Scriptures used by Stormie:
I shared this over at Amazing Grace ~ Mazes, Messes, Miracles and needed to have a place to leave prayers for this book over here at The Lighthouse of Prayer. All 3 of the questions are to be in the form of a PRAYER so that's why it's here too ... to share your PRAYERS but to read more you have to go over to aMazing Grace...
You will need the following to form your prayer that can start with just this...
"Lord, TODAY I especially need to know You as..." then choose one of these Names or any other Name of God (Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi, etc.)
Stormie shared 30 Good Names to Call God (which will be important for us later & always)
1. Healer Psalm 103:3
2. Redeemer Isaiah 59:20
3. Deliverer Psalm 70:5
4. My Strength Psalm 43:2
5. Shelter Joel 3:16
6. Friend John 15:15
7. Advocate 1 John 2:1
8. Restorer Psalm 23:3
9. Everlasting Father Isaiah 9:6
10. Love 1 John 4:16
11. Mediator 1 Timothy 2:5-6
12. Stronghold Nahum 1:7
13. Bread of Life John 6:35
14. Hiding Place Psalm 32:7
15. Everlasting Light Isaiah 60:20
16. Strong Tower Proverbs 18:10
17. Resting Place Jeremiah 50:6
18. Spirit of Truth John 16:13
19. Refuge from the Storm Isaiah 25:4
20. Eternal Life 1 John 5:20
21. The Lord Who Provides Genesis 22:14
22. Lord of Peace 2 Thessalonians 3:16
23. Living Water John 4:10
24. My Shield Psalm 144:2
25. Husband Isaiah 54:5
26. Helper Hebrews 13:6
27. Wonderful Counselor Isaiah 9:6
28. The Lord Who Heals Exodus 15:26
29. Hope Psalm 71:5
30. God of Comfort Romans 15:5
It's good to start off with just these 30, one for each day of the month. What I love was what Stormie wrote after she gave us this list about going through and speaking each of them out loud, thanking God for being that to you...
"I thank You that You are My Healer... I thank You that You are My Redeemer... all the way to... I thank You that You are God of Comfort" so we can end our prayer with this...
Here are the "Questions" to write into a prayer (choose any one or combine):
Question 1
What is the name you most need to trust God to be to you during this time in your life? _____________________
Question 1
What is the name you most need to trust God to be to you during this time in your life? _____________________
Now write out a prayer telling God why you need to know Him in this way and thank Him for promising to be that to you.
Question 2
Question 2
Do you spend as much time as you would like alone with God? ______
Do you find securing that time alone with God difficult or easy? ___________
Write out a prayer asking God to help you find more time to be with Him.
Describe any difficulty you have.
Describe any difficulty you have.
You need the book for this one or it's written over at aMazing Grace... in red(now added in comments here)
Question 3
WRITE OUT 2-3 sentences from this prayer that are the most meaningful to you at this time in your life and complete the sentence above...
There is a LINKY over at aMazing Grace... post if you prefer to share this on your own blog... open until the next Tuesday. Otherwise, leave your PRAYER in "Prayers Lifted to the Throne of God"
There is a LINKY over at aMazing Grace... post if you prefer to share this on your own blog... open until the next Tuesday. Otherwise, leave your PRAYER in "Prayers Lifted to the Throne of God"
"Lord, I draw close to You today, grateful that You will draw close to me as You have promised in Your Word (James 4:8). I long to dwell in Your presence, and my desire is for a deeper and more intimate relationship with You. I want to know You in every way You can be known. Teach me what I need to learn in order to know You better. I don't want to be a person who is "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth"(2 Timothy 3:7). I want to know the truth about who You are, because I know that You are near to all who call upon You in truth (Psalm 145:18).
I am open to whatever You want to do in me. I don't want to limit You by neglecting to acknowledge You in every way possible. I declare this day that You are my Healer, my Deliverer, my Redeemer and my Comforter. Today I especially need to know You as ..... (put in a name of the Lord). I believe You will be that to me.
God, help me to set aside time each day to meet with You alone. Enable me to resist and eliminate all that would keep me from it. Teach me to pray the way You want me to. Help me to learn more about You. Lord, You have said, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink" (John 7:37). I thirst for more of You because I am in a dry place without You. I come to You this day and drink deeply of Your Spirit. I know You are everywhere, but I also know that there are deeper manifestations of Your presence that I long to experience. Draw me close so that I may dwell in Your presence like never before." ~ Stormie Omartian
Lord, today I especially need to know You as healer. I know You are the healer of all diseases, I believe You can, and will heal my eyes. You will restore my vision, helping me to see better than ever. I believe, that I will receive healing from You precious Father. I love You, and I thank You ahead of time for what I know You can do. Amen.
I thank you Jesus that you are Emmanuel and you are always with me in all situations and that is all that matters!
Lord, Today I especially need to know You as God of Comfort and My Deliverer! You are the Lifter of my head! You are the One who gives me strength and comfort! You are my Comforter!
I have been grieving far too long but You give me a garment of praise instead of despair. I have so many unanswered questions and many turn into guilt of why didn't I do "something" different that day or night, what could I have done to prevent this, but You have all the answers and I must let them go instead of allowing the enemy to attack me with this. For You do not condemn me nor hold me responsible for someone else's choices or actions but only for my own. So as I think on my own, I come back to that closed door and the "if only's..." that could have changed so much. For this reason, I come and ask forgiveness for 'closing the door' and not responding in love as You would have. You know I responded out of habit and fear of the past. That I was selfish. But by asking for forgiveness, I expect the release of this over me.
There You have it. I lay this at Your feet. You are in control, I am not. Take control over my grief. Turn my mourning into dancing once again. Pour Your oil of gladness over me instead of this mourning every Sunday and every 6th of the month.
I thank You for Your deliverance, Your freedom and release from this.
I thank You for binding up my broken heart! I thank You for Your forgiveness! I thank You for Your Comfort in the midst of each storm and the Peace that You alone can give me.
In Jesus Name...I give You Praise and I love You so much! Thank You!
Transferred from aMazing Grace...
Jehovah Jireh,
You are bringing me into a deeper understanding and awareness that You alone are my provider. I look to You to not only provide the tangible things but the intangible things which to me are far greater. I thank You that You are righteous, truthful and just; You have not disappointed me. In truth, I have no reason to be showered with Your provisions and yet You do exceedingly above all I could ever ask or think. Thank You my Lord and my God. Amen.
Transferred from aMazing Grace:
"I long to dwell in Your presence, and my desire is for a deeper and more intimate relationship with You. I want to know You in every way You can be known. Teach me what I need to learn in order to know You better."
TODAY I ESPECIALLY NEED TO KNOW YOU AS...my Teacher and the Strong Tower I run to and cling to with both arms open wide...so many loved ones and friends are hurting right now, and trying to grab hold of things that are not eternal...draw me deeper into You and teach me Your ways so I can be a road sign for You...pointing those in need to You...our Strong Tower...in Jesus' name...amen....
Lord, today I need to know You as God of Love. I am trying so hard but don't feel like its enough. When my mind is vulnerable I allow thoughts to creep in. Those thoughts have transformed into words, words of attack. I feel like I've been outside of myself and even though I have fallen slightly I know I am still within Your arms.
I don't feel I am worthy of Your love. I don't feel like I measure up. As I type these words, I feel You flood me with joy and fill me with happiness. I know that even if I don't measure up to the goals made by this “world”, I will always be Your child.
Lord, I ask You to lead me and guide me on this walk and show me how to love as You would love. How to look past the hurt and pain. Help me not react out of pure emotion as we both know that can be detrimental. In the past you know I have let my thoughts turn into words and have used them as weapons. I want to be a better person, mold me. Lather Your love so rich and deep so that when people look at me they see You.
I thank You for Your unfailing love. I thank You for being my strength, friend, and everlasting Father. As your daughter I hope to make You proud. I love You and praise You.
In Jesus' name.. Amen.
Psalm 36:7 "How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings."
Father God,
You and Your names have me in awe and wonder. To think You are my daily bread, my living water and my source of strength. You are holy. Righteous. Majestic. Father, Son, Holy Spirit, 3 in 1. The first and the last. God over all living things. You created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. You carry the weight of the world and it's light to You. Nothing is too hard for You.
You are the great I AM. You are God with us, Emmanuel. You are my healer, my deliverer, my rock, the Most high God. LORD, who can contain You? Who can stop You, limit You or box You in?
No one.
No one is powerful, merciful and loving like You. You are beyond understanding. Your ways are higher than mine. Your thoughts higher than mine. You are everlasting. And I'm so glad You last forever because nothing on earth does. People come and go. They live and die. It's comforting to know You never end.
LORD, I lift up all marriages today. This union is one the enemy would love to destroy. The God designed husband-wife foundation of the family. I pray for oneness, not strife. I pray for Christlike love and respect to be shared among couples. Help those who are hopeless and considering divorce. Heal their hearts. I pray that they will see beyond the brokenness and find hope again. Renew the love that was once there. Rebuild those places devastated. Make something beautiful out of what still remains.
You are able.
Father God, I pray for single parents. Please be their missing half. Give them strength to be a loving, strong role model for their child/ren. Guide them as they carry the burden of both mother and father. Be the one true Love they need. Fill them with energy and joy. Let them laugh again.
And God, I pray for children today. Your precious children, bless them with a knowledge of You at a young age. Create in them a hunger for righteousness and relationship with You. Rise up an army of young warriors who will go for You to the ends of the earth. Reveal Yourself in creative ways. I love it that kids have such faith. Allow that faith to inspire adults. We need a fresh reminder of Your love.
I need a fresh reminder of Your love. It's been a long week here. Hard news tore at my heart. I struggled with anger over injustice and evil. Please God restore what's been stolen. You see beyond the now and I believe You will take what's happened and use it for good. Somehow. Some way.
I confess I've been wavering in unbelief with a few things. Juggling thoughts of insecurity, inadequacy and fear. And I've been carrying the weight of others on my shoulders when I know You'd gladly carry them.
So again, I surrender. I'm tired and in need refreshment. I need a tall drink of Your love. I'm parched. Thirsty.
Please Lord, fill my cup. Especially since I have a talk on Saturday morning to give to women. I want to encourage them with Your Word and with my story. I want to share out of the overflow of knowing You intimately. Not words from me, but words from You. I believe when I open my mouth, You will fill it. Thank You for never leaving me. Thank You that I can trust You when I'm weak and wordless. You are strong. What joy it is to rest in sweet embrace. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
shared by Tiffany's permission by Peggy
Transferred from aMazing Grace
Cathy said...
Thank you, Lord, that you are my Everlasting Father. You are always with me and will never leave nor forsake me. You are everything to me. I can call on you name, and you hear and answer my prayers. My hope is in you, God. Thank you for all my blessings. Lead, guide and direct me to do your will. In Jesus name, Amen
September 10, 2010 10:26 PM
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