I don't know if many of you know about this wonderful website and what a great source of wealth they have available: from devotionals to daily reading plans to study and web tools, audio and video, various versions of the Bible and commentaries with so much more.
The reason that I chose to share them today as we approach the New Year is doublefold. To make you aware of their site so you can choose a Daily Reading Program for this new year and to share a series of devotionals written by Bob Hoekstra, called Day by Day by Grace because since Christmas week until December 28th, he was sharing on...
a topic, near and dear to our hearts here at the Lighthouse of Prayer. I'm hoping that you will take time to read each of the following as a way to prepare your heart from God's Word for 2011 and be blessed by coming to the throne of God for others, as is our intention here - that we would intentionally set aside time
to meet with God and dialog, but also lift up our brothers and sisters that have need of prayer as we encounter them as we weave in and out of our daily life both REAL and VIRTUAL. Please consider coming here when you encounter a need of another, your own need, or to lift up the people on our weekly PRAYER REQUESTS/PETITIONS! You are always welcome to leave a link to someone who needs prayer or your own for prayer. You are always welcome to just come here and leave a prayer.
I wish that I could write as Bob Hoekstra has written but since I can't and I cannot share the devotionals here, I am linking you to them at Blue Letter Bible by title (click and it should take you there)
An Invitation to Pray at the Throne of Grace
More on an Invitation to Pray at the Throne of Grace
Praying Without Ceasing to the God of All Grace
December 22nd, 2010
The God of all grace…pray without ceasing.
December 23rd, 2010
Pray without ceasing…Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray
and not lose heart…"And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him?"
December 24th, 2010
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end
with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. (Ephesians 6:18)
A Biblical Example of Spirit-led Praying
December 25th and 26th, 2010
Hoekstra, Bob. "More on an Invitation to Pray at the Throne of Grace," Day By Day By Grace. Blue Letter Bible.
19 Mar 2004. 29 Dec 2010.

Walking with Jesus the Way We Received Him
Jesus, You are my all in all. I am so thankful for the Your Gift to us, Your aMazing Grace, Your faithfulness, Your unfailing love... You gave us new life and Your Spirit to live and work in us. I desire to be more effective in the call to pray unceasingly. Stir our hearts to pray more for one another. Teach us how to pray as You prayed and follow Your gracious example of a life of prayer, coming before the Throne of Grace, we humbly bow to You.
Let us walk into 2011 with a heart surrendered to Your Spirit, listening to Your voice, following in Your foot steps, Your Way, the Truth and the Light of Your Word in us!
This is our PRAYER and for you, we hope it is yours:
A BLESSED NEW YEAR TO EACH ONE OF YOU! A NEW SEASON ~ of GROWTH, CHANGE and PEACE! Thank you all who come here to pray and lift prayers to the Throne of Grace!