This is meant to be an interactive blog based on comment and response system. That's where YOU come in, we need YOU to help the Lighthouse of Prayer work effectively by joining us in sharing your prayer requests or other's you encounter AND then by leaving a prayer for them, let them know that you are lifting them in prayer with us here.
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We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions) in what normally would be the Comment area, where others will be supporting you through their prayers hopefully, written as a response to your petition there. We'd like this to be a community of prayer, praying for one another.
We encourage you ALL to pray whenever you read a need of someone, so please respond here with a prayer also. You need not be a team member to leave a prayer for someone or bring a prayer need here. We all can lift up a prayer for each person and encourage someone, help to carry another's burden, stand with them and bless them.
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Thank you in the name of Jesus
let us pray
PRAYER REQUEST: Jose Luis (new Christian, 7 mo. and his sobriety from drugs and alcohol)strength to fight the enemy; needs work, and future place to live if his mother dies(failing kidneys from diabetes) and family members, who have not accepted Jesus Christ (salvation); Christian contractors give him work and then either do not pay him or pay him very little and he wants to help with his mother's medical needs and very high hospital bills (recent dialysis). She abandoned Jose Luis and 1 sister when they were young (then married again). He has gone to her with forgiveness and tried to pray with her since he became a Christian, but she is not open.
Father, please answer all of these prayer requests, we pray, in the name of Jesus. Heal my dear loved ones, Lord. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I ask that You be with Denise throughout her appointments with drs. and surgery. Give her peace and let her feel Your loving arms around her in the name of Jesus.
I ask for total healing in Denise's body, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I'm asking for prayer for my cousin's brother who is having heart surgery in the morning. Give the doctors the wisdom they need to take care of the total block artery to his heart, in the name of Jesus.
Father, I have another request for our niece's daughter who has an infection in her colon. She's only 17 but really needs your help in the name of Jesus.
I also ask for prayer for myself. You healed my ear a while back but the enemy is trying to put it back on me. I've rebuked him in the name of Jesus. I am covered by the blood of Jesus and he can no longer touch me. Thank You Father for all the prayers you have answered in our familes and especially the niece who had neck surgery. She is doing so well and I know it because she asked her family to pray for her and You answered those prayers. I love You with all my heart and just give You all the honor, glory and praise.
I also ask that you bless Cathy's loved ones and heal them in the name of Jesus. Help her as she ministers to them. Amen.
Father, I am agreeing with Alice in her prayer for Denise. Thank you, Lord, for caring for us. Amen.
Father, thank you for my dear sisters in Christ. Bless them, Lord, heal them and meet all of their needs. Be with those who are having surgery in the morning. Lead, guide and direct the surgeon's hands. We place them in your hands, Lord and trust you for a miracle. Thank you, Father, that you hear and answer our prayers requests. We love you, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I have another eye appointment tomorrow. My eyes are getting worse, so much pain, fever in my eyes, and experiencing blackouts. But, You are my healer. Please lay Your precious healing hands upon my eyes. I believe in Your healing power. I love You.
Dear Heavenly Father, please continue to be with my friend Beth. Her dad passed away very unexpectedily last week. She is missing him so much, please comfort her as only You can. Amen.
Father I pray for the prayer request from Anonymous. Provide healing and restoration for those who are sick. Bless the new convert and empower him to bless his family in the name of Jesus.
Dear Heavenly Father, I lift Jose Luis up before You. He is a new christian, and needs much guidance in his new walk with You. Please bless him with extra strength to continue to fight off drugs, and alcohol.I pray that he will be able to find work, and a new home. Open his mother's heart and ears, to hear the words he wants to say to her. I pray for the salvation of his mother, and other family members. Thank You Father. Amen.
Father, I join Cathy in praying for the healing of her precious loved ones. Also, please watch over the health, and well being of Cathy. I love You Father. Amen.
Heavenly Father, please guide the surgeons hands as they operate on Alices cousins brother this morning. Bring him out of the surgery with healing. May you bless his family with sweet peace, and love.Also, please lay Your healing hands upon Alices nieces daughter, remove all signs of infection from her colon, take away any pain. Be with Alice, and please renew the healing of her ear. Love on her extra sweetly. Thank You. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I come here in agreement with my dear sisters in Christ for this new believer, Jose Luis.
I lift him up and his family for salvation, his mother for a change of heart and healing in the name of Jesus. You know the heart cry of this beloved son to see forgiveness and restoration in his family, by seeing them come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior as he does. Give him strength to continue in his battle to be victorious over the enemy. Fill his heart and mind with an outpouring of love for his mother even though she abandoned him and turns her back on the need for a Savior, break through with this family and the cycle of addictions be broken in Jesus' name. Heal this mother and if it be Your will be glorified so that she and others will come to know You, be saved and healing will come to her and her son, Jose Luis. He has felt and been abandoned, yet now knows the truth that You are His heavenly Father and of Your love. May Your love fill all the hurt and pain he has felt. Restore the years the enemy has robbed from him. Heal his heart and his mind. Keep him safe and strong as he presses on overcoming the life habits that led him astray. Forgive him daily. Continue to strengthen him yet keep his heart tender toward his mother and family.
Be with his mother as she continues to struggle with diabetes. Fill her with love for her son and rid her of anything that is standing in the way of her healing and salvation in Jesus name and power we pray.
Thank You Lord for healing and restoring relationships, bodies and lives through Your precious victory already won. We give You praise for a new life and ask that You keep Jose Luis strong in You, Your Word and how he shares that Word and love with others especially his family. Give him wisdom and the right words, as You guide and direct his path. Help him find a new job that will pay him to provide for his mom and his own self to have a place to live and eat as he grows and walks more closer with You. May his future and Your plan for Him be good in Jesus' name... we thank You and give You all glory, honor and praise especially for setting Jose Luis free and delivering him by the power of Your Holy Spirit...
Father, my time is short for writing out my prayers as I continue to lift these loved ones before You in prayer, but my written words in prayers are far too long to contain all that I want to say this day as I lift up these prayer requests with my dear sisters in Christ and stand in agreement with them.
Be with Cathy. Continue to heal her and allow her to recuperate as she lifts up her heart to You for her loved ones... both in need of Your healing touch and continuous care. Be with them this day as their Great Physician and the Mighty Miraculous Healer that You are.
No surgery or anything is too difficult for You. Place Your guiding hands around the surgeon's and others this day.
Encourage the heart of the ones we place in Your care. Break any generational curses of family illnesses and take those fears away in Jesus Name. You are greater than any disease! You have the power to reverse the curse. Nothing is too difficult for You or beyond a miracle. So we stand together in faith,believing for great works
in all the healing needs of these loved ones. We give You praise for whatever You may be doing in their lives and ask that You hear their hearts and answer my dear sister's own needs and her precious love for them. Lift her up and wrap your arms around her (and my other sisters in Christ, since I won't be able to get to their prayer requests here today, I know You hear me praying for Alice and Denise, too and their loved ones)... Father, we ask all of this in the beloved name of Jesus Christ and the power of Your Holy Spirit to heal miraculously because when 2 or more are united in prayer, You will open the heavens...we believe this, receive this outpouring and ask for more of You... more healing for Denise, Cathy, Alice and their dear loved ones this day and every day until You come in glory. We love You and bless Your holy name and thank You for the blood of Your Son, who suffered in our place and bore all our sicknesses with the stripes on His most precious back... we are healed and the victory has been won... Halleluia!!!
Father, God, please answer the prayer of my dear sister and your precious child, Denise. Touch her eyes and make them whole. We believe in your healing power. We love you. Please answer all of the prayer requests here. In Jesus name, Amen.
Father I just came to thank You for being with my cousin's brother (actually he's my cousin also). The surgery was successful doing a bypass since the Aorta artery was totally blocked. Thank you Father for the answer to our prayers. You are wonderful and I give You all the praise, honor and glory. Amen.
FURTHER PRAYER REQUEST for PHILIPPINES and the Hurricane Ernesto (on the other side of MX from me)Quitana Roo, Cancun, etc.
Blessing for Flooded Homes and Farms:
"God of creation, You created water for life, yet water destroys life. Bless those whose lives and livelihoods are compromised by water in this recent flooding in the Philippines. Comfort those grieving, angry, homeless, and afraid; be with them and remind them that, despite this crisis, You will never leave them or forsake them, though it may feel this way. Bless those affected by flood waters with new life and help, that they may rebuild what is lost in You. Amen."
Comfort for Those Homeless or Displaced by Flooding:
"God of light, in the darkness of despair and pain surrounding this flood, be with the government & people of the Philippines. Remind them that they are Your beloved children, and that You will never leave or forsake them. For those who can no longer sleep in their own beds, put Your loving arms around them and bless their lives, that all that was lost can be made new in You. Amen."
Prayer for Emergency Flood Workers:
"God of strength, be with the Philippine government authorities, MMDA, National Coast Guards etc. as they bring hope to the despair of recent flooding. Grant patience, energy, hope, and kindness to those caring for the displaced and homeless, and let all needed supplies be available and abundant. Bless all sharing their hearts in emergency flood relief, that they may be Your hands and feet in the aftermath of flooding. Amen."
BE WITH US ALL in the natural disasters and befall us in this fallen world. COVER us! PROTECT us! BE our SHELTER in and through the storms of lives... and help us to remain steadfast holding on to YOU as LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ... come quickly and make Yourself known to our loved ones who have not yet bowed to Your Precious Name... Save us! O Lord!
Father I ask that You would supply all the need in the Philipines. Watch over them, protect them, and meet all of their needs in Jesus name I pray.
Father, I pray in agreement with Peggy and Alice for the disaster in the Philipines. Thank you, Lord, for caring for my loved ones. Thank you for the good report I received from one of my specialists today. Please heal all of those mentioned in our prayer requests. We love you, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, Please be with everyone affected by the terrible disaster in the Phillipines. Help them through this time, comfort them, bring restoration to them. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please be close to my friend Jennifer. Her son is leaving for college, her heart is really heavy. She is filled with much aniety. Calm her fears, and surround her with much love. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please be with my friend Tammi, she is filling so empty. She needs a special touch from You. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please be with my friend Angela. She is hearing a call from You, a call for ministry. Please guide her in the area You want her to be. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Father, meet all of the needs of these friends of Denise. Touch Denise and heal her, Lord. Heal all of my friends and loved ones needing healing. Thank you, Lord, the your are our healer and you care for us. In Jesus name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, I agree in prayer with Cathy for the friends of Denise. You know each one and what is needed in their lives. I pray that you will bless Denise, Cathy and Peggy. Supply their every need in the name of Jesus.
Father, God, I also ask for Your protection as we travel with our YD and family to visit our OD. Lay Your hands on the driver's hands and guide us each mile we go. I ask that You be in our midst as we vist our OD in the name of Jesus.
Health for Myself
Scripture: Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. -3 John 1:2
Prayer: Father, You formed us in our mother’s womb and established the number of our days before there was even one of them. You are intimately acquainted with all of our ways, and nothing escapes Your notice.
Lord, I come to You and I pray that I would enjoy good health and that all would go well with me today, even as my soul is getting along well. Surround me with Your favor as a shield and keep me from all sickness and affliction.
In the name of Jesus, I bind the schemes of the enemy to bring sickness or disease to me today. Bless me Lord, with all the health and well being that Jesus purchased for me through His suffering and sacrifice. Strengthen me Lord, that I might serve You today with all my might. In Jesus name, amen.
Father, I agree in prayer for healing and blessings for this prayer request. Thank you for your promises in your Word. I pray that we will have no fear, for you care for us. Thank you for your lovingkindness and healing power. I pray for good reports from some tests I am going to have. We love you, Lord, and trust you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please watch over dear Alice, and her husband. I ask that You keep them both happy, and healthy. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please be with my sweet sis Peggy. Pour out blessings upon her life. I know how very, very much she loves You. She daily shares You with others, she is a mighty prayer warrior. Bless her, as she blesses others. Keep her safe, happy, and healthy. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please be with my friend Anne, lay hands of healing, and strength upon her. Thank You. Amen.
Father, I agree with Denise with this sweet prayer for Alice and her husband. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Father, I agree with Denise and this sweet prayer for our sister, Peggy. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Father, heal Denise's friend, Anne, I pray. Heal my dear sister, Denise, Lord. Lift her spirits. You are the lifter of our heads and our praise. Thank you for using her to minister to others. Bless her and Eddie, Lord, with your joy, strength and restoration. Be with my loved ones who are sick. We pray that you will meet all of the prayer requests here. In Jesus name, Amen.
Heavenly Father, You are so good, wonderful, mighty to praise. Thanks for all that is happening in our family. Cover each one and answer their prayers according to thy will.
Father, I ask in the name of Jesus that you be with Beth as she has a cyst removed from her thyroid. I pray the surgery has gone well and she will heal quickly.
I also lift Cathy up to Your Throne and ask that You bless and heal her loved ones. Thank you for the good report I believe she will receive from the tests she had done, in the name of Jesus. I love You and thank You for all the prayers You have answered here at the Lighthouse. I pray that You will continue to bless each one of us as we pray for the needs of our dear followers. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for the salvation of my friend Angie's dad. Please replace his disbelief with belief. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My friend Beth will be going to court tomorrow to face her ex-husband in a custody battle. Please let the judge listen with his heart, as well as his ears. Let justice win, let whatever is best for the children be done. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My friend Tammi's son, whose name is Chase, is having alot of problems at school with bullying. Please Father, stop this. Surround Chase with love, comfort, and much protection. Calm his mothers fears. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My friend Julie broke her wrist, and it is not healing as it should. She is a writer, so it is very important that she heal quickly. Please lay healing hands upn her. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please be with Beth as she has surgery to remove a cyst on her thyroid. Guide the surgeons hands, let the surgery be very successful. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My friend Beth had to have surgery on her foot, and leg. Please let the healing be quick. Also, financially, this surgery really hurt. Please pour out financial blessings upon her, and her husband. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please lay healing hands upon Cathy's family members. Be close to Cathy, comfort her, as only You can. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My nephew and his wife, both love animals so much. There dear dog Dozer has been diagnosed with cancer. Please heal him, if it be Your will. If not, please bring peace to my nephews hurting heart. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please be close to my friend Vicky.Her brother is dying, she is deeply hurting over this news. Love on her extra special. Thank You. Amen.
From the HeartAugust 15, 2012 10:41 AM
Father, I agree with Cathy that all tests done on her will be completely normal, in the name of Jesus.
DeniseAugust 20, 2012 6:19 AM
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that Cathy will continue to feel better. Surround her with love, peace, and good health. Thank You. Amen.
Cathy August 21, 2012 1:52 AM
Father, thank you for all of my precious friends who pray for me. Thank you that the thyroid test was normal. Bless all of my dear friends, and especially Denise, Alice and Peggy. In Jesus name, Amen.
From the Heart August 7, 2012 1:48 PM
Heavenly Father I ask that You would be with Denise as she goes to the eye doctor. I pray that there is nothing seriously wrong and that You will heal her body from the top of her head down to her feet in the name of Jesus. Amen
Almighty Heavenly Father, You know the needs of Cathy's loved ones and You hear the cry of our hearts along with Cathy. I agree with Denise and Cathy as we lift these dear ones and ask for You to supernaturally intervene as only You can. Bring comfort and peace to Cathy. Answer the most recent need and be ever so present in each part of this situation. You are the Healer. You are greater. Bring strength, healing, compassion and complete provision in all his needs. Take away any pain. Make it possible to once again be able to do the daily routines but with the assistance he needs. You are more than enough. Flood this place with the love of Jesus and touch her loved one(s) with Your Healing hands. We give You thanks and praise! We ask all this according to Your will and that by Your stripes we are healed. You Word says this and we claim Your promises in Jesus' Name and in His authority and by His blood, we see with faith You completing all for good and restoring these bodies and souls.
Thank You! We love You and we love Cathy. Surround her with Your love and Presence filling her with peace, comfort, and Your amazing grace and love always through it all...
Father, I stand in agreement with Denise! You too love animals and care for each one. Be with these hurting hearts and ease any pain.
You are our present help. Be with this family and Dozer with Your strength and grace.
Ohh dear Lord, so many needs and so many hurting. We speak Words of life and comfort to Vicky. Surround her with Your peace and love.
I ask that You hear our prayers and answer as we stand together in agreement as You Word says, then You are present and You will defend with us... bring HEALING to the many needs and requests here.
Hear us O Lord and answer our prayers in Jesus' name and authority... we bind sickness, heartache, brokenness, lack of finances, lack of justice in courts, need for salvation... and we release the power of Your Holy Spirit to come and minister to these needs with strength, comfort, peace, healing, restoration, justice, salvation and Your Almighty grace and love.
We love You and give You praise and thanks that we can come together in one place and join our spirits with one another and You in Jesus'... Thank You! I adore You! I praise You for answers seen and unseen that You are doing!
Continue to be with my dear sisters Denise, Cathy and Alice as
they come to You on behalf of each other and for others in Jesus... surround them and fill them with a sweet, fresh anointing from You.
Ohh yes Father God... I stand with Denise for Tammi and her son Chase.
We command this "bullying spirit" to leave and leave Chase safe now in the power of Your Holy Spirit.
For You do not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind... so we ask that You protect and resolve this situation in Jesus' name with peace and safety and healing for Chase, Tammi as we rebuke the enemy and what he's trying to do, we cast him far away back to the pit... bullying has no place in our schools or in our nation or upon our children and we ask for Your Divine Protection...
Thank You Father for my dear sisters and their prayers for me.
I receive them and continue to pray for each of them daily, their loved ones and all You lay on my heart for Denise, Cathy, Alice, Karen, Sharon, Beth and the list goes on and on... but
I thank You for each one and ask that You be glorified and magnified in their lives and prayers. Pour out more of You and touch each one with Your love, hope, and faith as You strengthen, comfort, restore, heal and bring peace everlasting. I love each one and I love You and know how much You love us as You hear us and show us. Thank You!
Dear Heavenly Father, Please continue to watch over the health, and well-being of my dear friend Cathy. I ask that You bring her hemoglobin level back to normal please. Also, please continue to be close to her loved ones. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My 82 year old aunt fell, and really bruised herself. She lives alone, please surround her with Your loving protection.Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My aunt is heart broken over a recent relationship break-up. Please heal her hurting heart, and help her to move pass this. Thank You. Amen
Father, I thank You for the good report from Cathy. I ask in the name of Jesus that You answer the prayers that Denise has posted and especially the one about her Aunt. Be with each one. That, Father, is the most wonderful thing about You, You know everyone by name and what their problems are even before we ask. Praise Your sweet Holy name. You deserve all the honor, glory and praise. You gave us Your Son, Jesus who bore stripes on His back for our healing and You gave us the Holy Spirit to comfort us. Thank You, praise Your name. I love You so much. Bless all Your dear children and especially those who request prayer and those who pray here at The Lighthouse. You are wonderful, marvelous and I look forward to the day You send Your Son to get us and take us to Heaven where we can be free from this sinful world.
I ask for prayer for our country. I pray the election will go positive and according to Your will. May You be glorified and worshpped as our Heavenly Father.
Father, I thank you so much for the prayers and support of my dear sisters in Christ. God bless them all, and meet all of their needs. I love them so. Thank you, Lord, for hearing and answering our prayers. Please answer all of the prayer requests here. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Father, I pray for my sweet sister, Denise, as she prepares for surgery on Thursday. Give her your perfect peace that passes all understanding. Heal her, Lord, I pray. I pray that you will lead, guide and direct the surgeon's hands. I pray a hedge of protection around Denise and plead the blood of Jesus over her. Let her have a good, complete recovery. Bless her and her family, Lord, including her baby dog, Coco. We all love her so, and she is such a caring, wonderful prayer warrior, always praying for and encouraging others. Please answer all of her needs, dear Lord. Thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Father, I agree with Alice's beautiful prayer to you. God have mercy on our country, and heal our land we pray. We love you, Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.
From Alleluiabelle's blog:
"PLEASE PRAY WITH ME. He is my older brother and he has a twin brother who is undergoing testing right now for possibly the same kind of lung issues. He will find out results from some of his testing on September 6. Please keep him in prayer as well.
MIRACLES are so desperately needed.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I humbly bow my head in prayer.
In your infinite wisdom, power and glory I cry out to you. My heart aches for my brother Father. It aches so badly.
He is in need of a miracle Father...YOUR miracle of healing. So I cry out from the very depths of my being, from my mind, heart and soul:
Healing blood of Jesus pour yourself down from the highest of heavenlies...from your throne room of grace and tender mercies like a refreshing rain and saturate my brother...both of my brothers. Saturate them from the top of their heads to the souls of their feet Oh Lord. Wash them clean from all infirmities that are invading their lungs or any other part of their body as well. Wash them with your healing blood from the outside in and the inside out over and over and over again.
Touch them Oh Lord and they shall be HEALED! Yes oh Yes...they shall be HEALED. I stand firmly on that. I proclaim their healing and I receive it for them and I thank you right now for all that you have done and are doing amidst our praying souls at this time. By your stripes we are all healed.
We are gathered together in your holy presence Father and also proclaim our unending love for you...our unending praise, honor and glory to you and for you alone.
These petitions I pray in the precious and holy name of JESUS!
Oh how I love you so."
Humble As I Go - Written by Alleluiabelle at 4:00 PM
Dear Heavenly Father, Please watch over Allelulabelle's dear brother. He truly needs a miracle, and I know You are still in the miracle business. Lay Your gentle hands of comfort, and healing upon Him. Also, be close to his family that loves him so very much. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My friend Wanda will be having thyroid surgery soon. I ask that You please let the surgery be successful, and healing begin. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I went for my pre-surgery testing yesterday. I found out some very surprising news. Not only did I have strokes last year, but I had a lite heart attack, on top of my heart blockages. But, I am not afraid, I know You are with me, and will be with me thursday when I have surgery. Father, guide the surgeons hands, let everything be ok. I love You beyond measure..
Heavenly Father I humbly ask for healing of Alleleuiabelle's brothers and her family. You know the needs much better than we do and I believe You have Your loving arms around them all in the name of Jesus.
Father I also ask for healing of my back and I thank You for bring my blood pressure down. You reminded me that I was on some new medication for ringing in my left ear. I stopped using the medicine and this morning my bp was down. You are so wonderful and I love You so much for all the good things You are doing in our life. Praise Your Holy name.
Father, I also ask that You would answer Denise's prayers for all she has mentioned and please be with her during her surgery in the name of Jesus.
Amen, praying in agreement to that prayer. Lord, heal my dear loved ones I pray. In Jesus name, Amen.
Father, watch over our dear Denise during the surgery. Be with her and guide the surgeon's hand, protect her, Lord. We love you and thank you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Father, thank you for wisdom and direction. Please heal Alice's back and take away the pain. Please answer all of the prayer requests on here. You know all of the needs. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that You please bring healing upon Alice's back, take all pain away. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, You just blessed my nephew Tyler, and his wife Leah, with a precious baby boy named Noah. But, leah has MS, and is now in a wheelchair, cannot walk. She is young, in her early twenties. They have put her on new medicine, they could help her walk again. Please lay healing hands upon her, let her walk again Father. I believe in You, and Your power. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My Aunt has a dear friend that has precious twin daughters. They were recently in a car wreck, one of the girls died, and the other one is badly hurt. Please stay close to this grieving family, ease their pain. Please let the daughter that remains in the hospital to fully recover. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My sister is fixing to become a step-grandmother. Her daughter in-law is at the hospital right now, giving birth to a precious baby boy. Surround this family, with love. Protect this precious baby. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My friend Sonya is having alot of stress in her marriage due to problems with her father in-law. He is allowing satan to rule his life, which is causing him to want to destroy the family. I ask that You please turn his heart to You. I pray for this mans soul. Thank You. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I lift up all the prayers Denise has prayed for her friends, family and her surgery which is today. Give her comfort and a quick recovery without incident in the name of Jesus.
Please continue to bless Allelieuabelle's brothers in the name of Jesus.
Thank You for all the prayers for my back. I pray for complete healing in the name of Jesus. Nothing is impossible with You. Amen
Father, I agree with Alice's prayer for all of these needs. Be with our dear sister, Denise, as she recovers from the surgery. Help Eddie and her little Coco puppy. Heal my loved ones, Lord, I pray. Help me as I prepare for some tests that I really do not want to have. Give me peace and strength. I pray for a good report, Lord. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. We love you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, My friend Wands's daughter fell, and is now in the hospital. She is not able to walk. Please touch her, and heal her. Restore what satan is trying to steal. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for being close by my side yesterday when my blood sugar kept dropping so low. I praise You for letting Eddie be home with me. I could have had another stroke, but You protected me. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. I love You precious Father.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please touch my friend Cathy, bring healing to her body. Keep her calm as she prepares for her procedure on September 15. Love on her Father. Thank You. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Allleibelles brother is being prepared to receve a lung transplant. This is a very critical time, please be with him, perform miracles here Father. Please let this work, save his life Father. I believe in Your power. I love You. Thank You. Amen.
Father, thank you for your love and protection. Thank you that you are always with us and will never leave nor forsake us. We love you, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.
Father, I agree with Denise's prayer. Heal Alleibelles brothers we pray and her family. In Jesus name, Amen.
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