Monday, November 10, 2014


Denise still needs PRAYERs even though she went home from hospital and the rehab center. She still has a rough road ahead of her and has been back to ER and hospital a few times since going home, so this battle is not over just because God helped her incredibly and miraculously through this crisis. She is currently using a walker and facing great difficulties still in all areas. Thank you for remembering her in your prayers constantly. (Jan. 2015)

I have decided to take the updates that were in the November Prayers for Denise Oldham (our sweet Shortybear)  and Add them here for ALL, along with the prayers that I will try to update as needed.  {sidenote: partly because her blog comments do not seem to be working, at least not for me}

If you have been around this Lighthouse of Prayer at all or for much time, you would know that Denise is one of our major prayer intercessors and such a warrior for others and her own family, friends and self. We cannot NOT join together and continue praying for her as she has kept this "Lighthouse" shining and much of blogland with her sweet loving smile and comments. When Denise was offline, she was so concerned that the "Lighthouse" would remain open... and shining so that was her first question to me when she came back online. Our Prayer Vigil for Denise is for as long as Denise needs it ... not 24 hours as most are


Please join us in our own little PRAYER VIGIL for DENISE and the following consideration from Marsha Harwood's Facebook {our dear friend and sister in Christ that is keeping us updated on Denise} Since I do not have Facebook and know others do not, I will try to keep this up to date with any news I get. HERE is a place where we can gather and pray in Jesus' precious Name for DENISE

My apologies in advance: THIS IS and WILL BE A LONG POST and PROBABLY THE PRAYERS in the comments will get long also; so be patient, pace yourself , read as you can and pray in agreement (you don't have to write that you are in agreement or add your Amen here due to space, but Our Heavenly Father knows and hears). ONLY PRAYERS accepted in the comments as always here please. Be advised that I will delete comments. 


Sat. 11/15/14
"Next week is Denise's birthday on November 20th. Would you please consider showering her (and Eddie) with some love by sending a birthday or get well card? Also, Eddie is STILL not back to work from his accident, If you can bless them with a monetary gift or gift card, that would be a great help to them right now. If you need their address, please message me, even if we're not friends. I'll check my "Other" folder to see if it's there. Please identify yourself to me - how you know or know of Denise. My name is Marsha Harwood. 
— with Denise Oldham.

{Denise loves PURPLE!!!} THANK YOU SO MUCH MARSHA H. for ALL YOUR HELP and UPDATES and being our ears and hearts to Denise. 

Previous Updates from in the comments of "November Prayers" 

{now taken out and added here}. I will also be deleting them there and moving the prayers also. Sorry that I did not edit this ... it is as was ... WE WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE GOD THE GLORY, THANKS and PRAISE for what HE has already done and the wonderful medical team caring for Denise guided by God's Holy Spirit (as well as family, who also need your prayers). Thank you all!

{update from Marsha on Denise is not good. Denise is on oxygen and all other kinds of monitors in intense pain from heart attack and 90% blockage. Only a MIRACLE will keep us from losing Denise} Continue to pray as the Spirit leads and God's will plus reduced pain. But we serve a MIRACLE working GOD and the battle turned the moment we join in PRAYER this cord of 3 ... and hopefully more PRAY for DENISE and her miracle at ...

From the HeartNovember 11, 2014 at 10:29 PM
{another update I reposted "From the Heart" here ~Peggy}

I just read an update on Denise and the Dr. has decided to do surgery on her heart in the morning. Things are not going well. She is collecting fluid and her liver count is up. I read one update on Marsha Harwood's FB and Denise's niece Kellie had talked with Eddie and he told her about the surgery and what the drs. tell him. I will try to be here and put a prayer up for her. If anyone wants to join me that would be great. Denise is in God's hands and it's up to Him. He has brought her back before and He can do it again. Amen.

PeggyNovember 12, 2014 at 7:14 PM
POST SURGERY UPDATE ON Denise Oldham from Marsha H.: I just spoke with Eddie on the phone. It appears our prayers have aligned with His will...we have a miracle woman in recovery!! He'll be able to go in and see her in about 30 minutes, but she won't be awake yet. They were able to repair 3 arteries, INCLUDING the aorta which they were uncertain about, in less time then they had anticipated! Now let's pray for her complete and full recovery! Eddie's gonna let me know when I can get in to see her. I would imagine the first 48-72 hours will be off limits, but we shall see.

PeggyNovember 15, 2014 at 9:48 PM

Denise Oldham's Friday Update 11/14 from Marsha Harwood's Facebook:

"Denise's making small progress in some areas, but some areas of concern as well.

PROGRESS: She's off of all machines other than IV's and some breathing treatments. She was able to take a few spoonfuls of chocolate pudding today and able to use ... so her internal workings are awake from the surgery and functioning.

AREAS OF CONCERN: They don't understand why she's not staying awake for than a couple of minutes at a time. They tried to sit her up on the side of the bed but there was too much stiffness and lack of feeling on the right side of her body.. They will be running a test this evening or in the morning to see if she's possibly had a stroke. When she is momentarily awake, she's highly agitated...unlike our sweet Denise.

PRAY: Obviously, no stroke....her previous stroke 3 years ago was on her left side, this is her right that's having problems. Pray for Eddie. He's just wore out and overwhelmed with it all.

SAT A.M. 11/15

There's some concerns regarding congestion in her lungs and her laboring to cough it up and also to breath. She's now on a ventilator. A lung doctor will be running a tube down to check out her what's going on in her lungs. Evidently this is not just the normal congestion and trouble swallowing that can come post-op. There were some abnormalities that showed up in her blood work....enough to prompt the doctors to recheck her heart. ...

What is for sure is our Sweet Denise needs our prayers! She is not going in the direction of healing right now. ..."
    MONDAY UPDATE 11/17/14   DENISE is still on the ventilator. It may be Tues. now until they wean her off. There's still fluid in her lungs to be drained. The ventilator is delivering much needed oxygen to entire body. She's resting comfortably, aware when others are with her, responds to questions - sometimes by writing it down on paper. So right now, it's just a wait and healing rest time for Denise.
    1. TUESDAY 11/18/14
    2. from Marsha Harwood's FB on 
      Denise Oldham Evening Update: They remove all her tubes & she seems to be doing better! All vitals are stable. She is still having trouble sitting up on her own, but slowly but surely she will be able to leave ICU at some point. Also, Eddie did start work today. So, continued prayers.
    3. Denise Oldham's Sunday, November 30 UPDATE - I was blessed to be able to spend the afternoon with our sweet Denise.She's been in the rehab center for a few days now. She's working very hard at her recovery, but she's very discouraged. She wants to go home to recover, but it's just not possible right now. She was initially told she might be in as long as 4 weeks. All the doctors and the case worker are meeting Monday to develop goals and a tentative release date to shoot toward... ~Marsha
    CONTINUED PRAYERS NEEDED as well as what Marsha shares on her Facebook
    1. PREVIOUS PRAYERS POSTED have now been added in the comments below {I hope that I did not miss any but even if I did God heard them}

    YOUR REGULAR PRAYERS and PRAYER REQUESTS are still welcome, but in the FOLLOWING POST BELOW THIS ... (or just click this link

    ONLY PRAYERS in the COMMENTS PLEASE for DENISE and family ... 
    all others prayer concerns need to be in the following separate PRAYER POST. Thank you. 

    {this was posted on November 15th, 2014 but I dated it back to when we posted URGENT PRAYER REQUEST for DENISE back on Mon. when she was admitted to ICU} 

    It's Time to Pray


    PRAYER for Our Nation

    This was shared in an email from the Presidential Prayer Team:

    Declaration of Independence Signer

    Samuel Chase
    George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States

    "Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --

    This prayer of George Washington appears in St. Paul's Chapel in New York City.

    To read MORE go here with Presidential Prayer Team

    Our Nation

    thumbnail image
    575 Prayers
    "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." - Psalm 33:12
    On our National Day of Prayer, then, we join together…to petition God to show us His mercy and His love, to heal our weariness and uphold our hope, that we might live ever mindful of His justice and thankful for His blessing.
    -President Ronald Reagan (who signed a bill in 1988 making the first Thursday of May a National Day of Prayer)