Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Various places are beginning 2014 with PRAYER and FASTING! If you are interested in doing this for the first week of the New Year with a wonderful community, might I suggest HERE

image from www.spirituallyunequalmarriage.com

I can also direct you to others, if you'd like, I will search for more choices. Here is one "Call to Pray" with 10 days of prayer and resources. I know different churches start their year this way, like my home church in Minnesota (sometimes the entire month) or some I found online: City Church, I think Saddleback with Pastor Rick Warren's Daniel Plan followed by "50 days of Transformation" study, Celebration Church (21 days), Church on the Rock, CrossGates or a day with Moody Church. I'm sure there are others. Some follow the Daniel Plan or other ways but the theme is not only PRAYER but FASTING so we are in tune and listening to what God may reveal. Many do not start until the week of January 5th ...  so you still have time to look around and decide. 

Meanwhile, I have been looking at You Version for specific reading plans that focus on PRAYER, which I will start sharing here. I found about 47 different ones, and a few struck me. The one I like most is a 40 day plan designed to help you pray for your neighbors and your own street (but the main site is for the UK, although it would work for any of us in our own neighborhoods; it would be quite the undertaking and not feasible for me from here for right now). So I looked at my next 2 favorite choices (due to content and length): 


There is also one specifically for a 21 Day Fast, if that interests you. Others are more specific and also quite a few just give readings in God's Word like another favorite that I considered, but it's a 52 day commitment (too much for me for right now to get started but I may consider it later in the year): A.C.T.S. Prayer Bible Reading. 

I considered taking a vote of your favorite that you might like but then I would not have been able to prepare them for posting, so perhaps another time, we'll do a vote.

I hope that you also take time to click (open) the DAILY PRAYER page above, which comes from author Germaine Copeland's Daily Prayer page (between the astericks) and have taken time to read or subscribe to the daily devotions offered by Prayer Central with Kathleen Dillard and team (excellent choices to daily guide your prayers) that follow on that same page above. My favorites this past year besides Kathleen's Weekly Word or Today's Prayer (from Fetch a Prayer with them) were "In His Name" and "Draw Near". Actually I could spend most of my day at her site, praying and interceding.

In two separate posts, I will be sharing Day 1 from my two favorites. Actually, they will probably be preposted before this on Dec. 31st or before the PRAISE TIME post, and you'll be wondering where the "Prayer Requests" went and why these are here. But it's because I wanted you to have these as samples to start Day 1 on January 1, 2014.

Yet, I still love "Neighbors Love Your Streets" and I have downloaded much of their resources to personally use. I already had chosen a 10 week study or plan by Beth Moore on P.R.A.I.S.E. (a new book - I think - at least it's new to me) where Beth leads us with a new "prayer formula" using the word "PRAISE" to journal our prayers: P=praise, R=repentance, A= acknowledgement, I=intercession, S=supplication, E=equipping. (the first two may be interchanged on some days, she writes because there are times when we cannot truly praise God without cleaning up our act first). Maybe God will lead me to share more of this or Stormie Omartian's books that I also read and pray fervently. 

I hope you will join me in one of these reading plans and start; PRAISING, ADORING, THANKING, and INTERCEDING as we do here at the Lighthouse of Prayer in 2014.  


Day 1


Here at the Lighthouse of Prayer, we lift each other up and pray for our needs and those of others we see here and there throughout "blogland" and our daily lives.

“I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart” 
Psalm 9:1
"Praise should always follow answered prayer, just like the mist of earth’s gratitude rises when the sun of heaven’s love warms the ground. Has the Lord been gracious to you, and heard your voice as your earnestly pray? Then praise Him as long as you live! Don’t deny a song to Him who has answered your prayer and given you the desire of your heart." Originally written by Charles H. Spurgeon, published in “Mornings and Evenings,” entry for October 30th, AM. Updated to modern English by Darren Hewer, 2008 

Quite a while back, it was suggested to me to have a place to include PRAISE reports!!! I was hoping that in our Prayer Requests each month, we would come back and give a prayer when there is a praise or thanks for an answer to our prayers.

Because of course, we always want to come back and give glory to Our Lord, praise Him and thank Him. In fact, I'm sure that we had a place long ago when we started here. So since we try to keep everything as a prayer around here, I was not sure how this might work ... but I'm leaving it up to YOU! I have noticed some PRAISE shared in the Prayer Requests more often as I wrote above (which I truly appreciate) but I just wanted to make a special place and point of this again. These can be general or specific (if you can remember prayer requests answered or the month we lifted that prayer). God surely knows. Let's just make a public declaration of how faithful He is.

We tried this back in September 2012 (Part I) then (Part II.so this will be Part III for 2013 (that's a whole lot of thanks and praise). If you'd like to see how it was done before then go back and read or view a video with some scriptures on PRAISE, just click on Part I. We need to do this more often, but most definitely at the end of a year as this is! 

If at all possible, write your PRAISEANSWER to prayers or THANKS in a form of a prayer ... Thank you and God bless!

[the current monthly prayer request post still follows below this]


"Authentic Prayer from James MacDonald" as shared with You Version from James MacDonald (this is a 7 day plan) that "will help you assess your prayer life, check your methods and motivations, and show you how to turn up the power of personal prayer. Use these daily readings to increase your confidence that God hears, answers, and can change your life through prayer."

Day 1

Hebrews 10:23-25
"Stirred Up to Pray

Paul gives us a term that really helps us describe the kind of prayer we’re going after—unceasing. Unceasing prayer brings the glory of God down. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says we are to “Pray without ceasing.” That doesn't mean you're not doing anything else. It means that just as you are always physically breathing in and out as you go about your day, you should always be spiritually in a conversation with God. Always talking: "Yes, Lord;" and "See that, Father?" and "Help me, God," and always, always in an attitude of prayer.
When it comes to prayer, God Himself is in the stirring-up business. He doesn’t do it for His own good but for our good. We need to pray unceasingly because it is immeasurably good for us! Let’s look closely at God’s move to stir up Jeremiah (and us) to prayer: “The word of the LORD came to Jeremiah a second time while he was still shut in the court of the guard. Thus says the LORD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it to establish it—the LORD is His name: ‘Call to Me, and I will answer and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known’” (Jeremiah 33:1-3). Within these verses are four distinct promises from God to Jeremiah related to prayer. Do you see them?
And when you do pray, ask God to bring the people and events into your life that will stir you up to pray even more. Stirring things are around us every moment, but we need the eyes and heart to see them.
Prayer: Father, continue to stir me toward a consistent attitude of prayer so that my sensitivity to immediate and momentary times for prayer is increased. Help me not only to pray without ceasing but to jump to special invitations to pray. Thank You for drawing near to me as I draw near to You! In Jesus’ name, Amen. "
You can continue with these 
by signing up with
even receive them in your email or via your phone 
(I think, I know very little about this new tech stuff)

I especially like the prayers at the end of each day's devotion in this one.

there's only 6 more to go with this reading plan on
by James MacDonald
Day 2 "Call to Me" Jeremiah 33:1-3
Day 3 "Moses' Vertical Call" Exodus 3:10-11
Day 4 "God's Invitation" 2 Timothy 2:11-13
Day 5 "God's Insurance" Isaiah 46:8-11
Day 6 "Until You Pray" Psalm 91:14-16
Day 7 "Hidden Things" Jeremiah 33:2-3

This pumps me up or as this first devotion says
I hope it does you as well

accepted on this site
so they are
for here

Sample #1 is HERE
I had to switch these when I chose to go with the other plan


"Teach Me to Pray" from Time of Grace org as shared with YouVersion.

This one is for 32 days. 

"Is your prayer life sometimes unfulfilling? forced? confused? nonexistent? The Bible is full of stories and passages that can guide and inspire you to a better prayer life. These devotions, one for each day of your month plus one bonus devotion, offer encouraging words from the Word to help you with your prayer time with God."

Day 1

Luke 11:1
1 Thessalonians 5:17


“Teach us to pray,” one of Jesus’ disciples asked Him one day (Luke 11:1). Now--it wasn’t that they were unfamiliar with the concept of sending speech or thoughts up to God in heaven. Their parents had surely taught them prayers in their homes when they were children. Each Sabbath they would light their candles and pray. Each Passover they would eat the lamb, hear again the story of God’s miraculous redemption of His people, and thank Him for His mighty acts on their behalf.
They were regulars at synagogue worship and knew the temple rituals. But when they saw how much Jesus got out of His prayer time, when they saw how often and how intensely He spoke with His Father, they knew they were missing something important. They wanted their prayer life to do for them what it obviously did for Jesus.
Why did He draw so much strength from that time? Why was He always so refreshed? How could they tap into that heavenly comfort and energy?
Do you share their longing? Is your prayer life sometimes unfulfilling? forced? scant? confused? nonexistent? The Bible is full of stories and passages that can guide and inspire us to a better prayer life. These little devotions will bring you an encouraging word from the Word for each day of your month.“Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)!  "

I will be sharing the links to this one each day here, if it works so YouVersion will
"Teach Me Us to Pray"
through Time of Grace and their devotional

However, I will not be sharing the devotion here (since it's not mine), only the Bible reading reference and the link to YouVersion. It would be best for you to sign up with YouVersion and this plan to follow along with all of it.
accepted on this site
so they are

Saturday, November 30, 2013


"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. 
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"      
Ecclesiastes 4:12  

This is meant to be an interactive blog based on comment and response system. That's where YOU come in, we need YOU to help the Lighthouse of Prayer work effectively by joining us in sharing your prayer requests or other's you encounter AND then by leaving a prayer for them, let them know that you are lifting them in prayer with us here.


This blog ONLY works if WE all JOIN together 
in prayer and sharing.

We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the Comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers hopefully, written as a response to your petition there. We'd like this to be a community of prayer, praying for one another.

We encourage you ALL to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer also. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.

This blog post is only for 

Please use other posts to write other prayers 
Your PRAYERS are always welcome here!

When you leave a prayer request, 
please come back to read the prayer(s) for you.

Hopefully you will find them right under your 
made possible with the new feature of 

If you are praying for that prayer request
please use the REPLY right under that prayer request.

When you add a PRAYER REQUEST in comments, 
write PRAYER REQUEST first

Thank you in the name of Jesus
let us pray

Heavenly Father, Thank You for sending Jesus as we celebrate this season of His birth and giving us the precious gift of salvation, we find through Him for an eternal life with You. We are so grateful and love You so much! Bless each person who passes by here with more of You in their Christmas and Your divine favor in every need they have, for them and their loved ones. Thank You for each one, especially those who pray in Jesus Name!


Thursday, October 31, 2013


"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. 
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"      
Ecclesiastes 4:12  

This is meant to be an interactive blog based on comment and response system. That's where YOU come in, we need YOU to help the Lighthouse of Prayer work effectively by joining us in sharing your prayer requests or other's you encounter AND then by leaving a prayer for them, let them know that you are lifting them in prayer with us here.


This blog ONLY works if WE all JOIN together 
in prayer and sharing.

We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the Comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers hopefully, written as a response to your petition there. We'd like this to be a community of prayer, praying for one another.

We encourage you ALL to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer also. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.

This blog post is only for 

Please use other posts to write other prayers 
Your PRAYERS are always welcome here!

When you leave a prayer request, 
please come back to read the prayer(s) for you.

Hopefully you will find them right under your 
made possible with the new feature of 

If you are praying for that prayer request
please use the REPLY right under that prayer request.

When you add a PRAYER REQUEST in comments, 
write PRAYER REQUEST first

Thank you in the name of Jesus
let us pray

Monday, September 30, 2013


"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. 
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"      
Ecclesiastes 4:12  

This is meant to be an interactive blog based on comment and response system. That's where YOU come in, we need YOU to help the Lighthouse of Prayer work effectively by joining us in sharing your prayer requests or other's you encounter AND then by leaving a prayer for them, let them know that you are lifting them in prayer with us here.


This blog ONLY works if WE all JOIN together 
in prayer and sharing.

We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the Comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers hopefully, written as a response to your petition there. We'd like this to be a community of prayer, praying for one another.

We encourage you ALL to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer also. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.

This blog post is only for 

Please use other posts to write other prayers 
Your PRAYERS are always welcome here!

When you leave a prayer request, 
please come back to read the prayer(s) for you.

Hopefully you will find them right under your 
made possible with the new feature of 

If you are praying for that prayer request
please use the REPLY right under that prayer request.

When you add a PRAYER REQUEST in comments, 
write PRAYER REQUEST first

Thank you in the name of Jesus
let us pray

Thursday, September 26, 2013


"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. 
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"      
Ecclesiastes 4:12  

This is meant to be an interactive blog based on comment and response system. That's where YOU come in, we need YOU to help the Lighthouse of Prayer work effectively by joining us in sharing your prayer requests or other's you encounter AND then by leaving a prayer for them, let them know that you are lifting them in prayer with us here.


This blog ONLY works if WE all JOIN together 
in prayer and sharing.

We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the Comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers hopefully, written as a response to your petition there. We'd like this to be a community of prayer, praying for one another.

We encourage you ALL to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer also. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.

This blog post is only for 

Please use other posts to write other prayers 
Your PRAYERS are always welcome here!

When you leave a prayer request, 
please come back to read the prayer(s) for you.

Hopefully you will find them right under your 
made possible with the new feature of 

If you are praying for that prayer request
please use the REPLY right under that prayer request.

When you add a PRAYER REQUEST in comments, 
write PRAYER REQUEST first

Thank you in the name of Jesus
let us pray

Sunday, September 22, 2013

31 DAYS OF PRAYER ... A21 Campaign with P31 Ministry

Earlier this week I shared GLOBAL HARVEST here that is upcoming, but later that day, I came upon something that is dear to my heart and mission - a Prayer Campaign for A21 Campaign with P31 Ministries.

I am passionate about this so I shared it on my MISSIONS blog but it really belongs here! However, I will not be reposting what I shared at MISSIONS already or what you can read at Lysa's blog posts on Mon. and Weds. or I believe daily on her Facebook page and quite possible on Christine Caine's Facebook page, blog or A21 Campaign site

So what I'd like to do is share the PDF from Lysa (I've seen it in other sites as well) to use the prayer format here and leave it open for your prayers in our comments as usual (PRAYERS ONLY) but it would be much better if you left your prayers on Lysa's blog or Facebook (and I'll understand or you could copy your prayer here and there, double the power) 

Here is the first part of the Prayer PDF:


Day 1: Lord, today as I pray for the A21 Campaign, the word I’m focusing on is “Protection.” God, please protect those who have been taken and are currently enslaved. Please help them. Show them a safe way of escape. Help A21 workers or trustworthy government officials and them. And then, as they escape, blind the eyes of those who would want to impede the rescue. In God’s Powerful Name we pray, Amen.

Day 2: For their protection, freedom, and justice: Psalm 82:4, Psalm 103:6, Psalm 146:7

Day 3: For their strength and salvation: Psalm 138:7, Isaiah 40:29, Luke 19:10

Day 4: For their hope and healing: Psalm 40:1-3, Jeremiah 30:17, Jeremiah 31:17

Day 5: Lord, today as I pray for the A21 Campaign, I’m once again focusing on “Protection.” Jesus, protect these young girls, women, boys and young men being trafficked today. Please put conviction in the hearts of those holding these dear ones hostage. Send a searing pain into the hardened hearts of these captors so that they may open their eyes and see the wrong they are doing. Bring alive their conscience and give them the courage to set free their captives. And help those being held hostage and safety in one of the A21 transition homes or another place of restoration. Protect them spiritually, physically, and emotionally as they learn to be empowered to live in freedom. In God’s Powerful Name we pray, Amen.

Pray for Traffickers
Pray for Governments
Pray for the Root Causes
Pray for Global Awareness
Pray for the Church
Pray for the A21 Campaign
(I may add these prayer or scriptures to pray in the "Prayers Lifted to God's Throne", which is the place usually for comments but we delete comments - even good ones :0) JUST PRAYERS are accepted HERE. However, if you'd like to comment, you can do so on the MISSIONS blog.)
Please join me and PRAY to END this modern day atrocity! 
* Note: I posted this back to Day 1 of when Lysa began on Mon. Sept. 23 

Saturday, August 31, 2013


I feel it's my responsibility, as one of the administrators of the Lighthouse of Prayer, along with a wonderful volunteer prayer team of Alice, Cathy, Denise, Joyful (maybe even you) (hopefully) to try and keep us all posted about Prayer events happening around the world, or as I often share, such as from the PPT (Presidential Prayer Team) Prayer Watch and other effective prayerful sites or organizations of worldwide concerns. I received this from one.

It is with this I post-date this information post [so our current September prayer requests is on top] with this news from

21 days for Global Harvest
September 29 - October 19th, 2013

from Kellie Shaw
Here's the link to what I received as an email about this
and also to
"and either post urgent issues for your country or community, or pray with and for those who need it."
USA page

[no matter what country]
are never above the need
humbling ourselves
for our nation and communities
with so many urgent issues
facing the world
(this is my humble opinion-Peggy)
Prayer Resources from GPRN
I'll leave this up to you individually
[maybe your church is part of this or could be]
as to whether 
you join in praying
with them
Comments will be closed 
here until that day
because as you know
[all comments will be deleted]
Maybe each of the 21 days someone could leave a prayer here
when I open the comments 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. 
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"      
Ecclesiastes 4:12  

This is meant to be an interactive blog based on comment and response system. That's where YOU come in, we need YOU to help the Lighthouse of Prayer work effectively by joining us in sharing your prayer requests or other's you encounter AND then by leaving a prayer for them, let them know that you are lifting them in prayer with us here.


This blog ONLY works if WE all JOIN together 
in prayer and sharing.

We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the Comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers hopefully, written as a response to your petition there. We'd like this to be a community of prayer, praying for one another.

We encourage you ALL to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer also. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.

This blog post is only for 

Please use other posts to write other prayers 
Your PRAYERS are always welcome here!

When you leave a prayer request, 
please come back to read the prayer(s) for you.

Hopefully you will find them right under your 
made possible with the new feature of 

If you are praying for that prayer request
please use the REPLY right under that prayer request.

When you add a PRAYER REQUEST in comments, 
write PRAYER REQUEST first

Thank you in the name of Jesus
let us pray

Sunday, July 28, 2013


stand together here at
for one another

I have a special request! I don't do this too often, but God moved upon me while I prayed today for this very special prayer warrior here at the Lighthouse of Prayer and the battle she is waging. Denise did not ask for this nor does she know or expect

We do not wage this war alone ...

The Battle is the Lord's and I see Him Standing (so many of the songs of Twila Paris speak to this) ... so let us wage on and pray

However, I would like to gather all intercessors and prayer warriors to surround this precious soul, this difficult week with a difficult decision and her ever pending health situation that has been draining and wearying her along with others in her family.

Please join me and leave your encouraging prayer for Denise. Shortybear (her nickname) faithfully comes here and prays for many. So let us surround her daily this week as she makes this decision, for her upcoming interview on Weds., her health, her marriage, her broken spirit, and also her sister, Vicky.

If you don't know Denise just add a short prayer of agreement and encouragement from Our Heavenly Father's Word or visit her blog(or Coco's) and pass through some of her posts like the ones I have linked here and her videos like this recent one.

I pray you will join me in tearing down the enemies hold over this loved one and her household in Jesus' Name. Let's pray for the Lord to move mightily on Denise and her husband, and for her sister as well. We plead the blood of Jesus over Denise and her household. We give Our Lord all the thanks, praise, glory and honor He deserves for bringing us to our knees, on behalf of this dear one that faithfully does this for others. Thank You Lord, for Denise...

May God move mountains for her, bring her clear wisdom and direction from God (not other's well intentions but misleading because they do not know the full circumstances nor her or her personal situation that are bringing confusion and hurt, so we come against that spirit). We ask God to pour His Holy Spirit over Denise, rescue her from this battle and also bring healing, strength, comfort, peace or lead her clearly through this valley.

Coco (her dog) needs her and so do we! We love Denise so much and want God's outpouring over her and remind her that He loves her so as she loves Him with all her heart. Come, let us join together and PRAY fervently and effectively, proclaiming verses and God's Word on her behalf to the King of kings, to His very Throne we come... with the authority of Jesus Christ.

Please share this with others and ask them to come here and leave a PRAYER. Thank you!
PRESS ON DENISE, lean into ALL the Father has for you, trust Him and hear His voice speak to you, guide you and direct your path ...

PLEASE remember NO COMMENTS only PRAYERS here. If you want to comment, please visit at Shortybear's Place (now renamed "Warrior for Jesus" and leave her personally your encouragement and support. Thank you!

comments will be deleted
please don't make me close or delete your words

Monday, July 15, 2013


JOY OF INTERCESSION with Pastor Beni Johnson, Bethel Church


Learn the secrets to becoming a happy intercessor and experience breakthrough, joy, and results as you pray.

Whether you are an individual who wants to begin a personal Bible study, a small group leader looking to go through a topical series, or a teacher in your local church with a vision to disciple the body of Christ in prayer, The Joy of Intercession will empower you, your group or church class to pray from a whole new level and watch God move like never before!

- See more by following the LINK above: 

The sign up for FREE samples is for real. Excellent teachings on the JOY of INTERCESSION, which is what The Lighthouse of Prayer is all about!

COMMENTS are CLOSED because we only leave PRAYERS here anyways. Be full of HIS JOY today and INTERCEDE for someone in need. We all are "in need" ... of MORE of JESUS in our lives. More of His Grace, His Love, His strength ...

Friday, July 5, 2013


"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. 
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"      
Ecclesiastes 4:12  

This is meant to be an interactive blog based on comment and response system. That's where YOU come in, we need YOU to help the Lighthouse of Prayer work effectively by joining us in sharing your prayer requests or other's you encounter AND then by leaving a prayer for them, let them know that you are lifting them in prayer with us here.


This blog ONLY works if WE all JOIN together 
in prayer and sharing.

We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the Comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers hopefully, written as a response to your petition there. We'd like this to be a community of prayer, praying for one another.

We encourage you ALL to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer also. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.

This blog post is only for 

Please use other posts to write other prayers 
Your PRAYERS are always welcome here!

When you leave a prayer request, 
please come back to read the prayer(s) for you.

Hopefully you will find them right under your 
made possible with the new feature of 

If you are praying for that prayer request
please use the REPLY right under that prayer request.

When you add a PRAYER REQUEST in comments, 
write PRAYER REQUEST first

Thank you in the name of Jesus
let us pray

* Sorry, for being late, not setup and I was not in a place with computer use. Hope this improves soon!

It's Time to Pray


PRAYER for Our Nation

This was shared in an email from the Presidential Prayer Team:

Declaration of Independence Signer

Samuel Chase
George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States

"Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --

This prayer of George Washington appears in St. Paul's Chapel in New York City.

To read MORE go here with Presidential Prayer Team

Our Nation

thumbnail image
575 Prayers
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." - Psalm 33:12
On our National Day of Prayer, then, we join together…to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing.
-President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)