task force has decided not to participate in the military prayer service, Collins said.
Enough is enough," said Mrs. James (Shirley) Dobson, chairwoman of the prayer task force "We at the National Day of Prayer Task Force ask the American people to defend the right to pray in the Pentagon.This is just the latest news surrounding the National Day of Prayer - and we encourage you today to intercede and sign our Declaration of Prayer petition to President Obama defending the National Day of Prayer and our rights to meet together and pray for our nation.
CLICK HERE to go to The Declaration For Prayer - Petition Sign-up
Please forward this email to your friends, family, church members and/or co-workers.
Your Presidential Prayer Team
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010

"Today is not the best of days (humanly speaking). Abby’s immunity is virtually zero; after a trip to post office to get the now predictable stack of medical bills and insurance letters, Abby’s fever went from normal to pushing 102 in less than an hour (and climbing still, fast). She was already quarantined; now it’s back to the hospital for immediate admission." ... continue reading at their family blog...
- The antibiotics will work. Kids with Leukemia don’t die from “cancer”… they die from secondary infections. That’s why these episodes are so serious and intense.
- Strength and health for the rest of the family so we can deal with this.
- Wisdom and alertness to handle all the details of hospital, medical bills, insurance and the rest of “life”.
A federal judge in Wisconsin yesterday found the National Day of Prayer to be unconstitutional, saying it violates the First Amendment prohibition laws respecting an establishment of religion.
The decision was rendered in a case brought some years ago against the Bush (and subsequently Obama) administration by the 15,000-member Freedom From Religion Foundation.
The court's action will not impact the activities planned around this year's May 6th National Day of Prayer activities in Washington, D.C. on the steps of the Capitol, on the Mall by the Washington Monument, at the ellipse near the Jefferson Memorial, and in many cities around the country.
The Presidential Prayer Team will also be sending information regarding the rumors that President Obama has cancelled the National Day of Prayer. The fact is - last year President Obama cancelled only the White House's involvement in the National Day of Prayer. Be watching for that email shortly.
- Share this information by forwarding this email to your friends who will pray.
- Sign up for and share the "Vantage Point" devotionals with your friends who pray ... they are targeting the readiness for the National Day of Prayer, and include names of specific individuals on the Task Force to hold before the Lord during this time. Sign up here - its free!
- Prepare your own heart in readiness for what will come next.
- Pray for The Presidential Prayer Team. As the largest intercessory prayer group in the United States, we must address our eroding rights to openly pray in America. Pray specifically for wisdom and our understanding of God's timing as we formalize a plan to involve our entire membership.
Now is not the time to sit back and watch. Now is the time to pray.
Now is the time to gather others to pray with you.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
We are alerting our prayer members to pray for the event unfolding in West Virgina.
BULLETIN -- “MONTCOAL, W.Virginia. -- Toxic methane gas buildup forced rescuers to suspend efforts early Tuesday in finding four missing coal miners in West Virginia after a mine explosion killed 25 others in the deadliest such disaster in the United States in decades. The mine is located about 30 miles south of Charleston. Authorities have slim hopes that the missing miners could be found alive more than 1,000 feet underground amid a buildup of toxic methane gas. At least two miners were injured in the blast and remain hospitalized."
We ask that you take the time today to pray for:
For the families of those killed - that God would bring His undeniable presence and comfort to their hearts and minds as they face the loss of their loved ones.
For the rescue workers still on site - that the Lord will energize them and give them His wisdom to locate anyone who may still be alive. We also offer praise for those who were rescued, and thank God for the bravery and selflessness of the rescuers.
For the Massey Energy coal mine community - that God would use this tragedy to draw them together and help them find His peace, and even joy, in the midst of this disaster. Also, that He would help them take any measures that could prevent another explosion in the future.
For President Obama and our nation - that the Lord would work in and through us to remind us of His love and presence in these times of difficulty.

Please forward this email to your friends and family.
If you would like to receive these Special Prayer Bulletins by email – they’re free. Sign Up Here.
Additionally, we will have our new Prayer Wall and other prayer tools available for this special request.
Your Presidential Prayer Team
Sunday, April 4, 2010
This is Kathleen Dillard, Wayne's wife, writing to you today with some unexpected news. Last night, April 3rd at 7 PM Wayne had, what we believe to be, heart failure.
The day before Easter, he went into the arms of THE Resurrection Himself. It was a sunny day in Colorado and Wayne was busy and happy doing the things he loved.
As for myself and our two college age daughters, Julia and Jessica, we are in shock. Our hearts are both heavy and hopeful. Your prayers are a great help to us right now.
As for Prayercentral, we feel Wayne was "in the middle" of so many God appointed projects, that I will take the baton forward where Wayne left off last night.
Which means, you will hear more from us at Prayercentral.
If you would like to give a gift in Wayne's honor, you can do that by clicking here or at the following address:
PO Box 64323
Virginia Beach, VA 23467
Thank you so much for your partnership with us in His Kingdom!
Kathleen Dillard
A Prayer for Kathleen, Julia and Jessica Dillard
To view this message on our website click here.Take Courage
Scripture: The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage”! -Acts 23:11
A Note from Kathleen Dillard:
Thank You, for your prayers as we walk forward in this unexpected season of grief. Your prayers are a cushion of grace. A senior leader and pastor called us recently and said, "Wayne's life has been sown into the ground in righteousness and we will see a great harvest," our hearts feel hope rising.
Thank you for your partnership with us at Prayercentral. Let's continue to shape history on our knees.
In His Care,
PRAYER for Our Nation
"Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --
Our Nation


-President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)