* After publishing this as one post, I decided to break it into two parts; The Declarations in Part I (which I have also added along the sidebars) and other suggestions to help your "40 Days of Prayer" (Part II) Challenge, with another set of Declarations of WHO I AM in Christ.
...or in our case, here at the LIGHTHOUSE of PRAYER...
...And how can they believe or hear ... without someone PRAYING for them?
There are many places for you to select Promises from God's Word to PRAY. Personally I think selecting topics for prayer that fit your life, reflecting on the scriptures and praying each of them would be a more effective way of personally praying God's Word. The initial prayer challenge post shared some places and I know there are more places for prayers like Belief.Net and About.com plus the individual church, ministries or well known preachers/pastors.
I also mentioned a church in the Prayer Challenge that did a 40 day prayer challenge on December 5th, 2010, which I came across and would make a good guide with their pdf (but I am not sure who it is from to credit or ask permission so... ) I particularly like the last 7 days and may use a format like this for here) but this is how their 40 day started (maybe this is the only guide you need):
Challenge: One of your prayers each day should cover the sentiments below. It also
should be 10 minutes in length. So keep searching your heart and talking to God until the 10 minutes are over. There will be moments of silence which is okay, just let it flow and go deep when you finish all the surface stuff.
Day 1: Ask for strength to follow through with this challenge of 40 days of at least one
seven minute prayer. Ask for a heart that delights and desires to come before God
several times a day in prayer. Ask God to help you to realize the importance and power of prayer in your life and others. Ask that you understand and do what it takes today to be closer to Him and His people.
Day 2: Pray that your heart will be softened and your eyes opened to see a brother or sister in Christ who is in need physically, emotionally, financially. That you will have strength to take the first step and show compassion to that person who needs help. God grant you the resources needed to help that person.
I do not intend to restrict how you PRAY or however you would like to do your "40 Days Away 2 Pray"...these are only suggestions to get you started or help you focus.
If you still are searching or praying about joining this JOURNEY but are lost or need something more specific, might I recommend that you choose one over at Prayer Central(PC). Or the one above from Germaine Copeland, that will change daily... take the scriptures given and write your own prayer from them like hers or PC...
Here's Day 5 of the ABC's of PRAYER, which stands for Abiding, Believing and Confronting:
Day-5 Free Access to God’s Throne
Intro:God sits on His throne high above the heavens and the earth. However as His child you have His listening ear whenever you need it. The door to His throne room is open wide to you through the sacrifice of Christ. You can come before the Father boldly, bringing your needs and the needs of others to His attention. Consider these scriptures and receive confidence that His ear is open to your cry.~PRAYER CENTRAL
Prayer:Father, You are the sovereign Lord over all creation, and yet Your ear is open to my prayers. I thank You that I can come boldly before Your throne to receive the help I need for myself and others. I am grateful that You are not a God that is far off, but that You are near. Your heart is full of concern for Your children. I am confident that You hear me when I cry out to You. I rest in the security of Your watchful eye. My heart looks with anticipation for the answers You will send. I receive the privilege of coming before Your throne, where I can release my burdens and the needs of others into Your bountiful care.~PRAYER CENTRAL
Psalms 34:17
“[The righteous] cry and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.”Hebrews 4:16
“Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.”
2 Samuel 22:7
“In my distress I called upon the LORD, Yes, I cried to my God; And from His temple He heard my voice, And my cry for help [came] into His ears.”
Jeremiah 23:24
“Can a man hide himself in hiding places, So I do not see him?” declares the LORD. “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the LORD.”
Psalms 34:15
“The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous, And His ears are [open] to their cry.” ~ PRAYER CENTRAL
* it'd be ever so nice to share your daily prayer here... but it's not a prerequisite nor do you have to share on your blog or anywhere, this is totally between you and God... except for declaring that you're in... to be accountable.
examples of prayers in the comments because remember ONLY PRAYERS in the comments, if you want to write a comment, you may visit my regular blog, any post and leave it...