PRAYER for Our Nation
Declaration of Independence Signer
George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States
"Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy Holy protection; and Thou wilt incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government; and to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow Citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for their brethren who have served in the Field. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the Characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." --
This prayer of George Washington appears in St. Paul's Chapel in New York City.
Dear Heavenly Father, Please help me to accept myself, just as I am. I feel so fat, and ugly. But, I know I was created in Your image, I am Yourr daughter. Yet, I feel so unattractive. I love You Father.
Oh Precious Heavenly Father, Speak to Your daughter Denise of her true beauty and worth. Repeat it over and over in her mind and heart until she believes that You created her as the "apple of Your eye". Thank You Lord that she honestly confesses this and now I place her and this poor self image in Your loving hands! Help Denise to see the beauty she radiates from her smile to her sweet balding hairline ... in every part she eludes Your image and beauty. Help the one that matters most to her to recall her beauty and why at first they loved one another so Denise can accept herself as attractive, and her appearance is as she wrote in Your image.
May these Bible verses speak loudly to Our Princess Warrior and to each person who passes here and is unable to see beyond the mirror to the beauty they have that they might light their appearance because You ACCEPT each one. Not one is fat or ugly in Your sight!
Proverbs says:
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised"
Help me remember this when I look at my aging self and see the many flaws. We praise You Lord that we can see and accept who we are in You and the image that You uniquely created us so that we might better care and maintain our "temple"; our earthly bodies and minds are Yours. Help us Lord to have a healthy outlook, routine, food intake, exercise, rest and all we need to properly keep ourselves as You designed us.
It is said that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" so I declare ... today and every day that
------(fill in your name in place of Denise)----
DENISE, behold the beauty and attractive, unique person, that I, Your Creator and Father made You, not only a chip off the old block, but in my very image. Appreciate every part of You and do Your best to healthily keep this earthly vessel until the day we meet face to face~ Your Creator and Designer, SEE YOURSELF AS ATTRACTIVE and BEHOLD the BEAUTY I HAVE PLACED IN YOU!
Father, Forgive me for the times that I did not follow 1 Timothy 2 guidelines especially in my youth.
"I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God."
I never was one to use makeup or artificial means to enhance my looks or adornments of such but You know how and where I failed in this. Forgive me for not taking proper care of myself and not making healthy choices as regards food, sleep and exercise. Forgive me for the times I should have used creams or lotions on my skin to protect my body (I guess) and when I failed to maintain levels as I should (like cholesterol for me, which comes from too much snack food, I guess-though they say 0 chol. or trans fat). Forgive me for developing bad eating habits and not taking control over what goes in. Head knowledge is not enough ... teach me to restrain my intake and eat properly!
Help me Lord and direct my ways to eating better as I know I should instead of instant "fast food" of delights, may I choose from the right food groups of a balanced diet. Help me to exercise more by walking or biking, not just when I feel like it but daily as a routine make it part of what I do to maintain and when weather does not permit to be out, give me an alternative exercise like "dance" to better maintain the body You gave me.
Help me to get the adequate sleep I need for each day. And right now to be able to breathe better at night time so I can.
Thank You Lord, for keeping me healthy inspite of my not so healthy choices. Thank You for giving me breath each day. Thank You for food and clothing and a place to rest. Thank You for all You give me to live well and healthy.
I ask for strength to exercise more; the fortitude to eat better foods instead of fast or junk food; and the ability to sleep as I should adequately each night.
I thank You that You provide for me and instruct me in the ways of my appearance.
{I lost my first prayer so this one is not quite the same but I know that You heard (read) my first one and are already at work helping my mind and body to work better.}
I thank You that we can lay aside earthly appearances; likes and dislikes of how we look and accept how "temples" as You made us according to Psalm 139. We may not see ourselves as "wonderfully made" but You alone know our hearts and our minds. Forgive us when we doubt Your work in us. Thank You that I AM FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY MADE and that I am PRECIOUS to You! Thank You for who I am and how I look, the good, the bad and the ever so aging flaws but You see beyond what we see and accept us as we are. Help us to accept ourselves and others as You do in Jesus' name ...
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