Since this past May, the Assembly of God, National Prayer Center has been committed to PRAYER and continues. Each week they have had a prayer FOCUS. Each day of the week was a specific emphasis to pray for consistently: government (Sunday), military (Mon.), etc. given below in bold.
"This prayer emphasis, created to be utilized cross-denominationally, is built around twenty indicators of spiritual awakening in the Church and the culture as drafted by the Awakening America Alliance.
The seven prayer points following each indicator have been created by the National Prayer Center of the Assemblies of God. Further resources for this prayer emphasis can be found at the NPC website: www.prayer.ag.org.
Each of the prayer guides also feature the National Day of Prayer daily prayer emphases, designated by day of the week if you should choose to utilize the guides in a week-by-week format."
Because we have shared the recent "Call to Prayer" (NRB)" IF MY PEOPLE... "call to prayer for the next 40 days with daily devotional each day, I wanted to add this, to perhaps help you on another specific emphasis of prayer to focus or emphasize.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss has also had wonderful radio programs on PRAYER this past week. Growing in Your Desire to Pray
Series: When Women Pray, with Evelyn Christenson
Do You Believe in the Power of Prayer?
Are we getting the point that God is calling out for PRAYER?
He is calling each of us to pray. He's not looking for excuses; or people saying that they don't know how or have time. He is not just looking to those with an intercessory heart or gift. He wants each of us. He is providing us with leaders and resources. Please PRAY as if your life depends on it, because it may for YOU or for OTHERS!The AG shares the following in a pdf PRAYER GUIDE (for all the weeks past to the 20th week, we are almost there). They wrote:
"As our nation faces deepening moral and spiritual challenges, strategic prayer is desperately needed. In response, the National Prayer Center has launched a special 20-week prayer initiative themed, “Praying through the Heart of the Year for the Soul of Our Nation.” This prayer emphasis is built around twenty indicators of spiritual awakening in the Church and Culture as drafted by the Awakening America Alliance."
Prayer Focus: An awakening to the “fear of the Lord” rather than the approval of people, thus restoring integrity and credibility (Culture)
Week 18: August 29 through September 4
• Pray that Christians affirm to society their profession of faith by living a consistent, godly life.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Sunday): Pray for our government.
• Pray that unbelievers will recognize and embrace the joy and benefits of living for God over self.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Monday): Pray for our military.
• Pray that society will turn to churches and Christians when looking for a sincere depiction of Christianity—and that churches and Christians will deliver such a depiction.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Tuesday): Pray for our media.
• Pray that believers will model integrity to society in even small, seemingly unseen ways.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Wednesday): Pray for our businesses.
• Pray that civil authorities and civic leaders will deal justly and fairly with all people, regardless of social or economic status.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Thursday): Pray for our schools.
• Pray that political leaders will act honorably and honestly, avoiding the temptation to ignore or exploit any segment of society.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Friday): Pray for our churches.
• Pray that society will increasingly look to the Bible as the foundational teaching on ethics and morality.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Saturday): Pray for our families.
Praying through the Heart of the Year for the Soul of Our Nation
Prayer Focus: Heightened expressions of love and unity among all believers, as demonstrated by the unity of pastors and leaders (Church)
THIS WEEK Week 19: September 5-11
• Pray that local churches will work together in unity to win their neighborhoods and communities for Christ.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Sunday): Pray for our government.
• Pray that denominational leaders at every level will lay aside nonessential differences to better lead God’s people in doing the work of His kingdom.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Monday): Pray for our military.
• Pray that Christians will have the humility and discernment to separate essential and nonessential issues in their relationships with other believers.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Tuesday): Pray for our media.
• Pray that Christian leaders from diverse backgrounds will find new and effective ways to work together for God’s kingdom.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Wednesday): Pray for our businesses.
• Pray that Christians and churches will not be divided by racial, social, or economic issues or attitudes.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Thursday): Pray for our schools.
• Pray that God will challenge congregations to find new passion for ministries they never before envisioned.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Friday): Pray for our churches.
• Pray that Christians will demonstrate their love for one another in increasingly tangible and practical ways.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Saturday): Pray for our families
Praying through the Heart of the Year for the Soul of Our Nation
Prayer Focus: Neighborhood transformation and an accompanying decrease of social ills through increased expressions of “loving your neighbor” in service, compassion, and unity (Culture)
Week 20: September 12-18
• Pray that the Church increases its role as a proactive force for good throughout society.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Sunday): Pray for our government.
• Pray for growth in the Church’s vision for helping the poor and needy.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Monday): Pray for our military.
• Pray that the Church expands its ministry to those trapped by drug addiction and alcohol.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Tuesday): Pray for our media.
• Pray that victims of crime will find help and comfort among Christians.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Wednesday): Pray for our businesses.
• Pray that God meets the needs of churches and ministries that reach out to the inner city and poverty stricken areas of the nation.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Thursday): Pray for our schools.
• Pray that the Church captures a fresh vision for reaching the troubled youth of our nation.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Friday): Pray for our churches.
• Pray that God will send Christians and ministries to areas of the nation currently lacking a strong gospel witness.
National Day of Prayer Emphasis (Saturday): Pray for our families.
Blessed and most Holy Father,
Thank You that You care for each of us so much! I ask for a special covering and blessing over The Lighthouse of Prayer and the team here.
When I am discouraged because of others creating new prayer places, and consider giving up here at the Lighthouse, I realize even stronger how You call us to PRAY for one another. So I let go of any discouragement or jealousy or whatever it is, and ask that You show me clearly what You desire here at The Lighthouse of Prayer.
This is Your place to touch others!
I'm so sorry that it may not seem
effectual but I try to pray as best as You enable me and share as You direct, whether it shows here or not... may those who come be blessed and may You draw all of us to Your feet and surrender our human weakness for Your perfect strength and peace in doing Your will.
Take my eyes off of others and what they are doing as competition or taking the little we have here and sowing it elsewhere, and return my eyes to You, Your will and what You desire to do through the Lighthouse and in me!
Hopefully for the others that pass through here, either with spoken or unspoken needs, that You will minister through the LIGHT of Jesus
shining forth searching to and fro as the beacon of this lighthouse searching for a few... a few who love You first, seek You first, want MORE of You! Thank You! I love You... please forgive me if I have been a hindrance or in anyway responsible for the lack... and for what I have confessed here, I lay down, I surrender to You! May more PRAYERS be lifted to You, wherever
You desire to move Your people to kneel before You and ask for prayer.
In Jesus Name...
Today's Prayer Focus 9/7/10
Faithful Men
Pray: That God would raise up men who will not be afraid to stand up for what is right, and that Christian men may have the strength to live a pure and godly life.
"And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."
(2 Timothy 2:2)
Today's Prayer Focus
Growth of Believers
Pray: That God's people may mature in their personal walk with the Lord, and the Word of God may transform their daily lives.
"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being." (Ephesians 3:14-16)
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