WE REALLY NEED SOME PRAYER PEOPLE INTERACTING HERE, that is the PURPOSE of THE LIGHTHOUSE of PRAYER to join together in PRAYER for ONE ANOTHER, not one praying for everyone else... it also means bringing PRAYER REQUESTS HERE PLEASE... our strands are just hanging on in this chord of two or three... we NEED YOU! Please don't be afraid to leave a prayer
"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them."
This is an interactive blog based on a comment and response system. PLEASE WRITE YOUR PRAYER, PRAYER REQUEST, PRAISE, THANKS in the place that would normally read comments after the most recent post, but here it will read "PRAYERS LIFTED TO THE THRONE of GOD."
We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions), or Praises to God in what normally would be the comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers, written as a response to your petition there. We are asking you all to pray whenever you read a need of someone, please respond here with a prayer. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here.
Here's a prayer I received from Ephesians Four Ministry (with TGIF) this week:
Dear God, I know You are able...able to move mountains, to speak creation into existence, to heal the sick, save the lost, to meet every need I have. I commit myself to You. I pray for all the people around the world, plagued by turmoil, wars, illness, lack of basic needs, insecurity and fear, and addictions that enslave. Lord, You alone know best how to meet these needs and solve these dilemmas. I pray that You would intervene, that people would be drawn to You, and that You would give them rest and healing, safety and security, a sound mind and a hopeful future. I pray that You would help me to see who You want me to minister to today and offer a hand of fellowship, a ray of light, or whatever You want to offer through me. Thank You, Lord, for meeting my needs. In Jesus' name...
So whatever your "mountain" is, let's lift it to the Throne and in the authority of Jesus command it to "GO" in Jesus' Name... He is MORE than ENOUGH... we need to intervene for OTHERS so let's gather them up and PRAY!!! Just add them to our list.

USING LINKY TOOLS AGAIN: If you see any post requesting prayer copy their URL and link it here so that we may cover their prayer need & lift them to the throne of God and so others may visit & pray also! THANK YOU!
Dear heavenly Father, my heart is heavy for all of these precious ones listed here. They are in need of love, encouragement, and a special touch from You. Please touch them all, as only You can. I pray that others would join my heart in prayer over these dear ones. Thank You for hearing my prayer. I love You Father. Amen
Precious Papa, I love You so much!
I love my sister Denise and I not only stand with her in her prayer but pray for her. Hear the many cries of the heart from your children who adore You and love You, we depend on You! You are Our Strength and Our Healer. You bring wisdom and grace to each of these dear people: Buddy, Jaynee & family, Elaine & her family, Denise, Lisa, Denise, Carol, Beverly & her dad, Gabe, and the list does not end here... there are many more at Fearless Friday.
I'm sure that You would rather have us, praising & rejoicing in Our Love & gratitude to You, but our hearts are heavy, our hands & knees are so weak. You are more than enough! We believe Your promises
in Your Word & claim them for these petitions. We thank You for each answer. We pray these be done according to Your Will. Deliver us from evil. From You are the Power, the Glory and the Light now & forever. Bring encouraging Word to each of these and pour out Your aMazing love & grace!!! In Jesus name
Father, I lift President Obama to you here in this place of prayer. I don't always see the full picture but I trust that You do. I know the dreams you impress upon my spirit. They are impacting and linger in our minds and hearts far after we awake.
Lord, You know the details and circumstances. I know that only Your Spirit can make it possible for me to have felt the love and compassion I felt for this man during this vision. For some reason, he was receptive of that love. I pray that You stir his heart, that You open his eyes, that You lead him according to Your purposes and plans.
Father, I know that in the past I have received much persecution even from Christians regarding this matter, but Your Word is clear that we are to pray for all especially those in leadership. I cannot ignore Your leading and it is You that I seek to glorify and not man.
Lord, I know that You have plans that are beyond our natural minds. Your greatest goal is for Your Son to reign on this earth and many things must happen in order for that to take place. I trust these details to You.
Father, I claim this soul for You. Father, bring healing, remove pride and all deception and pour Your compassion and mercy upon this man. I ask for Your protection for him and his family. Draw them to You my Lord.
I thank You for Your promptings. I am so incapable of loving if not through You. Thank You for this compassion. It is evidence that You live in me. Have Your way in all of us, even the ones who claim to know You but are bound by hatred, jealosy and more pride than unbelievers at times. You say that if Your people humble themselves before You and seek Your face and pray that You will hear them and heal their land. Heal our land, Lord. Heal us. Apart from You we are all wretched sinners. Pour Your Spirit on all flesh.
Thank You, Father. I pray in Your precious Son's name. Amen.
Father, I stand together with OneHeart for President Obama, for each and every authority that You have allowed for one reason or another to be in that position!
I came here not knowing how to pray for all these needs. Yet You Almighty Omnipotent One know each situation intimately, so I release them to You!
I also ask for Divine wisdom from You and Your supernatural protection of our President & his family. Hear each word of the prayers lifting up for him and help others to see more clearly instead of judging or condemning that they would respect & support each leader, giving them Your peace & better understanding of their role.
May we stand together as one nation, undivided, with liberty and justice for all. Cover our leaders & help them to work together for good.
Thank You Lord for courage to pray and be courageous to stand for what is right! Thank You for the vision and compassion that You gave to OneHeart! Thank You for her prayer.
We ask this in Jesus Name to make us a humble people from the top of our nation to any who feel that they are the least, bring repentance and a true spirit of seeking Your will for our nation and all people! We give You the glory, honor & praise.
Dear God, I know You are able...able to move mountains, to speak creation into existence, to heal the sick, save the lost, to meet every need I have. I commit myself to You. I lift up each person & their families on this list and the previous lists that need a touch from You! We need You to move these mountains!
I pray for the many facing flooding and disasters far beyond their ability to control, from the ones in MN to the ones in Veracruz & Tabasco,& other parts of Mexico.
Totally wiped out by the aftermath of hurricanes, one right after another, water up to their waists and their homes and little that they had gone! Protect them and their livestock from the snakes
and other dangers now ensuing their endless suffering. Let them know how much You love them & save them from this evil. Give them hope. Change their desolation into renovation spiritually and physically and draw them together & united as one. Thank You for the many that are reaching out and giving them the basic necessities.
Save us! Deliver us! Have mercy on us!
I pray for all the people around the world plagued by turmoil, wars, illness, lack of basic needs, insecurity and fear, and addictions that enslave. Lord, You alone know best how to meet these needs and solve these dilemmas. I pray that You would intervene, that people would be drawn to You, and that You would give them rest and healing, safety and security, a sound mind and a hopeful future.
I pray that You would help me to see who You want me to minister to today and offer a hand of fellowship, a ray of light, or whatever You want to offer through me. Thank You, Lord, for meeting my needs. In Jesus' name...
The Hidden Hand of God
Although God is never explicitly mentioned in the book of Esther, His hand is clearly visible throughout the account. Take, for example, Mordecai's urgent plea to Esther to save the Jews from extermination. He used these persuasive words: "Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14) Who else but the Lord could orchestrate the extraordinary circumstances that bought Esther to that moment? Needless to say, she answered Mordecai's request at once, knowing that she would be putting her life in jeopardy in seeking the king's mercy. She then uttered these brave words: "And if I perish, I perish."(Esther 4:16)
He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble.
Proverbs 3:34
If God is in control of all history, then every President serving in that office from George Washington to Barack Obama was placed there by God for just "such a time." And, just as the arrogant Haman unwittingly plotted his own death, so it will be for all who mock God and the way He carries out His purposes for this nation. Yet those who will humble themselves before the Lord will find grace to trust Him and to pray appropriately for America as it counts down toward the November election.
Recommended Reading: James 4:6-17
Today’s Prayer
Thank you, Father God, for the access You have given us through Your Holy Spirit and the work of Jesus Christ to come right into Your very Throne Room. We are awed and humbled by the thought of it. Give us grace today to trust You thoroughly with the outcome of the November election. Help us pray in accordance with your will for America. In Jesus’ Blessed Name, Amen.
Prayer for America
Father, thank You for the United States and its government. I pray for the president, the national and local government, the judges, the policemen, the business leaders and all those who are in leadership positions in this country. Please protect them from the evil that is in the world and keep them safe and free from all harm.
You have promised to bless any nation that follows after You. Help us to live quiet and peaceful lives so that we can continue to spread the Good News of the Gospel throughout our land. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, I stand together with my sisters to pray for President Obama. I pray that he falls to his knees, and seeks Your way, and will for our country, but mostly for his life. He needs You Father, we all do. Please have mercy on us, rescue us from ourselves. We are painfully destroying one another daily. Help us to show kindness, compassion, and love to one another. Instead of hatred, selfishness, and sin upon sin. Save us I pray Father, save us. I love You. Amen
Father, be with my dear sister Peggy, as she ministers to so many here, and on her own blog daily. She has such a sweet spirit, and love for You. She prays non-stop for everyone, please bless all of her efforts, and the beautiful work she does for Your Kingdom. I ask these things in Your precious name. Amen
Today's Prayer Focus 9/25/10
"If My people Pray"
Pray: That God will have mercy on the political leaders of America, and turn their hearts to Him, and that God's purposes will be fulfilled through the decisions and actions of the government.
"The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will." (Proverbs 21:1)
Dear heavenly Father, may those who hold positions in the political world, realize that You hold them in the palm of Your precious hand. May they run to You for help in making critical decisions for our country. Have Your way and will Father. Amen
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