CHALLENGE TAKEN from the pdf mentioned back here
Suggestion for today from there:
Day 39: Today’s prayer challenge. Read Romans 8:31-39. Then glean the essence of those verses and pray to God about your life in application to those verses. This prayer time I ask you to know that a relationship with Jesus is essential to make it through this life with hope and confidence.
Romans 8:31-39
31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?
32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?
33 Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies;
34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.
35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
36 Just as it is written,
“For Your sake we are being put to death all day long;
We were considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”
37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Today, I present my body as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to You, my Father-God. I will not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind, that I may prove Your good, acceptable and perfect will for me. With Jesus' help I will continually offer my sacrifice of praise to You by telling others of the glory of Your name. I'll not forget to do good and to share what I have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to You, my Father. Amen.
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2
The daily prayer is written by Germaine Copeland, author of the Prayers That Avail Much family book series.
©2011 Word Ministries, Inc.
Look Beyond the Past
Day 239
"You can either stay in that grief, or you can move on. But you will move on with the grief," says Linda, whose baby was stillborn. "You always have that, and you can't expect that one day you won't ever feel sorry that you lost a loved one. That will always be part of you."
Use your past to build on your future. Seek the God of the past, the present, and the future for a hope that will sustain you.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" (Revelation 22:13).
Lord God, You are my only hope. I do not want to forget the past, but I cannot live there either. Amen.
For our sake our Redeemer suffered death and was buried, and rose again. With heartfelt love let us adore him, and pray:
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ our teacher, for our sake you were obedient even to accepting death,
- teach us to obey the Father's will in all things.
Christ our life, by your death on the cross you destroyed the power of evil and death,
- may we die with you, to rise with you in glory.
Christ our King, you became an outcast among us, a worm and no man,
- teach us the humility by which you saved the world.
Christ our salvation, you gave yourself up to death out of love for us,
- help us to show your love to one another.
Christ our Savior, on the cross you embraced all time with your outstretched arms,
- unite God's scattered children in your kingdom of salvation.
Closing Prayer:
My Lord,
your son has suffered so much, shed so much blood.
I was born with so many faults
and my nature is so full of weakness,
and yet your son Jesus has died on the cross.
For me.
I know your grace has the power
to cleanse me of my many sins
and to make me more like your Son.
Thank you for your goodness and love for me.
I ask you, Father, to watch over me - always.
May the Lord bless us,
protect us from all evil
and bring us to everlasting life.
Beth Moore's beautiful prayer in a wonderful post today (keepsake):
My Dearest Abba and my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus,
Cause me to be moved and mindful of this death and resurrection season – Of this, the most important annual celebration we commemorate as Your church. Cause me to be awake and aware in You, Lord. I am so grateful for the sacrifice of this One spotless Lamb of God. For just a moment, I try to imagine myself on that same road of suffering with that same cross on my flesh-torn back, pierced, hung, and exposed on that same tree and I shudder. My sins outweigh my frame, Lord. I am unable to bear them. Thank You, Jesus, for not only bearing the pain but for enduring the shame. You are the single reason I am not weighed down in the suffocating mire of shame every single day of my life. I earned it. I deserved it. I am so grateful, Abba Father, for Your willingness to will and to witness that soul-saving, Hell-defeating act rendered by Your one and only Son. I praise You, faithful, merciful God, and ask to be moved this weekend with meditation, reflection, fresh wonder and renewed victory.
Please pursue each member of my family and me for the full work and benefit of Your Cross and Your resurrection. Please do not yield to our resistance. Appear unmistakably in every place we run. Walk through every door we slam. No addiction need hold us, no affliction need bind us, no suffering need smother us, no defeat need hover over us, no foolish act need define us and death need not haunt us. In the quake of the Cross, hopelessness slipped through the trembling cracks of earth and fell with an everlasting sentence into the bottomless abyss. Graves broke open and the bonds of the guilty fell from their wrists with a breath-taking thud. Because of this day that we, Your church, commemorate, we are free.
We are grateful.
We are aware.
In the saving Name of Jesus Christ,
Wow, Lord, I cannot find words to describe the depth of my heart on this Good Friday.
Jesus, as I remember what You did all those years ago, I cannot help but bow my heart in brokenness. I’m undone. Unworthy. I am overwhelmed to consider all the suffering You took on behalf of all humanity. And for me. Your love reaches beyond my imagination.
Lord Jesus, thank You, thank You, thank You for paying my sin debt and setting me free. Thank You for giving me hope again. Thank You for inviting me into Your forever family. Thank You for choosing to remain in Your Father’s love, even unto death.
Today I feel like the best posture to take is reflective silence. Few words spoken, instead a holy hush. Listening to You in quiet worship. Singing songs of praise. Remembering You.
Jesus, thank You for remembering me.
Thank You for remembering my friends and family.
Thank You for being the perfect example of sacrificial love.
Thank You for keeping Your promise. What a gift it is to know You rose from the dead like You said You would. You are God alone. You are my King.
I love You. Thank You for loving me first. Even today, nothing or no one can stop Your love. You are alive.
In the precious, pure and holy name of Jesus I pray,
Tiffany (Sweet Pea's prayer today)
Father God, it is such a comfort to know that you never change.
Your grace and your love are inexhaustible. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You know the beginning of life to the
end. Your power never grows weak, and your truth always stands
firm. Your plans will never alter. You remain the same forever. We
can count on your unfailing mercy. We praise your everlasting
name, amen.
~ Max Lucado, Live Loved
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