"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them."
This is an interactive blog based on a comment and response system. PLEASE WRITE YOUR PRAYER, PRAYER REQUEST, PRAISE, THANKS in the place that would normally read comments after the most recent post, but here it will read "PRAYERS LIFTED TO THE THRONE of GOD."
We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions), or Praises to God in what normally would be the comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers, written as a response to your petition there. We are asking you all to pray whenever you read a need of someone, please respond here with a prayer. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here.
Of course, we still accept your own PRAYERS; PRAISES, PETITIONS as always
MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO PRAY and IN THIS VARIETY, THERE MUST BE ONE YOU CAN PRAY FOR... just take one and lift them to the Throne today, then visit them and let them know you prayed. No one is expecting to pray for everyone but let God show you one that you can minister His love through prayer...
Please pray reverently as you are led by His Holy Spirit. Some mornings you may just sense a desire to write out your own prayer for the day. We welcome you.
Be sure to come back and see the prayers lifting you & yours together to the LORD!
each week, every day
Yours or For Others
in the regular comment section that we call
"Prayers lifted to the Throne of God"
[ Let's be a cord of three or more strands for each other and the many in need of prayer...]
I am trying the LINKY TOOL for PRAYER REQUESTS... if it works.
I would like us ALL, if we see a post asking for prayer, to link that post. Then PRAY for whichever one you feel led to; in a PRAYER LIFTED TO THE THRONE of GOD. Thank you!
I am trying the LINKY TOOL for PRAYER REQUESTS... if it works.
I would like us ALL, if we see a post asking for prayer, to link that post. Then PRAY for whichever one you feel led to; in a PRAYER LIFTED TO THE THRONE of GOD. Thank you!
Of course, we still accept your own PRAYERS; PRAISES, PETITIONS as always
MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO PRAY and IN THIS VARIETY, THERE MUST BE ONE YOU CAN PRAY FOR... just take one and lift them to the Throne today, then visit them and let them know you prayed. No one is expecting to pray for everyone but let God show you one that you can minister His love through prayer...
Dear heavenly Father, I come lifting sister Alleluiabelle up to Your throne. She fell, and is in much pain. Please touch her body as only You can, and bring healing, and much relief from her pain Father. Also, her husband Ron is in bad health, and facing upcoming surgery to have his thyroid removed.Please guide the surgeons hands, and bring total healing Father. We love You, and trust You so very much Father. Amen.
Hurricane warnings are in effect for Anguilla, Antigua, Barbuda, Montserrat, St. Barthelemy, St. Eustatius, St. Kitts and Nevis and St. Martin in the northern Leewards and the British Virgin Islands, the hurricane center said. A hurricane watch was issued for the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.
“The next few days will be critical because each day that passes this week without any true and sustained hook northward will result in threat levels dramatically increasing for a major hurricane strike to the East Coast,” he said.
The storm probably will be off the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast by about 8 p.m. on Sept. 2, according to a five-day forecast track posted on the center’s website. (Source: Bloomberg & Nat. Weather Svc.)
As the Lord leads, please pray:
Safety for those who may become in the path of the hurricane.
That early warnings will help people prepare or get away in time.
That the hurricane will move away from populated areas.
Precious Heavenly Father...
This growing list of PETITIONS and ONE PRAISE can seem overwhelming but You, Father, are holding each one right now in Your hand. I submit each person and plea from their heart, to my heart to Your heart. Encompass each one. Bring healing and restoration in Jesus name.
Bless Denise for her faithfulness to pray, one for another. Thank You for her prayer for Alleluiabelle and Ron! I stand with her together for them.
Some of these I visited their site and prayed over their precious face and their need. Others I carried in my prayers through the night & into the day. Some weigh heavily upon me. But I release this ALL to You, because You care for me and You care for each one:
Alleluiabelle & Ron,
Josh & Carol,
Stacy & her family,
Elaine & her family,
Abby & her family,
Sherry, Cowboy & their ministry family,
Wanda and her daughter,
Shelby & her family,
Angela, Randy & family,
One Heart, her son & family,
Linda & family & their Liberian children waiting to come home,
Kim and her heart for the homeless,
Tony & the many housing needs,
The Persecuted Church & people throughout the world,
Safety, protection & escape for all
in the way of Hurricanes & natural disasters beyond our comprehension,
Your Divine intervention...
and turn the hearts back to God!!!
Yes, Lord, You are in control and may Your will be done in each one.
Give strength, peace, healing, restoration, protection, provision,
financial prosperity, shelter, wisdom, medical steadiness & best plan, release from pain, great jobs to continue, encouragement, changed hearts softened by Holy Spirit and a move by His power & might over each one. They are YOURS and we ask & seek Your best plan. May they submit & surrender to You at work in them completing all for their own good. We thank You. We praise You, as we give You all the glory, honor, and thanks rightfully Yours!
We bow humbly as we ask for You to hear these pleas in Jesus Name. We love You forever & ever. Amen!
Washington Rally -- A Call To Restore Honor and Turn Back To God
8/28/2010 8:37 PM
In what resembled more a revival than a political rally, conservative talk show host Glenn Beck urged the large crowds at his "Restoring Honor" event Saturday to "turn back to God" and return America to the values on which it was founded.
As the Lord leads, please pray:
That America will truly turn back to God.
from Presidential Prayer Team
Dear heavenly Father, I join sister Peggy in praying for the needs of all these dear ones here. I have been by their blogs, and prayed over them. Please help them Father, they are hurting in so many different ways. I lift them gently up before Your precious throne. I love You Father. Amen.
Father, I pray for the safety of all those in the path of the hurricane. You are the peace speaker, the storm has to obey You. Please speak peace over these people, do not allow the hurricane to bring death, damage, or destruction Father. I love You, and believe in Your mighty power. Amen.
Father, I lift all those that are homeless up before Your throne. May they find shelter in Your precious loving arms. Their needs are many Father, please comfort them, and help them. They are so lost in so many ways. Be their light in the dark Father. I ask this in Your precious name, I love You Father. Amen.
Praise God for you Peggy. Thank God for the courage we find in Christ. Keep waiting on him; he has promised that not only us, but our household will be saved. I pray that when you faint, that he will give you power; and when no might have, he will increase your strength; and that when you can’t believe anymore,he will renew your faith. I pray you enter into the rest of Christ and cease from all work in every area. Thanks for your kind heart and words.
Heavenly Father, thank You because You are greater than all of these needs. You are greater than our prayers. You pray and intercede even when we cannot pray or when we simply utter one word. I am so thankful that You are CONTINUOUSLY pleading on our behalf before the throne of our Father. It is a beautiful sight indeed. I ask that You reveal that vision to all who read this and even those who might not stop by here but are simply too tired to pray.
Father, thank You that prayer is a letter written in our hearts. Thank You that You see the cry of our hearts. Thank you that some of the most passionate intercessors, who are given any ability and any capacity by Your grace alone, sometimes simply speak one word and other times simply rest in the silence of your strength, but always look to You, the greatest Intercessor of all.
I lift all these needs to You yet again. You know each situation and each circumstance. You more than any of us know the reasons and the purposes, the seasons and the glory behind every detail.
I lift the intercessors. Oh, how I lift the intercessors. Bless their hearts. Lift their countenance and refresh them with renewed vision and purpose. Yes, sometimes we don't see the PRAISE reports but in the midst of our prayers You are also building our trust. Oh, the eyes of a prayer warrior which so often go forth in the battle in total darkness without so much as a glimpse of a candle's twinkle. Help us Lord, to go forth even in the darkness, even without the praise reports, even without the evidence in the natural. Remind us, Jesus, that You are all the light we need and that our prayers are already answered in the spiritual realm. It's done. Help us to rest.
By faith knowing that all our petitions are answered, all that remains to say is thank You. Oh, thank You, Jesus. Thank You. I praise You. Thank You my King. Thank You for the healing, the deliverance, the salvation, the strenghthening, Your grace, Your love, Your assurance. Thank You for You. Thank You for You.
Oh, Jesus...thank You for You...thank You for Your presence. Oh, Jesus, spread Your presence across this place. Let it linger and ripple from page to page, from viewer to viewer.
Lord, I know that You see the hearts that are simply watching in silence and wondering about You. Oh, precious Jesus, more than any other petition, I pray that You reveal Yourself to every heart that is lost and blind and broken. Lord, touch the brokenhearted. Heal their pain and their wounds. Oh, Father, heal the brokenhearted. Thank You for the privilege of brokenness that we may cry out in profound compassion from a place of pain. Oh, Lord, You see the pain. Help them to see Your outstretched hand of mercy, of grace, of healing, of love.
Jehova Rapha, our Healer, I plead for healing, physical and emotional but right now I see so much emotional pain. I see how much You care for the brokenhearted. Jesus, touch them. Touch them with Your presence. Heal them. Heal them. Heal them. Teach them how to walk in the center of Your loving care.
Thank You Jesus. I praise You.
Thank You Jehovah Rapha!
HEAL, HEAL, HEAL in Jesus Name and through Your power, for You are mightier and greater than any illness or problem! Heal the broken hearted!
Hold their hearts in Your hands!
Take their weariness and brokenness!
Keep us mindful that You are bigger than any problem & we can rest & come to You because You care for each heart!
I stand with One Heart in both of her beautiful prayers and praise You & thank You for ALL You are, ALL You have done & ALL You still will do in power & might in Jesus
Name, we give You the glory & praise for hearts at one with You!
Praise You and Thank You Father for diminishing the power of Hurricane and now wea sk that You send it far out further away from the coastline!
Continue to protect and give wisdom to all who live in the affected area!Bring rescue and Your power to all in need! Restore and help in the cleanup and all the laborers needed to help one another in brotherly love, reaching and blessing in Jesus' Name.
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