Every Friday, there are two memes that I know of that focus on PRAYER to get us involved with being united in PRAYER, coming together for one another. Many bloggers have a page or prayer ministry for requests... but God wants us to draw together and PRAY. The reason I wrote this out part by part is to walk you through what you can pray but it's as simple as just speaking your heart to God. He's listening... please PRAY and begin to leave PRAYERS not just say so.
Dear Readers - brothers and sisters in Christ,
I have noticed many movements of PRAYER and places set up for PRAYER for our Nation for spiritual revival and renewal.
Jesus declared that His followers are the "SALT" of the earth and the "light" of the world - Matthew 5:13-16
. We must become engaged in this battle for our nation's soul and to me that includes each of us and our own soul. It would be extremely difficult to restore our nation's moral foundations until we as Christians experience revival in our own lives and in our churches.
A spiritual battle is being waged across our nation. We need all our spiritual weapons and the force of all of us united in PRAYER! God's people must pray for a great outpouring of God's Spirit on them, the churches, and the nation. When God responds with His outpouring, His people will be empowered and motivated to do the hard work of restoring our nation's moral foundation.
I am paraphrasing something I recently read on one of the many sites on PRAYER and made note of for me but forgot to cite which place...yet the WORDS echoed in the depths of my soul and I wept. I wept because
I see PEOPLE in NEED everywhere, many that say they will pray, and I'm sure that many do but here at THE LIGHTHOUSE of PRAYER, I have not noticed many come here and leaving a PRAYER for anything.
I have noticed many movements of PRAYER and places set up for PRAYER for our Nation for spiritual revival and renewal.
Jesus declared that His followers are the "SALT" of the earth and the "light" of the world - Matthew 5:13-16

A spiritual battle is being waged across our nation. We need all our spiritual weapons and the force of all of us united in PRAYER! God's people must pray for a great outpouring of God's Spirit on them, the churches, and the nation. When God responds with His outpouring, His people will be empowered and motivated to do the hard work of restoring our nation's moral foundation.
I am paraphrasing something I recently read on one of the many sites on PRAYER and made note of for me but forgot to cite which place...yet the WORDS echoed in the depths of my soul and I wept. I wept because
I see PEOPLE in NEED everywhere, many that say they will pray, and I'm sure that many do but here at THE LIGHTHOUSE of PRAYER, I have not noticed many come here and leaving a PRAYER for anything.
This breaks my heart. So then I seek God's heart and I wonder how GOD'S heart must break as HE calls us to PRAY, we say that we will but where is our time being spent? I am asking this in LOVE: so where are our prayers? where are our hearts? where are we thirsting for God? where are we longing for His Word? where is our concern for the lost? where is our repentance so that our nation will be changed? where are you in your personal revival or drawing closer to God?
REVIVAL begins when CHRISTIANS long for a CLOSER WALK with God
...and DO SOMETHING about IT
"Even now," declares the LORD,
"return to me with all your heart,
with fasting and weeping and mourning."
"return to me with all your heart,
with fasting and weeping and mourning."
read the rest up to verse 17
Scripture Reflection: Psalm 63:1-3
, John 4:13-14
, Matthew 5:6

- Confess your sinfulness and need for cleansing
- Allow His Spirit to draw you near
- Listen as He speaks to you
- PRAY asking God to give you a deeper longing to walk with Him
- Ask Him to reveal Himself to you
- Ask God to help you put your relationship with Him before all things
- Ask God to Remind you of His great love for you
- Ask God to Draw you close to Himself, Refresh your spirit, Renew your spiritual joy
- Thank God for hearing you
- Trust that God is at work to accomplish His will
- Today, on October 1st in one of the prayer guides for 40 days of prayer, they started praying this past week for CHURCH REVIVAL. The focus for today's is
for me that means BLOG FRIENDS also...
and there are PLENTY in need
of God's touch
People all around us are in need of God's spiritual touch and encouragement
Meditate on these Bible passages, let the Holy Spirit speak to you and show you how they address your life, your church, your friends and the nation. Let the Holy Spirit draw you into God's presence, open your heart to Him before you begin to intercede:
Once again...
- Confess your sinfulness and need for cleansing
- Allow His Spirit to draw you near
- Listen as He speaks to you
Ask God to ...
- Fill your heart with love for your friends (or one in particular on our list or from the many prayer needs of bloggers
- Help you know what encouraging words to share with them
- Surround them with His angels and fill them with His Spirit
- Remind them of His great love for them
- Create some divine encounters with people that would encourage them
- Restore their joy in their walk with Him
- Help them see things from God's perspective
Thank God for hearing you and trust that God is at work to accomplish His will
Please don't be afraid to PRAY or if you are, than write that in your prayer and ask God for help to be bold enough to pray. If you can't write a prayer, even anonymously here, how can you share Jesus and be a witness in your neighborhood or with your loved ones. We should be praying for them also!
Praying that you are BOLD enough to write a prayer.
Praying that you are BOLD enough to write a prayer.
I thank God for each of YOU and truly hope you will start leaving prayers.
PRAYER REQUESTS FOR THIS WEEK HERE if you need someone to pray for... or have a petition to add there...