"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken"
(Ecclesiastes 4:12)

"For where two or three come together in my name,
there am I with them."
(Matt 18:20).
This is an interactive blog based on a comment and response system. PLEASE WRITE YOUR PRAYER, PRAYER REQUEST, PRAISE, THANKS in the place that would normally read comments after the most recent post, but here it will read "PRAYERS LIFTED TO THE THRONE of GOD."
We'd love to see your Prayer requests (Petitions),or Praises to God in our comment area and others will be supporting you through their prayers written as a response to your comment there.
Be sure to come back and see the prayers lifting you & yours together to the LORD!
each week, every day
Yours or For Others
in the regular comment section that we call
"Prayers lifted to the Throne of God"
[ Let's be a cord of three or more strands for each other and the many in need of prayer...]
I don't know how anyone can visit other's blogs without noticing so many needs and bringing them here to PRAY over them. I ask bloggers to please open your eyes and bring those prayers HERE or at least take a moment when at their blog to pray for them or direct them here in your comment to them. That's what community is about and our blogger community needs to PRAY more one for another... so
...also starting today another special Sweet P's meme @ Tea with Tiffany . We can never have enough P's! Places of PRAYER & PRAISE... please make time to PRAY for PETITIONS shared here in "Prayers lifted to the Throne of God" (our comments are meant to be prayers)! Let us share our hearts in PRAYER and come into His Presence together with Praise & Petitions.
***Sharing right here from our COMMENTS last week: I have the LINKS TO PEOPLE WHO ARE IN NEED of PRAYER shared in comments last week!
Please leave more at any time you encounter one out in blog world, bring their link or petition here and just add their link in the "Prayers Lifted to the Throne of God" anyday, anytime. 24/7 We are HERE but most importantly HE IS HERE or right THERE with you...
SO MANY SWEET SISTERS & PEOPLE WITH PRAYERS NEEDS (yet not too many come here asking for prayer or praying for them)! PLEASE GO TO THESE BLOG LINKS & PRAY FOR THESE...
THERE ARE PRAYERS LEFT LAST WEEK IN THE COMMENTS FOR THESE, IF you are one of these, please go read the prayers shared on your behalf. If you specifically would like to pray for anyone, just lift that one. You need not pray for them all.
I've decided to post the links to as many as I can HERE:
Alice (above)bless her soul
Beth (& her brother, Jimmy)
Kathy (& her brave husband Dave)
Sherry & Cowboy & "their boys" & ministry
a sweet prayer for Lynn & Dineen:
Precious sister Denise & her Lovebug:
Our committed, dedicated prayer warrior Angela & her family & husband plus the MANY on her great list:
Debbie and her friend Lori's family:
I've decided to post the links to as many as I can HERE:
Alice (above)bless her soul
Beth (& her brother, Jimmy)
Kathy (& her brave husband Dave)
Sherry & Cowboy & "their boys" & ministry
a sweet prayer for Lynn & Dineen:
Precious sister Denise & her Lovebug:
Our committed, dedicated prayer warrior Angela & her family & husband plus the MANY on her great list:
Debbie and her friend Lori's family:
For Jamie Elizabeth, Rena, Ginger
Here's another dear sister, Nicole, who needs prayer for the loss of a young friend like family
Please feel free to still add any link in the "Prayers Lifted to the throne..." We stand united in PRAYER for you and your needs.
A very special new prayer request added on Thurs. for Joshua, son of my sweet sister Debra Kaye, please pray for him & her aching heart:
Another addition: Amelia and her mom, Elaine
Lily asked for prayer also in the comments:
Stacy has not asked for prayer (currently) but we should all lift her before God's Throne
(here's just one of many posts that she has shared, I just sit and marvel at God in her):
It would be so wonderful for us to drop by and encourage her on this journey.
Denise, and family, for her father's homecoming with Jesus and their last moments:
Denise, and family, for her father's homecoming with Jesus and their last moments:
Elizabeth and family, in the sudden and unexpected loss of her husband, Michael:
Thank You Father God for leading Peggy to share all these links like this so that as we come here we can bring them to Your throne where they are able to receive grace and mercy in their time of need, for receiving Your touch upon their lives, Your love, Your peace, Your healing power..WE praise You Father God for Your awesomeness..amen amen amen
Peggy, I love how you have shared these links like that. As I looked upon each one, I prayed and lifted them up to our Father's throne...
I love ya girl..((Hugs))
Pray that God will continue to give you an open heaven Peggy!
check out my blog at http://youcanfacetodaybecausehelives.blogspot.com
Prayers for you, and all on your list. Please pray for me as well. I also linked to Fearless Friday on my blog:
left this prayer at Shortybear's place (no one has seen or heard from her since last Weds. that I know)If you know anything, let us know!
Father God, You know our sweet sister and her Lovebug completely. You know their going out and their coming in, their rising and their needs! We lay these before Your Throne trusting You to care for her and him! We know that You love Denise as we all do. We miss her!
Whatever the situation or circumstance, You are in control. We ask for favor, love, provision,
grace, healing, protection and complete care over them both.
Wrap Your loving arms around Denise! Be with her! Flow by Your Spirit from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Send in angels guard them then someone angelic to let us know through a messenger what is happening so we may pray better. In Jesus name we ask this and seek Your will.
Thank you for your faithful prayers sister Peggy, God was faithful to answer them. I love you.
Hi Peggy,
I posted a brief prayer request on my page today. I haven't been online too much today but thought I'd check before heading off to bed (yeah it's only 9pm). I remembered Lighthouse of Prayer and thought I'd leave a prayer request here as well.
Please keep our son in your prayers. He is 20 years old and, well, please pray as God may lead.
Thank you as always and God bless all of the prayer warriors coming together to glorify His name.
Heavenly Father,
I know You hear the heart of One Heart as I did when I read her prayer request on her blog. I immediately when to pray for her and then she came here.
We are all weary this week Lord. We are weak, but You are Our Strength,
Our Wisdom, Our Comforter.
I come before You on behalf of her son...though it was easier in the spirit, the tears were not. My heart and mind were unsure how to pray because of the many prayers I have prayed for our adult children.
Though I know You know and You know best their needs, we come humbly before You asking that You move on their lives. Bring them into submission and that they will yield their lives to You. That someone would come along side them and give them Godly wisdom, leading them to You.
That their ears would be open to You! That they would run to You.
That their spirit would be harnessed by You love & Your will for them.
I do not know the situation of One Heart's son but I do know the heart of a mother. I ask that You would put a hedge of protection around him and her heart. Guard their hearts. Open his heart. Open his ears to hear from You. Open his mind and conduct to Your thoughts and Your ways. Draw Him close. Let him know how much you and his parents care for him and have his best interest at heart. Fill him with wisdom and direct his steps.
Cover him and lead him as You keep him from tempation and evil.
Deliver us all from the attacks of the enemy on our hearts, our minds, our families. Keep us focused on the Truth so we will not hear the lies of others. Guard us from all accusations. Bring justice and hearts of forgiveness, mercy & repentance. Hold the tongues until they have been reigned and bridled by You. Keep us from speaking words that pierce the heart. I ask this not just for One Heart, but all of the hearts enduring and suffering this week. The attacks have been heavy everywhere in all ways: natural disasters, financial, emotional, physical, spiritual, even in the internet and blogs.
There is a spirit of heaviness and we break it now in the Name of Jesus! We release a spirit of joy and gladness! A spirit of praise!
Our hearts filled with gratitude and Your love. Lift all anxiety and stress and bring us the peace of Jesus! Whom shall we fear? No one as we stand in Your peace & calm our spirit. Bring us into Your complete rest and trust in You!
You are in control! We submit to You because You are for us. Each one of us... fear is cast out, worry must go, lies have no power or cannot touch our hearts and minds. We are yours. Our children are Yours. We commit our households to You! We will be still and lay ALL down to You. We bow to You!
We ask You to have Your way in each of us and every situation, according to Your will we ask, seek & come to You in Jesus Name!
We love You forever & ever! We thank You and consider all of this done, giving thanks as we confidently come to You... thank You. thank You so much, praise be to You Our Lord God Almighty!!!
Peggy, Amen!! I echo your words..."we consider all of this done."
Thank you my sister. Continued blessings to you and this place.
Dear heavenly Father, I seek You today, and everyday. Please hear my voice as I cry out for the needs of so many that are hurting in various ways, and facing trials of every kind. Touch their lives as only You can do. You, and only You, know their needs fully. Where there is sadness, replace it with joy. Where there are tears falling, replace them with much laughter. Where there is pain, send healing. Where there is need of employment, send jobs. I ask these things in Your precious name Lord Jesus. I know You hear my pleas, and will answer , in Your way, and in Your time, which is always best. I praise You Lord Jesus for all You do in my live, and in other's lives. You are amazingly beautiful. Just one touch from You is all that is needed to bring hope to a hurting heart. I praise You for Who You are, and all You do . I love You with everything I am, today, tomorrow, and forever.
Lord God, we are your people, please hear our prayers. We praise YOU the King of kings and LORD of lords. You are worthy of all of our affection and attention. We are nothing without you. With You, we are complete and satisfied. Thank You for the power of prayer. Thank You for God's people gathering together to pray and praise YOUR name. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. We love You.
Thank You Lord for Tiffany! Thank You for her prayer and her efforts to rise up others to join together in prayer!
Bless her Lord and hear her prayer, both this one and the one at Tea with Tiffany! Bless her loved ones! Bless her children as the new school year starts.
We join Tiffany and praise You! You alone are so worthy! We are nothing without You! But through You, we can do all things! We thank You and we praise You every day and for every prayer. We stand together for the many in need and the petitions given. Thank You Lord!....
Heavenly Father...You are great...and You are mighty...You alone know about each and every request...even the ones unwritten or unspoken...and You alone have the answers...I pray that You touch my sisters that are crying out for healings of all kinds tonight...all power is Yours...and we pray that Your will shall be done...
Father God, I also request a special touch of love and comfort to my sister Lizzie...she only had her husband for 8 years...and misses him so...please be with the family tomorrow as he is laid to rest...pour your grace onto Lizzie and the family as they celebrate Michael's home-going...in Jesus' name I pray....
Added above prayer request for Elizabeth in the post below this one on "PEACE" and also for Karen!
Thank you for leading us in prayer. My spirit is in agreement. Blessings on you today!
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