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"The Lord's Prayer: the 1st Petition" Luke 11:2
Go to
"Teach Me to Pray"
Day 10
for the devotional from
Time for Grace
I just discovered this is available as a booklet here
There's still 22 days left
I pray by now that you know where to find these at YouVersion and
you will continue with them or get the booklet
Day 9-17 continues in the Lord's Prayer with "petitions" to the doxology
Day 18-23 Characteristics of a Powerful Prayer
Day 24-28 God's Promises to Pray-ers
Day 29-32 Prayer Heroes: David, Elijah, Paul
ending with the Holy Spirit
Day 1
was sample #1 back here
sample #2
Information is found
about this
that I cropped because I really love it: the book and the cover.